5/28/98, Andreas Rockstein wrote: >Dear Friends! > >My intension is to discuss about a strategy of our fight against corporate >power and globalization and about the question - "what is in fact >globalization". A discussion-round started a few days ago with Richard K. >Moore and Jan Slakov from the renaissance network of CADRE (Citizens for a >Democratic Renaissance) Dear Andreas et al, Vielen dank (many thanks) Andreas for picking up the challenge on this most awesome topic of overcoming the most powerful, well-funded, and well-organized elite hegemony that has ever existed in history, and one that consolidates its global power grip at breakneck speed as we talk. Some may feel that `strategy discussion' per se is a waste of time -- `We know the enemy so let's just get out and fight them!' might be a common sentiment in some circles. But strategy is _all important at this stage! The _masses of people (so to speak) really are beginning to wake up to the sham of `competitiveness' and corporate lies, and to the danger of corporate power. Without a strategy -- a `revolutionary program' -- all the aroused energy spins off in random directions, is always _reacting to events, and can be easily managed, contained, and co-opted by the mass-media and the other established power structures. Sound strategy can only come from a sober appraisal of current unique circumstances, including an understanding of `enemy strategy', ie, the strategems and counter-measures that are typically employed by the well-funded neoliberal project. Primary among `elite countermeasures' at the current time is `divide & conquer', that is, to encourage people to divide themselves into `single-cause' movements or `ideologies' which talk within their own circles and fight one another instead of combining forces to overcome the common oppressor. To often anarchists talk to anarchists, marxists talk to marxists, anti-MAI people talk to anti-MAI people, etc. The kind of discussion we are having here, I would hope, would seek ways to overcome divisiveness and achieve unity against corporate power. >Principally I support all the actions of PGA. >Thereby is no doubt about human rights like free assembly and speech. The >question is the rule of violence. My position is to reject every form of >active and so called passive violence - the latter (like the blockade in >Montreal) is in my eyes nothing else but another form of active violence. >I accept myself only self-defence in outermost emergency. With PGA, we must recognize that despite a statement of being `non violent', many of the PGA actions have in fact involved violence and this has in many cases alienated people against the `anti corporate' movement more than it has educated or recruited them to the cause. I don't want to be causing divisiveness myself by critiquing PGA, I mean rather to dialog with PGA. If they do not take measures to achieve actual non-violence in their actions then they are being counter-productive, and this is a severe detriment to all of us. >I am concerning with you, that corporations are no human beings - by the >way - my little theorie of globalization: I see the corporate power not so >much in their representatives but in their structure... >But the decision to deregulate structures comes from human beings. Here we >can unmask the "GLOBALIZATION-FALSEHOOD" of our politicans. When they say >- we have to dismantle our expenses for social and enviromental standards >to maintain the station-advantage ("Standortvorteil") because of the >globalization-compulsion, they oversea wilful, that this impact were >caused by themselves by giving in facing corporate power (and they sell it >as an advantage for the citizens). Yes!... even though the corporate _form may be the ultimate culprit, the neoliberal project itself is being pushed by _people and by political _organizations. It is a _political confrontation with _political forces that is necessary to change the system and to reverse the `freedom-to-exploit' that has been granted to corporations by irresponsible deregulation and tax reductions. Thanks Andreas for initiating this forum, rkm •••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org