Reader’s responses to Jan’s recent postings…


Richard Moore

From: "Adkins, Gerald" <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: RE: reaching out
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998

Jan, just wanted you to know that your article was appreciated.
Especially, the five (5) things that the individual can do to further
the cause.  I found you ideas empowering on this Monday a.m.  You know
it is frustrating when you are not rich and therefore able to
financially support worthy causes like Renaissance - but your
suggestions, if adhered too, can make a difference.  J

G. C.  Adkins, M.S.
Human Resources Director
Saint Martin's College, Lacey, Wa.  98503-1297
ph:  (360) 438 4495 (direct line)
fx::  (360) 412-6199

*       always be kinder than necessary

From: "Pia Jensen" <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: Jan's Letter
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998

From: •••@••.••• (Richard K. Moore)
Subject: a "model letter" from Jan

Awesome letter, Jan ! Well said truisms and good timing, so many are
calling for this kind of change... see the movie Bullworth by Warren
Beatty - points out all the corruption in our politics, here at least.

And for a first time statewide candidate not supported by my party and
with only a few core supporters and virtually no money and little media,
I did really well - 11,241 people cast their votes for me from across
the state, even got over a thousand in Los Angeles.

Results for all races and propositions can be found at in the Primary98 link


rkm add-on:

        To understand reality, try to change it.
                 -Henry Volken, Jesuit activist
