(from rkm) greetings from beautiful Weymouth, Nova Scotia


Jan Slakov

(From Richard K. Moore @Jan's)

Dear friends,

This is Richard using Jan's email system, as I haven't been able to get my
mac to connect while on the road.  It is _so wonderful to get to know Jan in
person after all these months of intense email collaboration.  She is a _gem
of a lady!  Rural Nova Scotia is very much like parts of Ireland, and a
welcome relief after driving up through the mall-infested USA from Boston.  

The drive, by the way, was with Carolyn Ballard (co-author of the book we're
doing on Globalization) and her 'special other' Frank White, an ex-Marine
and a true southern gentleman.  Carolyn and I have had an even longer email
collaboration and again it was a special pleasure to get to meet in person.
Carolyn and Frank are off enjoying the countryside for the few days until
our retreat begins Thursday.  

The highlight of our drive was a visit to Carolyn Chute, secretary of the
(wicked good, no-wing) 2nd Maine Militia, and author of 'The Beans of Egypt
Maine'.  That visit deserves a message of its own, which must await my
return and an official 'trip report'.  Suffice it to say that she is an
incredible character and an inspiration to personal freedom and expression.

Up until Saturday 4 July, any messages to me can be sent here to Jan's address:
        1) please put (to rkm) in the subject line
        2) please also copy •••@••.••• so I'll have a copy when I
           get home
        3) if you send to •••@••.••• that goes to both 
           addresses, but please also put (to rkm) in the subject so I'll 
           know to read it.

If you've sent me anything 'important' (ie you want an answer or for me to
take an action) since June 14, please resend here, as per above.

The phone number here is: 902 837 4980.  On July 5, I'll be going down to
Boston for a week and will let you know how to reach me there.  That is
going to be a very interesting week... lot's of meetings set up with various
activists including Ronnie Dugger of the Alliance for Democracy (who is
actually on this list, but who probably hasn't had time to read the messages).

Due to the work we're doing this week with the retreat, and the preparations
for that, Jan and I have both been ignoring most of our messages and our
other online 'responsibilities'.  Please be patient and we'll catch up
later.  We will be sending out reports about the retreat.

all the best,