------------------------------------------------------------------------ Globalization and the Revolutionary Imperative a book in progress Copyright 1998 by Richard K. Moore Latest update: 17 August 1998 •••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org/cadre/gri/gri.html Table of Contents Introduction [5 Aug 98] Part I - Corporate globalization: what it is, where it came from, where it is heading Chapter 1 - Evolution of geopolitics: from Pax Romana to Pax Americana, via nationalism [preliminary, 17 Aug 98] Chapter 2 - Evolution of political power: from national kingdoms to global corporate rule, via democracy Chapter 3 - Economics: capitalism, development, and the finite Earth Part II - Envisioning a livable world: the necessity of democracy Part III - The Revolutionary Imperative: a millenia of serfdom or a millenia of freedom? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part I, Chapter 1 - Evolution of geopolitics: from Pax Romana to Pax Americana, via nationalism [preliminary, 17 Aug 98] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pax Romana refers to the relative peace enjoyed within the bounds of the classical Roman Empire. At the boundaries of empire occurred wars of expansion, or of defense, but Roman hegemony and administration provided internal stability. When the empire fell apart, its Western dominions were largely inherited by the Catholic Church. Once again a Rome-centered administration -- this time theocratic -- provided a degree of central administration and coherence to those parts of Europe over which it held sway. This Vatican-based system was less cohesive than had been its Imperial Roman predecessor, and by the time of the Protestant Revolution much of Europe had declared both political and religious independence from the Vatican. In the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), even the remaining Catholic areas declared that in political matters, at least, monarchs would have ultimate sovereignty in their own domains. In Europe, the era of sovereign nation states was then firmly established. Europe's Age of Discovery began in 1492, with Columbus, and led eventually to European hegemony over nearly the entire globe, if we include North America as part of the "Euro community." To be sure, the affairs of the Roman Empire can hardly be called "geopolitics" (world-level politics), given its limited European scope. But it is the European model that eventually came to dominate the world. For that reason, it is fitting to trace the structural evolution of today's geopolitics from its European branch, and hence back to Rome. Euro powers were fiercely competitive over most of this era of sovereign nation states. This competition was primarily over colonies, and not about conquest of one Euro nation by another. There was some shifting of European borders, but by and large today's map of Western Europe is strikingly similar to that of 1648. The significant struggles between Euro powers were not over Euro territory, but were about external territories and the control of trade routes. The era of sovereign nation states was also the era of competitive imperialism. The fierce competition for empires, together with Euro leadership in the Industrial Revolution, led to the rapid development of superior military technology and to eventual global Euro hegemony. Most of the world was partitioned into colonies or spheres of influence, each under the sway of one or another Euro power. The final great competitive struggle of this era was known as World War Two (WW2), and this brought an end to the era of competitive, partitioned imperialism. By end of WW2 the US was -- on its own -- very close to total global hegemony. It had the run of the seven seas, an intact military machine and national infrastructure, a monopoly on nuclear weapons, greatly expanded influence in the oil-rich Middle East, and the lion's share of the world's disposable wealth and industrial capacity. Meanwhile, most of the rest of the world was in shambles, deep debt, and/or under occupation. The US had the prestige, power, and resources to guide the construction of post-war arrangements largely according to its own designs. Under US leadership, and with the fraternal cooperation of the European powers, a new geopolitical regime was established, replacing centuries of partitioned imperialism. This regime was structurally similar to the Roman Empire, with the "Free World" as the Roman domains, the "Communist Block" as the "barbarian outsiders," and with the US military providing Pax Americana and pressing the borders of empire against the barbarians. In this new regime, Euro imperialism did not come to an end, it merely changed form. What appeared to be an era of decolonization and national independence was in fact a reorganization of the Euro imperialist system. Under Pax Americana, partitioning had become outmoded and was replaced by a system of collective imperialism. Though granted nominal independence, what was to become known as the "Third World" was kept under collective Euro control by a variety of mechanisms. Among these mechanisms were the very borders of the newly independent nations. Rival ethnic groups, for example, were bundled into single countries, insuring national instability. Corners were cut off from national borders, denying access to the sea. Every attempt was made to leave the new nations in the hands of regimes that were friendly to, or dependent on, Euro interests. Frequent military intervention, primarily by the US, was employed to replace regimes by more Euro-friendly ones whenever necessary. The US established regional "defense" treaties to help secure the borders against the barbarians, and to provide an excuse for ongoing global US military presence. At the Bretton Woods Conference (1944), an international financial system was set up to stabilize currencies and to facilitate the smooth operation of the collective regime. The United Nations was established, providing what appeared to be evidence that an era of democratization was underway, but the UN was never allowed to interfere substantially with the system of collective imperialism. Perhaps the most significant of the methods of Euro domination during this era has been debt. Bretton Woods established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These institutions collectivized credit policy to the Third World, and guided economic development along lines advantageous to Euro economic interests. As debt levels grew the power of the Bretton Woods institutions increased, until today the IMF is able to dictate the micro-level policies of nations. This power has been used to "open up" countries to still greater control and exploitation by Euro interests. Eventually the "barbarians" were largely overcome when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. The Pax Americana system then took in the whole globe, with the single significant exception being China. China is the last major vestige of competitive nationalism, the final challenge to the Pax Americana geopolitical system. US policy makers articulate two competing approaches to China: engagement, and confrontation . (See: Foreign Affairs, March/April 1997, "The China Threat, A Debate.") The goal of engagement is to seduce China into subservience to the US-managed global system, while the goal of confrontation is to accomplish the same result through the use of economic pressure, and if necessary, of military force. Both China and the US are now embarked on aggressive weapons-development programs, each aimed at assuring the ability to control the outcome of this final episode of major national competition. China has said that it sees its "natural role" as being Asian hegemon, as said Japan in the years leading up to WW2. The US, meanwhile, has stated that such hegemony would be "contrary to US strategic interests," and reminds us that the US has fought three major Asian wars in this century to maintain its "strategic interests." But US strategic interests are no longer those of narrow national competition. It is the entire collective global system that China is actually confronting, with the US playing its traditional postwar policing role. As China begins to operate aggressively in global markets, and as its economic and military power grow, the China problem will not go away. How this question will be resolved cannot be precisely predicted, but there can be little doubt about the ultimate outcome. It is inconceivable that China would be allowed to reverse the direction of the collective system, to return the world to the era of major-power rivalries. With the Soviet Union dismantled, and acting under the assumption that China will be neutralized as an independent world power, Euro planners are already architecting and implementing a new regime of world order. The postwar regime was oriented around the "Communist Threat," and a new orientation is needed for the future. The new system of world order is to be one of regional imperialism, and it has been articulated in some detail by a darling of US the policy establishment, Samuel P. Huntington, in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, (Simon and Schuster, 1997). Much of this book is devoted to elaborate rationalization, a brash attempt to make the case that regionalism is historically inevitable, and even that it represents a decline of Euro global power. The more informative part of the book deals with the explicit division of the world into eight "civilizations," and with a detailed description of the structure and dynamics planned for the new regime. Within regions there are to be core states, which are to have a special role in maintaining order within "their" region. Between regions we are to expect perpetual "fault-line conflicts," which are to be resolved through the auspices of "non primary level participants." What this actually means can be readily understood from the history of postwar interventionism and especially by looking at recent interventionist episodes. The new regional scheme represents no departure from the basic Pax Americana system, but is in fact a consolidation of that system. The primary role of the Pax Americana regime was and continues to be the maintenance of Euro dominance, which has increasingly come to mean the economic exploitation of most of the world, to the benefit of economic interests based primarily in the Euro nations. What is changing under regionalism is that the rationale for ongoing intervention is being being reformulated, and the global policing role is being opened up to wider Euro (NATO) participation. Huntington's "core" states are nothing really new, but are simply a renaming of what have been traditionally been called "Western client" states. Managing "fault line conflicts" becomes the excuse for intervention, in place of "defending strategic interests," but maintaining collective Euro domination continues to be the underlying agenda. The "civilization paradigm" provides a philosophical rationalization for the Euro powers to engage more openly in their ongoing business of collective domination. What also changes under regionalism is that a stable long range basis of world order is being implemented, in place of the unstable Cold-War-oriented system. During the Cold War era there was always the possibility of global armageddon, and an unmaintainable arms race created ongoing volatility and risk in the relationship between the US and the USSR. Under the regional regime there is no danger of armageddon, nor is there any hope of a final peace. Ongoing managed conflict is to be the order of things, providing dynamic stability, with the price in suffering to be paid by the people of the non-Euro "civilizations." Under this scheme the postwar myth of universal democratization is being explicitly abandoned. Instead each region is expected to exhibit its own "cultural norms," which "unlike the West" do not necessarily include a concern for human rights or democracy. What this in fact means is that the Euro-serving, oppressive Third World regimes which have long been the embarrassment of the "Free World," are now to be accepted as "normal" for "those parts of the world." Huntington's civilizational paradigm thus provides an ideal philosophical basis for a stable Euro-imperial global system. It gives Euro nations a plausible justification for acting collectively in their self interest on the world stage, namely that they are simply playing their natural role as one of the contending civilizations. It gives Euro forces a "right" to intervene, as "disinterested parties" adjudicating "fault-line" conflicts or "disciplining" core states. And it gives everyone reason to believe this should be the ongoing order of things, that the Euro powers continue to dominate, and that the "others" deserve whatever fate their "culture" has in store for them. In terms of its power relationships, this regional regime can be compared to the structure of mafia gangs. One can speak of "bosses" (core states) over territories, and of a "big boss" with the biggest gun (pax Americana / NATO), and the ultimate authority. These are hierarchical structures, they thrive on competitive conflict, and they allow the primary oppressor, the top-dog gang, to take on the public mantle of "peacekeeper." >From the European perspective, at least, geopolitics have, after a detour of some two thousand years, come full circle from the Roman Empire to the "Clash of Civilizations." A central regime is once again in control, only now on a global scale. Instead of the Roman Legions, there are the US-NATO "peacekeeping forces," and instead of Roman administration, there are the corporate-dominated bureaucracies such as the IMF and the World Trade Organization (WTO). While Rome was an open empire -- it had borders to contend with -- the Euro imperial system is a closed empire -- there is no "outside," at least not once the China Question is settled. Managed regional tension provides the control dynamic that border-conflicts provided to Rome, and which the Cold War provided to the immediate postwar era. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To join the discussion on bringing about a movement for a democratic renaissance, send any message to: •••@••.••• --- To subscribe to the the cj list, which is a larger list and a more general political discussion, send any message to: •••@••.••• ----------------------------------- Non-commercial reposting is hereby approved, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. .--------------------------------------------------------- A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon