------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 From: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: INVITATION to help achieve a liveable world To: •••@••.•••, [suppressed list] Greetings one and all: The recent mail-out from Eric Fawcett (Science for Peace activist who keeps us all wonderfully informed - thank you, Eric!) provoked some reflection. Please use what is useful, and discard the rest. The thoughts and analysis of the new global reality expressed in the email (attached below) certainly are shared by many progressive NGOs and organizations supporting justice: women, environment, international, labour, anti-racism/colonialism, world federalism, democratic development, etc.. The interlinking opportunities afforded by the work of the Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance may well help us all. The following analysis and suggestions derive from long years of community organizing in Ontario. The points made are from my own, possibly faulty, observation as I work on the ground, not within the organizations cited below. However, these points are meant to deepen the discussion, so please try to ignore petty errors in favour of the general concepts. 1. Most organizing efforts are still top-down. For example, the OFL in Ontario is just starting a mobilization campaign with materials from the centre to influence communities, communities who have their own stories, materials and methods of mobilizing. (Hopefully the workshop component will be able to counter the "top-down approach.) A few years ago, one hundred thousand of us turned up in Ottawa to try to defeat NAFTA with no action plan. The "John Sewell" movement for municipal democracy in Toronto brought enormous energy to a serious problem, but used the old familiar formula - "top down" organizing. Moreover, his advocates came into small communities with "his message" and took little notice of the already active work being done, or of the irrelevance of the Toronto message outside Toronto. The waste of resources in top-down moblizing overwhelms those of us working at the bottom with very little. The Action-Canada network suffered some of the same problems. It was a VERY useful organizing concept - great policy development, but stayed "top down", instead of developing a two-way (down-up-down) organizing methodology. There were (and are) dozens of Social Justice Coalitions in communities across Ontario which were seldom consulted. The Ontario Coalition offers some contact and help across Ontario, but remains (probably for lack of resources) primarily a Toronto -based organization. Top-down organizations unconsciously support the status quo - and that is what we are desperately trying to change. Our actions must match our analysis or we repeat the problem. In short, what is desperately needed is a new understanding, acceptance and practice which promotes participatory and inclusive "process" as a major goal of our justice. Process should accompany the actions we do, individually and collectively, against global inequity. In this model, grass-roots organizing is the base, and other structures are developed to support local mobilization. Change has to be initiated and sustained at the local level first (and forever) if public opinion is to be influenced in the long-term. There are models which work better than those mentioned above. Ten Days for Global Justice feeds itself from local committees, and centrally produces materials for use locally after consultation and common goal setting. The Ontario Environmental Network seems to exist to move information among members who then act upon it within the spheres of their interest and feed the centre for advocacy, etc. A most powerful model comes from Brazil where a coalition of over 900 organizations and individuals launched the "Campaign against Hunger, Misery and for Life". IBASE - an organization ressembling our Social Planning Councils - played a major role in ensuring a grassroots focus for the campaign. The message was simple: You cannot be a full citizen if others are hungry". People were urged to do something - not to wait, as no one else would tell them what to do. They were invited to form committees and negotiate with the hungry as to what could be done. The central group was a clearing house for information from the grassroots. Central passed on success stories to each other local committee and the media, and worked integrally with media people on national and local media campaigns (which were extremely successful). At its height, the campaign had over 3000 local committees engaged in countering the effects of global greed. These models give me hope. There are millions of people who are genuinely concerned about the negative changes of globalization affecting them, their loved ones and their country. Moreover, public opinion polls still indicate that the Canadian public is committed to global justice. Our organizing strategies have to provide methods to achieve it. 2. Briefly, the progressive movement in English Canada remains sectoral, each group (environment, women, etc.) working primarily and often criticaly with their own issues. The need for a major inter-sectoral commitment is the only way we will ensure the resources to do what is needed in the struggle against global economic, political, social and cultural hegemony. The organizing principle for such a combined movement would be best fed from local communities. 3. A wise Aboriginal person at a recent workshop held at Trent University on "Practical Ways of Sharing Equity" gave us a wonderful strategy. Paul Kayanesenh Williams of Six Nations at Grand River notes that "all the tales tell of monsters. The way they are brought down in the stories are through the tricksters. Capital, in the form of transnational corporations, is our faceless monster. Its proponents, who have no connection with reality, who are citizens of nowhere, whose names mean nothing and whose appetites span the world, fail to see the damage they cause. And the way to defeat the monsters is not to attack their strengths, but their weaknesses." This type of action also calls for firmness in our beliefs, a knowledge of our traditions, analysis of equity, analysis of capital strengths and weaknesses, joint work... and FUN! In closing, we need to focus on "how" - the process- of bringing together the progressive thinkers into a new way of respecting local communities, local struggles. Hopefully the invitation from the Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance can help provoke this discussion, and provide us with new contacts and analysis for support this change. [Attached: Text of the Invitation] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create a sane and livable world in vibrant democratic societies. Bring global corporate power under control. CITIZENS FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE mailto:•••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org --- To join the discussion on bringing about a movement for a democratic renaissance, send any message to: •••@••.••• --- To subscribe to the the cj list, which is a larger list and a more general political discussion, send any message to: •••@••.••• --- To review renaissance-network archives, send any message to: •••@••.••• ----------------------------------- A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon