Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 19:33:00 +0000 From: Paul Swann <•••@••.•••> Subject: Fwd: PINOCHET ACTION * Note: To avoid broken lines and arrows when forwarding, please copy & paste to a new message * -----Original Message----- From: SMTP:•••@••.•••[SMTP:•••@••.•••] Sent: Friday, November 27, 1998 12:06 PM To: bethan Subject: Pinochet Action-FWD Importance: High Although the House of Lords has ruled that the extradition of Pinochet to Spain to face trial for genocide, torture and state terrorism can go ahead, the British Home Secretary, Jack Straw, can still allow him to go free. As you read this, he may well be reading arguments from Pinochets lawyers and allies to persuade him to do this. YOU, AND THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO BELIEVE, AS WE DO, THAT JUSTICE MUST BE DONE, CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE HERE. IT MUST BE DONE NOW: THERE IS NOT MUCH TIME. THIS IS HOW: 1. FORWARD THIS LETTER to as many people that you know 2. COMPOSE a brief e-mail to Jack Straw or Robin Cook (the Foreign Secretary) (copy to each) with your reasons for ensuring that Pinochet stands trial for his crimes (some are suggested below) 3. If you have time, SEND US AN E-MAIL simply saying "done". Send this to •••@••.••• 4. IT IS THAT EASY: two minutes of your time. Dont put it off: the Home Secretary can decide at any time to stop the extradition, but we are sure he is under pressure right now: the first hearing on the extradition is due on 2nd December. WRITE TO Rt. Hon Jack Straw MP, Secretary of State for Home Affairs at •••@••.••• Rt. Hon Robin Cook MP, Foreign Secretary, at •••@••.••• Some arguments you may like to use: 62% of Chileans, in a recent independent poll, wanted Pinochet and other perpetrators of human rights abuses brought to justice. The best option for this is outside Chile: the Chilean judiciary has been too intimidated by the military in the past. Britain has acquired enormous and incalculable international prestige by arresting Pinochet and going ahead with the extradition. It gives the British government real authority when talking about human rights anywhere in the world. Pinochets supporters say he is old and sick, yet he came to Britain to conduct business, to buy arms. There are many people older and sicker than him waiting and hoping that the man who killed or "disappeared" their loved ones will be brought to justice before they die. "Humanitarian" responses must take them, as victims, into account as well. The real threat to democracy in Chile is not the extradition: as Martin Luther King said, "Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of justice". The threat to Chile comes from the forces that engineered the 1973 coup, who believe that they should be immune from blame, penalty or due process of law. Without justice, democracy will remain weak. Please write: use your own arguments, your own experience, but write NOW. Please forward to as many people, anywhere in the world, that you think may pass it on. Is this enough? if you want to do more, collect signatures in your work-place, when you shop, in your community, your place of worship your street. You can fax those to Jack Straw on +44 171 273 3966 Thank you Sue Lukes, Chilean/British Ad Hoc Committee for Justice