Dear RN list, Dec. 19 Thanks to Bill Blum, Snezana Vitorovitch, James Crombie and the Refuse and Resist list, we can see how we are, once again, being lied to. all the best, Jan ***************************************************************** From: •••@••.••• Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 15:36:43 EST To: •••@••.••• Subject: the set-up of Iran [Iraq] SOME DETAILS OF THE SET-UP YOU MAY HAVE MISSED "A U.S. official who follows Iraq", speaking of the November cancellation of an air strike: "We were so close to pulling the trigger and circumstances were so optimum to do so that there's something surreal about SENDING UNSCOM BACK IN TO BUILD A CASE AGAINST HIM AGAIN when we had the best possible case and didn't use it." (emphasis added) Washington Post, Dec. 7 "[UNSCOM Executive Chairman Richard] Butler's conclusions were welcome in Washington, which helped orchestrate the terms of the Australian diplomat's report. Sources in New York and Washington said Clinton administration officials played a direct role in shaping Butler's text during multiple conversations with him Monday." Washington Post, Dec. 16 Former UNSCOM inspector, Scott Ritter: "What Richard Butler did last week with the inspections was a set-up. This was designed to generate a conflict that would justify a bombing." Ritter said U.S. government sources told him three weeks ago when the inspections resumed that "the two considerations on the horizon were Ramadan and impeachment." Ritter continued: "If you dig around, you'll find out why Richard Butler yesterday ran to the phone four times. He was talking to his [U.S.] National Security adviser. They were telling him to sharpen the language in his report to justify the bombing." New York Post, Dec. 17 "The U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely so. ... The U.S. was using the inspection process as a trigger for war." Scott Ritter, on the NBC Today show, Dec. 17 Arguing that Butler deliberately wrote a justification for war, a U.N. diplomat, "who is generally sympathetic to Washington", said, "Based on the same facts he could have said, ‘There were something like 300 inspections [in recent weeks] and we encountered difficulties in five.'" Washington Post, Dec.17 "Among the circumstances cited by those who suspect Butler of coordinating with Washington on a rationale for war, three stand out: One is that Butler made four visits to the U.S. mission to the United Nations on Monday, the day before finishing his report. A second is that administration officials acknowledge they had advance knowledge of the language he would use and sought to influence it, as one official said, ‘at the margins. The third is that Butler ordered his inspectors to evacuate Baghdad, in anticipation of a military attack, on Tuesday night -- at a time when most members of the Security Council had yet to receive his report." Other U.N. diplomats "also asserted that Butler gave far more equivocal progress reports to them, in the days leading up to his written report, than his final conclusion that he is ‘not able to conduct the substantive disarmament work' because of the ‘absence of full cooperation by Iraq'." "What we were told by Butler for weeks was yes, we've hit some roadblocks but the inspections are going on," said one New York-based diplomat." Washington Post, Dec. 18 ************ The U.S.-operated Radio Free Iraq, broadcasting from Prague, begins its daily broadcasts into Iraq with: "Dear listeners, we hope that you are having a nice day, and that you enjoy our programs today." It concludes: "Thank you for following us and peace and blessings be upon you." Washington Post, Dec. 18 ************ Compiled by William Blum Author: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II **************************************************************************** Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:06:09 -0500 From: Snezana Vitorovich <•••@••.•••> Subject: Make sure you read this article ! Subject: Grief of Baghdad Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 03:41:45 +0300 The Times of India Sunday, November 22, 1998 ------------------------- Grief of Baghdad By Siddharth Varadarajan Not even during the wildest bout of Fosters-induced delirium does a dinkum cobber in the Aussie outback ever imagine his words might one day decide questions of war and peace. By that yardstick, Richard Butler is truly a credit to his race. As head of the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM), his job is to eliminate whatever allegedly remains of Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear arms programme. Until he certifies Iraqi compliance, sanctions -- a weapon of mass destruction as lethal as any other -- will continue. Not since Gallipoli have the lives of so many depended on the decision of an Australian. With that kind of power, Butler is clearly in no hurry to retire to the obscurity of Wollongong or Toowoomba. Iraq is not off the mark when it accuses UNSCOM of prolonging inspections, for the US -- to whom Butler owes his plum assignment -- is certainly not interested in the embargo ever ending. By his own admission, Butler has functioned as little more than an amanuensis to US officials. He now says his November 12 decision to withdraw UN inspectors from Iraq -- a move criticised by the Security Council -- was taken solely on the advice of Peter Burleigh, the deputy US ambassador to the UN. Burleigh, incidentally, was posted in Calcutta in the 1970s and is believed by Indian intelligence sources to be a CIA man. Earlier this year, Butler spread the canard that an Iraqi presidential site was as big as Washington. It was only when Secretary General Kofi Annan sent a technical team headed by Swedish diplomat Staffan di Mistura that the world realised the area was much smaller. Because Annan sidelined Butler, he was able to resolve that crisis and thwart US attempts to use force. Though not publicly criticising the UNSCOM chief, Annan has pulled him up in private. In January, he ticked Butler off for saying he came from a ``Western tradition'' where truth-telling was important and that it was frustrating to deal with societies where this wasn't the case. Butler was also upbraided for alleging Iraq had enough anthrax ``to blow away Tel Aviv'', a wild claim at variance with UNSCOM's own findings. Butler joined the foreign service in 1965 after studying economics in Canberra. After postings in Vienna and New York, he became private secretary to Bill Hayden, then leader of the opposition. When Labour came to power and Hayden became foreign minister, Butler was sent as ambassador to the UN in Geneva. Later, he went to Thailand and then to New York as Australia's UN ambassador. After the Liberals won the 1996 elections, they made it clear his days were numbered. Butler, however, had a plan: he convinced foreign minister Alexander Downer that he would ensure US support for an Australian seat on the Security Council. But the US backed Portugal and Australia was routed. It soon became known that one of the reasons for the humiliating defeat was that many Asian and Pacific ambassadors had been alienated by Butler's arrogance in dealing with them. By the time Downer moved to sack him, however, Butler hitched himself to the skirts of Madeleine Albright, then Washington's UN representative. Albright wanted someone to push the CTBT through the UN General Assembly after the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva had deadlocked due to the intransigence of the five nuclear weapon states. According to a former Indian diplomat familiar with the CTBT talks, Butler's job was to ram through a resolution which would endorse the draft. ``He did the piloting on the basis of a plan drawn up by the US'', the diplomat said, describing his approach as ``very abrasive and not at all polite''. It was also a violation of all procedural norms. In 1997, Butler was rewarded by the US with the UNSCOM job. Albright got Downer to agree to Butler's appointment. According to Australian diplomatic sources, Downer agreed ``in the fond belief that he would not only be rid of an insufferable and arrogant upstart but also not have to pay him anything. So you can imagine the surprise here when we were told that the government had to pay Butler some $250,000 a year!'' Apparently, neither Butler nor Albright had informed Canberra of this condition. ``Butler, thus, effectively conned his own government!'', said a source. In Australia, there is an acute sense of embarrassment at Butler's erratic conduct and his cultural insensitivity in dealing with Iraq. As a self-perpetuating bureaucrat, he is unlikely to end the inspection process since he would then be without a job. Unless he is removed as UNSCOM chief or the US changes its policy, a fresh crisis is bound to arise. There may even be bloodshed. And the whole world will then say: The Butler did it! ************************************************************ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 22:51:17 EST From: Refuse & Resist <•••@••.•••> Subject: ANOTHER LIE IRAQ BOMBING "ANOTHER LIE," SAYS HISTORIAN ZINN President Clinton has just told another lie, this time not about the relatively trivial matter of his sexual activities, but about matters of life and death. In explaining his decision to bomb Baghdad, he said that other nations besides Iraq have weapons of mass destruction, but Iraq alone has used them. He could only say this to a population deprived of history. The United States has supplied Turkey, Israel, and Indonesia with such weapons and they have used them against civilian populations. But the nation most guilty is our own. No nation in the world possesses greater weapons of mass destruction than we do, and none has used them more often, or with greater loss of civilian life. In Hiroshima hundreds of thousands died, in Korea and Vietnam millions died as a result of our use of such weapons. Our economic sanctions are also weapons of mass destruction, having resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Saddam Hussein may well have weapons of mass destruction, he may indeed be inclined to use them, but only the United States is actually using them, and at this very moment, people are dying in Iraq as a result. However evil Saddam Hussein is, whatever potential danger he may represent, he is not, as the president said tonight (telling another lie) a "clear and present danger" to the peace of the world. We are. And, as the president said, if there is a clear and present danger we must act against it. It is a time for protest. We are living in times of madness, when men in suits and ties, and yes, a woman secretary of state, can solemnly defend the use, in the present, of indiscriminate violence - they do not know what they are bombing! - against a tyrant who may use violence, in the future. The phrase "clear and present danger" has therefore lost its meaning. The phrase "weapons of mass destruction" too has lost its meaning when a nation which possesses more such weapons, and has used them more often, than any other, uses those words to justify the killing of civilians "to send a message." We who are offended by this should send our own message to our demented leaders. Howard Zinn is professor emeritus of history at Boston University, and author of _A People's History of the United States_. _________________________________ Refuse & Resist! - 305 Madison Avenue #1166 - New York, NY 10165 voice: 212-713-5657 - email: •••@••.••• - for subscribe/unsubscribe info about rnr_announce, send the email message INFO RNR_ANNOUNCE to: •••@••.••• ************************************************************************** Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 15:07:18 -0400 From: James Crombie <•••@••.•••> ca> Subject: Irak: Report of Mohamed ElBaradei, director general - INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY It would seem that according to ElBaradei there was no very serious problem with Iraqi compliance with inspections... See I don't have time to clean up the following to make it look better on e-mail. The URL should be spread around... Le Monde Interactif publie ci-dessous le fac-similé du rapport du directeur général de l'Agence internationale à l'énergie atomique, Mohamed ElBaradei, remis le 14 décembre à Kofi Annan, secrétaire général des Nations unies. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL 14 December 1998 Dear Secretary GeneraL Further lo your letter of 25 november I wish to report that, since its return to Iraq on 17 November, the IAEA Nuclear Monitoring Group has, to date, carried out the following activities : 28 inspections at previously inspected sites - initiaIIy following an intensified programme to restore continuity of knowledge of the status of lraq's relevant assets 11 inspections at new sites - jointly with UNSCOM, as part of an ongoing intensified programme of inspections of inspections at "capable sites", including four repeat inspections 113 visits to locations for the collection of environnemental monitoring samples 15 road vehicle based radiation surveys 3 interviews of personnel known to have been formerly employed in key positions within Iraq's clandestine nuclear programme 5 discussion sessions with the Iraqi counterpart to clarify technical matters related to Iraq's clandestine nuclear programme 2 site visits, each of several days duration, to maintain and extensively update IAEA video surveillance systems 1 site visit of several days duration to install and commission a meteorological data collection station in connection with the IAEA wide area environnemental monitoring programme The Iraqi counterpart has provided the necessary level of co-operation to enable the above-enumerated activities to be completed efficiently and effectively In addition, an IAEA team visited Iraq from 9 to 13 December to discuss with the Iraqi counterpart the status of the few remaining questions and concerns related to Iraq's clandestine nuclear programme. During the discussions the Iraqi counterpart expressed its intention to continue to cooperate with the IAEA in the resolution of those matters yours sincerely Mr Kofi Annan Secretary-General Unated Nations New York 100l7 USA P.O. Box 100, Wagramer Strasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 2600-0. Fax: (+43-1) 2600-7 Retour l'actualité internationale avec l'AFP | nous écrire Dossier internet réalisé par Olivier Puech et Nicolas Bourcier Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés; © Le Monde 1998 Usage strictement personnel. L'utilisateur du site reconnaît avoir pris connaissance de la Licence de droits d'usage, en accepter et en respecter les dispositions. Lire la Licence. ************************************* James Crombie P.O.Box / Case postale 220 Pointe-de-l'Eglise Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ecosse / Nueva Escocia B0W 1M0 CANADA 44°20' north/nord/norte X 66°7' west/ouest/oeste Planet Earth / Planète Terre / Planeta Tierra Email: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• Telephone/Téléphone/Teléfono: (902) 769-3354 Fax/Télécopieur/Fax: (902) 769-0124 ************************************* Le peu de raison qui, au terme de longues luttes historiques, est institué dans l'histoire doit être sans cesse défendu ... -- Pierre Bourdieu (1997)