Dear RN list, Dec. 25 I wanted to have something a bit "Christmasy" to send to you today (even if at least one person on this list is avoiding Christmas stress by totally ignoring the holiday:-). What I came up with is this: The World Peace Prayer. According to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, people around the world join in this tradional World Peace Prayer each day for one minute at midday, thus forming a continuous chain to encircle the earth. At our local Christmas Eve vigil/protest against the Iraq war I read out the prayer in English. I also have it in Arabic, Hebrew and Spanish. (I made a tune for the Spanish version and sometimes it gets belted out by me as I go on an early morning walk in the woods. Sometimes the birds join in!) Anyhow, I thought it would be neat to learn how to pronounce the Arabic version and a friend was able to help me. I'll copy our phonetic version out below (but it would certainly be advisable to get an Arabic-speaker to help you if you do not know Arabic!) Warm best wishes to you all, Jan ************************************************************************ World Peace Prayer Lead me from death to life from falsehood to truth Lead me from despair to hope from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. (bis) Oracion por la paz Llevame de la muerte a la vida de la falsedad a la verdad Llevame de la desesperacion a la esperanza del miedo a la confianza Llevame del odio al amor de la guerra a la paz Permite que la paz llene nuestro corazon, nuestro mundo, nuestro universo (bis) * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: Stressed syllables in caps SAlawat elsalAM koedny meen elMOWT ila elHAYat wamin elKEd(th)ip ila elhaKEEkah koedny min elyaess ila elAmel wamin elKOWF ila elAmann koedny min elKOORH ila elHOB wamin elKARB ila elsaLAM DAa elsaLAM yamla koelooBAna waA LAmeena, walKOWN min HOWlina