Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 00:27:36 +0000 To: •••@••.••• From: Paul Swann <•••@••.•••> Subject: Letters to the Editor Dear Duncan, In your last editorial [Nexus, Feb-March 1999] you wrote: "I need to say a few words about Uri Dowbenko's article on "Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order". The subject is not pleasant; in fact I had to do some serious soul-searching about whether I should publish such material...I decided to publish, but have still had to edit it heavily. You will all probably flinch and ask yourselves whether it could possibly be true." Two years ago someone anonymously sent me a copy of "Trance Formation of America", presumably because I had a fairly high profile locally as a human rights activist with Amnesty International. Despite my daily exposure to information about genocide, torture and other gross human rights violations, Cathy O'Brien's story made me feel literally sick to the stomach. I would go as far as to caution sensitive individuals against reading the book, as the information becomes lodged in the emotional body and is extremely difficult to integrate. Like you, I went through a process of soul- and internet-searching to determine whether the book had any basis in fact or was just a sick fantasy. A search engine lead me to an article by Kathleen Sullivan that included her email address, and I got in touch with her. It turned out that not only had she been through a similar experience to O'Brien, but she knew both her and co-author/'de-programmer' Mark Phillips. My extensive personal correspondence with Kathleen over the past two years has confirmed beyond any doubt that she is speaking the truth. Kathleen acknowledges that the deliberate and systematic fragmentation of her mind that she experienced during the horror of her "training" sometimes makes it difficult for her to discern fact from fiction in her recall of past events. Fortunately she has been gifted with an incredible strength of will that has enabled her to conduct a rigorous and on-going psychological self-examination and become a source of support to other mind control victims and their families. See: <> Researching the mind control issue is like opening the lid of Pandora's Box. As Uri said in his excellent article, to create Multiple Personality Disorder by conscious intent is nothing less than a depraved atrocity. To realise that respected public figures are capable of such evil forces one to question the very basis of one's worldview. As the John Lohengard character said in the fictional conspiracy series "Dark Skies": "There's another reality out there that most people never find out about. But when you see it, it changes you forever". Mind control programming is an extremely disturbing symptom of our dysfunctional society. If elements of the power elite can perpetrate these kinds of abuses on children and other innocent people and get away with it, something is seriously wrong with the way our society works. In my view the challenge of our time is to (i) educate ourselves about the underlying causes of our socio-political, economic and environmental problems, (ii) build a strong grassroots resistance movement to halt the slide towards global totalitarianism, and (iii) develop a viable strategy for creating a society that is just, genuinely democratic and ecologically sound. My personal contribution to this effort - motivated in part by the information that Kathleen has shared with me - has been to set up a London Human Rights Forum. This was launched on February 15th with a talk by Susan George (a leading campaigner against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment) on "How Corporate Globalization Destroys Human Rights". For further information about the Forum see: <> As Susan made clear, the rise to power of the transnational corporations and financial speculators in the increasingly globalised capitalist economy is one of the main underlying causes of human rights violations and environmental destruction. I'd like to draw your readers' attention to three initiatives that aim to arrest this new imperialism. The Inter-Continental Caravan is a project that was conceived in India by the Karnataka State Farmers' Association (KRRS), a Gandhian movement committed to non-violent civil disobedience against corporate power. With the help of the Peoples' Global Action network, 500 activists from India and other countries in the South will travel around Europe in a convoy of buses during May-June to express their opposition to the TNCs and financial institutions. <> Timed to coincide with the start of the G8 summit of world leaders in Koln, Germany and the end of the Inter-Continental Caravan, June 18th has been declared "a day of protest, action and carnival in financial centres across the globe". To quote the publicity material for the event: "If you say the organisation of society and its domination by unaccountable tyrannies is improper and have to consider what the alternatives are and how you move towards them...And those are not trivial matters; they require organised popular movements which think things through, which debate, which act, which experiment, which try alternatives, which develop the seeds of the future in the present society". <>. The Citizens' Public Trust Treaty is a proposed United Nations General Assembly Resolution designed to counteract corporate globalization. It states: "We call upon the nations of the world to ensure the rights of present and future generations to genuine peace, social justice and ecological integrity by implementing the principles of this Treaty." To read the document and sign the petition see: <>. Finally, a plug for my article "Y2K in Context" <> which attempts to relate the "millennium bomb" to some of the issues touched on above. Bravo for having the courage to print Uri's important article. Paul Swann Director, London Human Rights Forum <•••@••.•••> 14 Beacon Hill London N7 9LY UK