HAARP and mystery contrails in the sky


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,      March 3

Paul Swann (of London, England) sent us a couple messages about how planes
have been reported creating bizarre trails (called contrails) in the sky and
people falling ill afterwards. there is strong specualtion that this
phenomenon is related to the US military's pursuit of HAARP technology.

I will post an introduction to HAARP below and one of the messages Paul
Swann sent us on the mystery contrails in the next message.

all the best, jan

Date: Sat, 1 Aug 1998 10:33:06 +1200
From: janice <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Mining the Ionosphere.HAARP Knock Knock, Knocking on Heavens Door

Fellow Mai Nots,,

I have posted this article on many newsgroups along with the glacier melt
story but even with pleadings I cannot get anyone to discuss it. The source
of the story is good, but the implications of the story are fantastic. 
I want to know more about  HAARP. Does it exist, are they doing what the
article claims they are doing, where could one look for confirmation or
The glacier melt story stirred up the usual amount of' is', 'isn't' debate
on newsgroups  but there was silence on the accompanying article which i
think has amazing ramifications, if even partially true.
What do the clever  brains on this list think about HAARP, - Ed, Michael,
Andreas, Brian, Dion, Janet? IS IT TRUE ??? :)


>             HAARP Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door
>                    Alaska Conservation Foundation
>                               Dispatch
>                         Mining the Ionosphere
>      At a remote facility ringed with barbed wire, a brand-new
>      array of 36 antennas rises from the black spruce forest
>      that stretches hundreds of miles across central Alaska.
>      Completed December 1994 and now undergoing testing, the
>      antenna field is the visible part of a powerful and
>      sophisticated high-frequency radio transmitter designed to
>      transform areas of the upper atmosphere into the
>      equivalent of huge lenses, mirrors, and antennas. This
>      little-known Pentagon-sponsored radiophysics project,
>      called the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
>      (HAARP), is officially intended to expand knowledge about
>      the nature of long-range radio communications and
>      surveillance using the fluctuating [see "Way Up in the
>      Ionosphere"], the portion of the upper atmosphere
>      extending from 35 to 500 miles above earth's surface.
>      According to program manager John L. Heckscher of the
>      Phillips Laboratory at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts,
>      potential military applications of the HAARP research
>      include developing Department of Defense technology for
>      detecting cruise missiles and communicating with
>      submarines. "Although HAARP is being managed by the Air
>      Force and Navy, it is purely a scientific research
>      facility that poses no threat to potential adversaries and
>      has no value as a military target," he says.
>      But that's just the publicly announced part of the
>      program. HAARP also has a secret agenda: pursuing more
>      exotic military goals, such as locating deeply buried
>      weapons factories thousands of miles away and even
>      altering the local weather above an enemy's territory A
>      1990 internal document obtained by POPULAR SCIENCE says
>      the program's overall goal is to "control ionospheric
>      processes in such a way as to greatly improve the
>      performance of military command, control, and
>      communications systems." It provides a description of the
>      following applications: · Injecting high-frequency radio
>      energy into the ionosphere to create huge, extremely low
>      frequency (ELF) virtual antennas used for
>      earth-penetrating tomography peering deep beneath the
>      surface of the ground by collecting and analyzing
>      reflected ELF waves beamed down from above. · Heating
>      regions of the lower and upper ionosphere to form virtual
>      "lenses" and "mirrors" that can reflect a broad range of
>      radio frequencies far over the horizon to detect stealthy
>      cruise missiles and aircraft. · Generating ELF radio waves
>      in the ionosphere to communicate across large distances
>      with deeply submerged submarines. And, patent documents
>      filed during an earlier research effort that evolved into
>      the HAARP program outline further military applications of
>      ionospheric-heating technology: · Creating a "full global
>      shield" that would destroy ballistic missiles by
>      overheating their electronic guidance systems as they fly
>      through a powerful radio-energy field. · Distinguishing
>      nuclear warheads from decoys by sensing their elemental
>      composition. · Manipulating local weather.
     Initial work on HAARP was begun in the mid1980s by
>      Atlantic Richfield Corporation's subsidiary, ARCO
>      Production Technologies Corporation, and its
>      then-president, physicist Bernard Eastlund. ARCO wanted to
>      find an onsite demand for the enormous amounts of Alaskan
>      natural gas it owns. So it cooked up an energyintensive
>      idea.
>      Eastlund worked under contract for the Defense Advanced
>      Research Projects Agency (now called ARPA) and was awarded
>      three patents one of which was classified until 1991 for
>      inventions dealing with ionospheric modification. One of
>      the most grandiose systems described in his patents is a
>      40-mile square, HAARP-like radio transmitter that would
>      have used huge amounts of electric power generated by
>      turbines burning natural gas drawn from the vast North
>      Slope reserves. "Full global shield" was conceived to wipe
>      out the guidance systems of missiles in flight anywhere in
>      the world. "I founded and led the ARCO program until
>      1987," Eastlund says. "About that time Edward Teller
>      visited Robert Hirsch, the ARCO vice president who had
>      hired me. I don't know the direct results of that
>      discussion, but shortly thereafter new [secret]
>      initiatives began which I was not privy to, and I declined
>      further involvement." Teller is a co-designer of the
>      hydrogen bomb and was the arch-proponent of the
>      now-abandoned X-ray-laser the centerpiece of Ronald
>      Reagan's Star Wars missile-defense program. Asked about
>      his involvement in the beginnings of HAARP, Teller
>      responded "I have no idea about that. I don't remember
>      anything about it." Although it is much smaller than a
>      "full global shield" system, Eastlund says, "HAARP is the
>      perfect first step toward a plan like mine. Advances in
>      phased-array transmitter technology and power generation
>      can produce the field strength required. The government
>      will say it isn't so, but if it quacks like a duck, and it
>      looks like a duck - there's a good chance it is a duck."
>      Advanced Power Technologies president Ramy Shanny declined
>      to comment on Eastlund's claims. And the Defense
>      Department is making no effort to dispel the impression
>      that Eastlund's story might sound a bit like science
>      fiction. "HAARP certainly does not have anything to do
>      with Eastlund's thing, that is just crazy," says
>      Heckscher. "What we have here is a premier scientific
>      research facility with military applications."
>      Richard Williams, a physical chemist and consultant to the
>      Sarnoff Laboratory at Princeton University, sees things
>      differently. "Eastlund is an intellectual ace and a
>      technologically savvy guy," he says, "though there is a
>      bit of Dr. Strangelove in him." Speculation and
>      controversy surround the question of whether HAARP's 1.7
>      gigawatts (1.7 billion watts) of effective radiated power
>      in the 2.8to 1OMHz frequency range might cause lasting
>      damage to Earth's upper atmosphere. By comparison, the
>      energy level is more than 3,000 times greater than the
>      biggest commercial AM radio transmitters. "HAARP will dump
>      enormous amounts of energy into the upper atmosphere. We
>      don't know what will happen," says Williams. "My concern
>      is its effect on a global scale - you can't localize the
>      effects. With experiments on this scale, irreparable
>      damage could be done in a short time. The immediate need
>      is for open discussion. To do otherwise would be an act of
>      global vandalism." Eastlund himself observes that "There
>      has never been a transmitter of this power in this
>      frequency band. It would be wise to assess its impact."
>      The 440-page HAARP environmental-impact statement filed by
>      the Air Force says that the normally upward-directed IRI
>      transmissions can raise the internal body temperature of
>      nearby people; ignite road flares in the trunks of cars;
>      detonate aerial munitions that use electronic fuses; and
>      scramble aircraft communications, navigation, and
>      flight-control systems.
>      Program officials insist that the facility will operate
>      safely during the four or five 14-day transmitting
>      "campaigns" scheduled yearly. ....

     Some prominent experts are unmoved by talk of HAARP's
>      possibly dire effects. The dean of American space
>      scientists, James Van Allen, professor of physics at the
>      University of Iowa and discoverer of the Earth-girdling
>      radiation belts that bear his name, says "Every time you
>      turn on a radio transmitter you modify the ionosphere.
>      HAARP will perturb the ionosphere markedly for an hour, or
>      maybe even a day, or perhaps at most a month. I don't see
>      any deleterious effects other than on local
>      communications." Van Allen says five decades of research
>      have given him a feeling for the minute scale of influence
>      humans have on the cosmos. "There is nothing that we as
>      men can do that does not pale in comparison to the forces
>      of nature.'

>      Others harbor a strong distrust of the program. A local
>      organization called No HAARP firmly opposes the project on
>      environmental and communications-disruption grounds. "This
>      is not good science," contends retired ARCO Production
>      Technologies employee Clare Zickuhr, who leads the group.
>      "They have no idea what this thing could do to the
>      ionosphere. To put this in the hands of the military
>      scares the hell out of me." HAARP has proceeded full-steam
>      ahead since its inception in 1990. The total amount of
>      money spent over the past six years exceeds $58 million
>      and may reach nearly $200 million by the end of the
>      decade, when the installation is scheduled to be
>      completed. The effort is a "congressional special-interest
>      program," meaning that supporters in Congress request
>      funds for it on behalf of the Air Force and Navy Senator
>      Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is a staunch supporter of the
>      program. Other Alaska state officials, however, have not
>      been briefed about HAARP by the military Asked about the
>      program, a spokesman for Governor Tony Knowles replied,
>      "We have no idea what you are talking about." State
>      Representative Jeanette James, whose district surrounds
>      the HAARP site, has repeatedly asked Air Force officials
>      about the project and has been told "not to worry," she
>      says. "My gut feeling is that it is frightening. I'm
>      skeptical. I don't think they know what they are doing."
>      This not the last we will hear of HAARP. Whether or not
>      the program's sponsors understand its long-term effects,
>      they appear to feel that the potential for useful military
>      payoffs makes it worth taking some political heat although
>      they may not have expected to attract any attention way
>      out back in Alaska's sub-Arctic taiga.

- --
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Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 11:48:50 -0400
From: Rosalie Bertell <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Questions about HAARP
Sender: Rosalie Bertell <•••@••.•••>
To: Eric Fawcett <•••@••.•••>,
        Jan Slakov <•••@••.•••>

Dear Jan, 

Your questions were forwarded to me by Eric Fawcett at Science for Peace. 
The short answer is "Yes" they are doing such things in Alaska.  A second
such array is now being built in Kodiak.  However, the project is designed
to be modular, which means that it can be built and tested in modules with
each one adding capabilities to the previous one.  Therefore, if you talk
with the US government folk they will talk about the present level of
module and its capability, while if you talk with the activists they will
talk about the capabilities when it is all up and running.  I believe that
it should be stopped right now!  I have written a book, now accepted for
publication but still needing finishing up.  I hope that I can get it out
in 1999.  It is a big job!  I will then need help in distributing it
because people are not yet aware of the danger!  I expect to go to Alaska
again (Fairbanks and Kodiak) in September.  This is only way to get first
hand information, and talk to the folks there.

Thank you for your concern.

Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D., GNSH
President IICPH (1984+)
710-264 Queens Quay West 
Toronto ON M5J 1B5 CANADA
Tel: 1-416-260-0575
Fax: 1-416-260-3404
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