Dear RN list, July 8 I'm sure many of us will not see the way the Kosovo war was touted as a "humanitarian" war quite as John Keegan (and Hans Sinn) describe below. But if we can put our outrage at the way the notion of humanitarianism was debased in the war aside for a time, perhaps we can see that there are indeed signs of hope in the way humanity seems to be groping toward an understanding that armed conflict is something we must grow out of. (See the next message for more on this.) all the best, Jan ************************************************************* Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 16:31:07 -0400 From: Hans Sinn <•••@••.•••> Subject: Kosovo and after Dear Jan and friends, Now that NATO had its way in the Serbian Kosovo-Albanian dispute the question appears to be: - Will Kosovo Albanians and Serbs manage to co-exist on the same territory and - What lessons have been learned by the proponents and opponents of the NATO bombing campaign? For my own purposes I find John Keegan's understanding of the Balkan nations and their history of warfare most helpful. I like to strongly recommend his book "A History of Warfare" , Vintage Books, New York, 1993, 432 pp). John Keegan was for many years senior lecturer in military history at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, England and views the Balkan conflict in the broader context of 5000 years of warfare. Consequently Keegan seems to be able to make some pretty accurate observations and predictions about the Balkan situation (see pages 51 to 60). Keegan, who does not share the particular biases of our current public information media, notes: During WW II the Catholic Croates supported by the Italians used the opportunity and "unleashed a campaign of expulsions, forced conversion and extermination against the Orthodox Serbs [killing 350.000 Serbs in the process]. Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina took a hand in the civil war also, while in the South the Serbs of Kossovo (his spelling) were attacked by their Albanian neighbours." (p.52) Against the background of the militarization of people not only in the Balkans but globally, since the end of WW II, at the cost of 50 million lives, to no avail, Keegan made in 1992 the following observation ( with which I agree) : "Despite confusion and uncertainty, it seems just possible to glimpse the emerging outline of a world without war. It would be a bold man to argue that war was going out of fashion. The resurgent nationalism of the peoples of the Balkans and of former Soviet Transcaucasia, which have found expression in war making of a particular abhorrent kind, give the lie to that. Such wars, however, lack the menace raised by similar conflicts in the pre-nuclear world. They provoke not the threat of sponsorship by opposed great-power patrons, with all the danger of ramification that such sponsorship implies, but a humanitarian urge to intervene in the cause of peace-making. Prospects of peace-making may be illusory. The Balkan and Transcaucasia conflicts are ancient in origin and seem to have as their objective that 'territorial displacement' familiar to anthropologists from their study of 'primitive war'. Such conflicts by their nature defy efforts at mediation from outside, since they are fed by passions and rancours that do not yield to rational measures of persuasion and control; they are apolitical, to a degree for which Clausewitz made little allowance. "Yet the fact that effort is being made betokens a profound change in civilization's attitude to war. The effort at peace-making is motivated not by calculation of political interest but by repulsion from the spectacle of what war does. The impulse is humanitarian, and though humanitarians are old opponents of war making, humanitarianism has not before been declared a chief principle of great power's foreign policy, as it has now by the United States, nor has it found an effective supranational body to give it force, as it has recently in the United Nations, nor has it found tangible support from a wide body of disinterested states, willing to show their commitment to the principle by the dispatch of peace-keeping, and potentially peace-making forces to the seat of conflict." (p.58) Although humanitarians and other members of the peace movement may continue to disagree with NATO's role in the Kosovo Albanian Serbian conflict, John Keegan was able to correctly anticipate in 1992 NATO's 1999 bombing campaign and its "humanitarian" intentions. Looking forward to your response Hans. R.R.4 Brooke Valley Road 687 Perth, Ontario Canada Tel: 613 264 8833 Fax: 613 264 8605 Civilian Peace Service <>