============================================================================ Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 22:22:57 -0300 (ADT) From: Daniel Haran <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: re:rn- regarding the development of an effective global movement... Global revolution, eh? In an earlier post, you write: "There are tributary movements aplenty throughout the world, and they will all be important, but how is the spirit of a 'massive historic movement' going to arise?" So I should ask: what if it arose after the fact? Have you heard of Quebec's "silent revolution"? Few people took note while it happened that church attendance was dropping; neighbours talking to each other over backyard fences liberated themselves from the Church's political-theological hegemony-- though few realized that that was what they were doing. Could all of the small movements finally add up to something bigger than any programmatic approach we could ever conceive of? Peace- d. ======================= Dear Daniel, I imagine you're right, that when an identifiable mass movement arises, it may well come from an unexpected direction... and that once identified, we'll see that it had already been underway for a while - ie, we'll notice it "after the fact". None of us is going to design an approach, pragmatic or otherwise, which is going to _cause such a movement. So is there any point in theorizing about mass movements? I think there is, for several reasons. For one thing, I think it is important for those who choose to be activists to have a sound strategic perspective. If you have only one shoulder to put to the wheel, you want to be sure you're pushing in the right direction, and not pursuing a co-opted program - you at least want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. It is also important to understand how the process of reform itself has been factored in to the political machinery, enabling movement demands to be 'satisfied' without really changing the system. (For example, the orwellian establishment adoption of the slogan 'sustainable development'.) Most important, perhaps, is the need to have a better understanding of movement goals and strategies - in the event a mass movement arises. One problem with a mass movement, for example, is that involves a signficant proportion of the population, as well it should. But how could communication be maintained on a mass basis? How could decisions be made? And how is a mass constituency to arise in the face of ongoing and skillful corporate-media propaganda? Quebec's experience with the Church, by the way, is not at all unique - I've seen the same thing in France, Britain, and Ireland, and it seems to be a general Western phenomenon of the past few decades. To some extent this can be viewed as people "liberating themeselves", but we must also acknowledge that they are going with the prevailing tide toward materialism, consumerism, and corporatism. All traditional social institutions are undergoing destabilization in this age of corporate globalization. Communities, nations, churches, political parties - all are losing their roots, and becoming either impotent or else corporate-dominated. As these institutions pass - leaving mega-corporations as the only surviving institution of power - I find myself viewing what we are losing as having some value after all. I grew up an enemy of 'nationalism', but was 'the nation' really the culprit? Or was it rather the nation under the control of capitalist imperialism? The church acted as an agent of hierarchical control, but it also provided an anchor for community, and provided valuable social services. Locally-based political parties were corrupt, but they provided _some input to the political process that was different than the corporate agenda. All the postwar liberalizations seemed liberating at the time, but are we really better off? We're left with an atomized society, everyone for themselves, no shared values, no sense of community, and politics has degenerated into a form of television entertainment. Each 'milestone of progress' has been appealing, but where is the road heading? rkm ======================================================================== an activist discussion forum - •••@••.••• To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance (mailto:•••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org) **--> Non-commercial reposting is encouraged, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. Copyrighted materials are posted under "fair-use". 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