Dear friends, In cj#973 I published some comments from Jeff Gates about his book, "The Ownership Solution", along with my own critique of 'broadening capitalist ownership', as a strategy for societal transformation. I stand by the substance of my critique, but I do apologize to Jeff for its unecessarily dismissive style. Jeff sent in an understandably angry response, along with an interesting article. I'll give you the article first, followed a response, and then present Jeff's comments dialog style, with my own comments interspersed - as one might reply to an email. I'll edit out some of the angry bits, and redundant bits, but do my best to preserve the integrity of what Jeff has to say. all the best, rkm ============================================================================ From June/July 1999 issue of Inner Edge Ownership Patterns -- Steps Toward a Conscious Capitalism by Jeff Gates There was a time when economic decisions were informed by conscience and made with sensitivity to a community's values. That was most obviously the case when elders were honored and when close-knit communities were the rule rather than the rarity. That richly textured, multiple-agenda decision-making has since given way to a detached, numbers-driven efficiency that grants deference, even dominance, to a narrow bandwidth of finance-denominated values. Today's finance-myopic free enterprise operates on the basis of what I call "money on automatic." With some $17 trillion ($17,000,000,000,000) in the hands of U.S. money managers - mutual fund managers, pension fiduciaries, insurance companies, banks, foundations and the like, financial values have become a proxy for a broad range of human values. This highly institutionalized, dramatically de-peoplized form of free enterprise means that economic decision-making is now cut off from the foresight, the concern and even the simple common sense that reside uniquely with individuals and within their communities. Adam Smith, the father of free enterprise, would be appalled. That famous Scot envisioned a "self-designed" system informed by a complex range of overlapping values reflecting the purpose, aspiration and motivation that make humans so uniquely human. He recognized that the moral foundation of markets, like that of democracies, is grounded in the notion that they are systems of widely distributed control -- thus the deference granted consumers in the case of markets and constituents in the case of democracies, which are routinely seen as a marketplace of ideas. Smith envisioned not financial markets but an engaged and concerned humanity as the animating force through which the pursuit of private gain becomes public virtue. While financial calculation is a part of who we are, it is only a part. Yet reliance on financial values as a surrogate for other values - economic, social, environmental - finds vigorous support in today's allegiance to an abstract and detached economic model that views financial returns and a steadily rising GDP as separate and apart from the larger concerns of communities and of nature. While it's certainly true that global capital markets display an uncanny capacity to seek out financially denominated returns worldwide, that search has left in its wake grotesque social inequities and fast mounting environmental tragedies. For instance, the UN Development Program reported in 1998 that the assets of the world's richest 225 individuals equal the combined income of the world's 2.5 billion poorest people. The three richest individuals have wealth greater than the combined GDP of the 48 poorest countries. Last year, the richest fifth of humankind had eighty-two times the combined income of the poorest fifth. That's up from sixty-one times just two years earlier. In the United States, the net worth of the richest one percent is now 2.4 times the combined net worth of the poorest 80 percent. The sad truth is that present-day capitalism - both domestically and abroad -- does a remarkable job of creating new physical capital but a lousy job of creating new capitalists. Yet that is what it must do if ever we hope to inhabit a free enterprise fully informed by the concerns of those whose lives it impacts. As I show in my book, The Ownership Solution (1998), we can address concerns across these three inescapably interdependent domains -- economic, social, environmental -- by evoking ownership patterns that are consciously people-ized, localized and human-sized -- thereby empowering capitalism itself to become more community-wise. To do so requires that companies include as owners their employees, customers, local residents and others with a stake in the performance both of the enterprise and of the community in which it is located. The encouragement of such "up-close capitalism" can enhance both motivation and mindfulness while better aligning self interest with the common interest. Indeed, much of today's violence - physical, psychic and ecological - stems from a pervasive sense of feeling apart from rather than a part of the free enterprise system and its impact on society and nature. Happily, today's detached and concentrated ownership patterns are not some immutable trait inscribed in the DNA of free enterprise. Quite the contrary. Capitalism can be designed either for inclusion or, as now, for exclusion. It's an historic irony with potentially grave implications that the "self" is the element now most missing in this self-designed system. Over time, we've allowed free enterprise to become disconnected, detached, unconscious, unconcerned and uncaring. Yet with a policy environment that looks to ownership as a means for restoring human connectedness, economic policy can be redesigned to create a sense of community, to advance a feeling of civil cohesion and to evoke better collective foresight. The very character of democratic free enterprise requires that it include notions of solidarity, mutuality and reciprocity. By turning to broad-based personal ownership as a means for deepening and enriching the relationship that people have with private enterprise, we can do much to ensure that decisions affecting peoples' lives and the environment are no longer resigned to the abstract realm of capital markets or left solely in the hands of a distant and detached financial and managerial elite. Neither left, right nor centrist, this strategy suggests instead the public encouragement of private property patterns that are decentralized, devolved and personalized. Property is a "property" of free enterprise, much like wet is a property of water. Property patterns are an underutilized tool, a meta-tool if you will, that could be used to evoke a more conscious capitalism, one where a sense of interdependence is immediate, palpable and real. That sense of connectedness, along with newly peoplized feedback loops, could have remarkable implications not only for enterprise performance but also for rebuilding social capital while advancing environmental sustainability. A modest step in that direction has been taken with the federal encouragement of employee stock ownership plans ("ESOPs"), now in place in more than 11,000 U.S. firms and covering some 10 percent of the workforce. Incentives for related enterprise stock ownership plans ("RESOPs") could expand on that popular notion, providing a way for those working for a firm's suppliers or distributors to gain a stake in a larger enterprise. Similarly, customer stock ownership plans ("CSOPs") could provide a way for local residents to gain both a stake and a voice in investor-owned utilities. Things look far different for a company's stockholders when it's their family, not just their financial return that's at risk. CSOP -- Imagine living in a utility district for 50 years where every month you have built into your bill a financial return for an absentee investor who may live in an entirely different country. Why do that? Over time, that cash flow could be used to grow capital for you instead. That's a CSOP. RESOP -- Jamaica Broilers, a chicken processing company, has a broad range of owners. Some of them are traditional investors plus the managers. But they also used the company's buyback of a foreign investor's shares to create ownership not only for their direct employees (that's an ESOP) but also for those working for related enterprises, including those microenterprise employees who grow the chickens and those employed by trucking firms who transport the chickens to market. That's a RESOP. GSOC -- Trinidad recently discovered what could be as much as 75 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Who are the natural owners of that natural gas? That resource could be developed so that everyone on the island became a mini-capitalist, ensuring that everyone participates at least a little and none too much. That's a General Stock Ownership Corporation (GSOC). In many disciplines outside the hard sciences it is said that we live within "fields" of thought and perception - nonmaterial, invisible forces that structure both space and behavior within it. The challenge facing free enterprise lies in creating an organizational field that engages the human conscience. It is in that context that ownership patterns, an invisible field, work their influence for good or ill. Jeff Gates, President of the Atlanta- and Cambridge-based Shared Capitalism Institute, is a former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (1980-87). He is author of The Ownership Solution (Perseus, 1998). Contact: •••@••.••• See =============<end of article>================= rkm response: I haven't read Jeff's book, but I'm hoping the above article gives a fair summary of his ideas. Those ideas have a very strong appeal, it seems to me, because they aim to shift our economic system without frontally challenging it. Instead of confronting capitalism, he proposes to _extend capitalism - downward & outward - and thus link it to human and community needs. The promised results are appealing, and the proposed strategy is apparently non-threatening to the establishment - the idea seems to have all the earmarks of a strategic 'winner'. They embody the powerful 'aikido principle', in which you harmonize with and then neutralize an opponent's energy, rather than countering with your own energy. Such a strategy is especially important when your opponent is more powerful than you are. I think Jeff is pursuing some very useful lines of thought. His RESOP's and GSOC's have much to be said for them... and if awareness of ownership issues can be widely popularized, that could be beneficial in several ways. It could help awaken people to the more general issue of centralized capitalist control of our economies and societies, and it might move people toward more active involvement in changing the economic circumstances of their workplaces and communities. Once aroused, 'economic activism' would not be limited to any single formula (eg, Jeff's), but could be expected to blossom in creative and unpredictable directions. Almost any kind of widespread activism is a step toward democratization, and is certainly better than apathy and powerlessness. --- Nonetheless I have several problems with 'extending ownership', especially if it is viewed as a universal panacea, and if it serves to limit the scope of our thinking. My first problem is one of terminology. I think it is fair to say, at least in the above article, that Jeff intentionally equates 'capitalism' with 'free enterprise' - the two are used interchangeably throughout. I realize this is very helpful in selling the ideas to large audiences, and I also acknowledge that most readers would tend to agree that the terms are synomyms. After all, part of our daily propaganda diet is an intentional blurring of 'democracy', 'freedom', 'free enterprise', and 'capitalism'. If Jeff is using words in the way they are commonly used, I can hardly criticize him for that, nor fault his book. But if we want to analyze his ideas, and to understand where they would likely lead in practice, then it is necessary to make distinctions between terms which are not at all synonyms. Free enterprise and market exchange have existed since before recorded history began. Shopkeepers, market days, market towns, private property, trading caravans, trading fleets, production for trade... these kinds of things can be found in many parts of the world going back millenia. Capitalism, on the other hand, is generally recognized as a comparitively recent phenomenon, something that grew up in only the past few centuries. At its core, capitalism is about change, development, and growth - as means of wealth accumulation. It is no accident that capitalism grew to maturity in tandem with the industrial revolution and with nationalist imperialism. Industrialization and imperialism offered boundless opportunties for change, development, and growth - and as these opportunities were exploited in the era of European Expansionism, capitalism became the dominant societal force in the West. Free enterprise describes an _aspect of society, one which may have a lesser or greater role from one society to another. Capitalism, on the other hand, describes a society which has become _dominated by the doctrine of economic growth and development. This is not a trivial distinction, of interest only to academics. George Orwell eloquently explained how confusion of language can be used for political purposes. This has never been more clearly demonstrated than in our current propaganda regime, where centralized political machines are called 'democracies' and mass bombing is described as 'humanitarian'. When I say we need to 'end capitalism', I mean that we need to break free from the doctrine of growth for growth's sake... otherwise the world and humanity cannot survive in any form that we would find acceptable. I'm not proposing that we 'end free enterprise'. --- I see two evolutionary threads coming out of Jeff's proposals. That is, if his agenda were to be adopted, ownership could be expected to play itself out along two different paths. The first thread, the one that Jeff and I would both agree is desirable, would lead to enterprises based on values other than wealth accumulation - where the enterprise is run for the overall benefit of its participants and of society. Whether or not the 'market value' of the enterprise increases isn't the main point, instead one looks to such values as providing stable employment, creating beneficial products, encouraging employee or community participation in decision making, maintaining productive relationships with customers and vendors, etc. The second thread leads to growth-oriented enterprises which simply happen to have a broader investor base. As Jeff points out, there are apparent benefits in this thread as well... certainly some spreading-of-the-wealth occurs, and there may be some increase in 'social awareness' in company decisions. But as I see it, these benefits are illusory. As long as the rationale behind an enterprise is wealth-accumulation, then other considerations are eventually left behind in the struggle to prosper in a competitive environment. Or else some capitalist comes along and offers you a quick profit on your stock, and the next day your friendly local business becomes a cog in a corporate empire. The _first thread could be transformative, and represents what I would call a 'counter-capitalist' force. The main consequence of the _second thread is to recruit more supporters to the side of growth-capitalism, which ultimately serves to maintain capitalist-banker hegemony and exploitive economics. In a strategic sense, I see Jeff's proposals as being in conflict with one another. First there is a confusing of capitalism with free enterprise, and from that follows a confusion of objectives: 'spreading the wealth' vs. 'transforming the rationale of the enterprise'. One objective undermines capitalism while the other strengthens it. This only becomes clear when proper distinctions are made, which is why terminology is more than an academic exercise, and why Orwell so strongly emphasized the political importance of language. You might say Jeff is sowing both green seeds and black seeds, with perhaps the hope that more of the green seeds germinate. Perhaps Jeff can even make the case that the result would be predominantly green, but that would be difficult from a perspective in which free enterprise and capitalism are seen as the same thing. A sound analysis would require finer distinctions. --- Another problem I have with the article above is its rejection of more conventional forms of social ownership. I'm certainly not a socialist, but there are cases where a non-corporatized, society-owned operation is the most suitable. This is particularly true of infrastructures such as railroads, highways, and utility systems. I know the trend is toward privatization, but that doesn't make it desirable. An infrastructure is something the rest of the society depends on to operate... reliability, good service, and sound management are the principles it should run by. Introducing a profit-growth motive into the scenario conflicts with the main mission... it encourages underpaying workers, cutting back on maintenance, focusing service on the most profitable sectors, and taking advantage of monopoly to charge excessive prices. One of the Big Lies of today's propaganda is that 'socialism failed'. Nothing could be further from the truth. After a long, expensive, and violent siege by the West, socialist nations were compelled to yield control over their economies and national policies to outside interests. We saw a triumph of might, not a failure of socialism. It's taken decades of embargo by the world's most powerful nation to keep Cuba down and pressure it into 'market liberalization'... hardly a failure of socialism. yours, rkm ============================================================================ From: jeff gates <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#973,rn-> re-2: movement strategy Cc: Thomas Kocherry <•••@••.•••> ---<edited>--- JG: the book is about reconnecting capitalism to people -- peoplizing, localizing, human-sizing and community-wise-ing. There's a reason why the corporate entity is the most prevalent institution, surpassing even the nation state. Transforming relationships with the entity seems to me far more realistic than some vague notion of paradigm shifting with no indication what we're shifting to or how to do so. Or what happens to the corporate entity in the process. Disconnected corporations respond solely to financial values. Peoplized corporations may respond to a broader range of values. That's the hypothesis. It's a transformative notion. Yours, apparently, is an "eliminative" notion? rkm: See above. rkm: >Third, a great deal of stock ownership is already technically in the hands >of little people, in the form of pension funds. And through various >mechanisms, control over those funds ends up in the hands of professional >investment firms, who park them in long-term stocks so as to stabilize the >market and permit the corporate machine to continue its ruinous agenda. >Patching capitalism is like fighting kudzu. JG: great misconception - spread by Peter Drucker among others. I wrote federal pension law for seven years (as counsel to Senate Finance Cmte). Those funds are totally disconnected from the concerns of those in whose name they're held... rkm: I think we're saying the same thing here. > >Fourth, the idea of shifting ownership from a minority to a majority is >wholly contrary to where things are actually heading. The tidal wave is >toward further concentration of ownership, and lots of little paddles >aren't going to turn back the market-forces tide. This is an age of the >big fish eating the little fish, and so ad infinitum. In particular, the >TNC's are taking over everything (including patents on life itself) and are >fighting it out amongst themselves to see which handful of logos will >remain to manage 'Earth Inc'. It is no surprise that capitalist apologists >endorse 'The Ownership Solution', because they understand these issues, and >their profession is misleading the public. JG: Again, you might want to read the book. Yes, the trend is toward further concentration (and it's now much more concentrated than when the book was published 18 months ago). rkm: OK then, does a bottom-up ownership movement have a prayer of success against trillions of dollars of concentrated wealth? Have you 'done the numbers' in any systematic way? If whole nations fall to the chain-saw of the IMF, I don't see the prospects as being that favorable. Might I suggest that you resist the temptation to edit the list of endorsements to those who you consider apologists -- as you know (if you read the list), I'm certain others on the list would find it surprising indeed to find that they're now characterized as apologists, including Bill Greider, John Kenneth Galbraith, Coretta Scott King, Paul Hawken, Bob Swann (Pres of Schumacher Society), Ram Dass. Any reason why you deleted THEM from your curiously edited list of endorsements? I append, again, the list -- with a note of caution to other readers about that very, very selective editing and what that may suggest re the credibility of these postings.... By the way, readers will find that the book has a dominantly green theme. rkm: I think the list was published in a previous posting, at least it was on the rn list. I tried to include some representatives of the different categories in the small selection I included. Yes there are many 'good guys' in the endorsements... I didn't consider that surprising, because your ideas _do sound appealing. I considered the 'establishment' endorsers to be more interesting and significant... they lend an air of practicality to the proposals. That's why I commented on them... I didn't mean to imply all the endorsers were from one camp. By the way, the book is available now in paperback through all the usual Internet bookstores. I'm now polishing a sequel. Endorsements re The Ownership Solution "Jeff Gates is that most unusual of individuals, the practical visionary." -- Edward W. Kelley, Jr., Governor, U.S. Federal Reserve "A wonderfully different and original line of thought." -- John Kenneth Galbraith, Harvard University "Jeff Gates outlines a creative, yet credible strategy for empowering working people with a more vital interest in private enterprise. If capitalism can indeed have a human face, the reforms proposed in this provocative book merit careful consideration." -- Coretta Scott King, founder, The King Center "This book focuses on the central issues that have to be addressed if the 21st century is to transcend the simplistic dilemma of capitalism versus socialism and create a new, sustainable civilization." -- Mikhail Gorbachev "In the book The Ownership Solution I found an original and promising proposal for the implementation of an appropriate ethic for capitalism in the next millennium." -- Oscar Arias, 1987 Nobel Peace Laureate; former President of Costa Rica "Long-term, sustainable development requires a balancing of economic, social, fiscal and environmental goals. In The Ownership Solution, Jeff Gates provides a thoughtful and thought-provoking approach to understanding these goals and how broad-based capital ownership can help to achieve them." -- Bill Bradley (U.S. Senator, 1979-1997) "Jeff Gates... has written the best book on economics for a generation in The Ownership Solution." -- Labour MP Denis MacShane (U.K.) "Expansion of ownership and greater access to capital will both strengthen and spread democracy and market economies throughout the world. This is a compelling account of how to help bring it about." -- Jack Kemp, former Republican vice presidential candidate "The Ownership Solution succeeds brilliantly in showing how broad based personal ownership can strengthen communities and make global sustainable development possible." -- Dick Gephardt, Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives "An ingenious and compelling look at the power inherent in widespread personal ownership. Engrossing, insightful and persuasive." -- Gerald Greenwald, Chairman and CEO, United Airlines "How do we close a growing gap between successful owners and investors and an increasingly anxious underclass? One way that would help - more participants in ownership! No one knows more about how that should be done than Jeff Gates and he offers his spectacular insight in this cornucopia of philosophical and practical ideas." -- Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York (1983-1995) "An important proposal from which all those concerned with helping the poor will want to learn." -- Michael J. Novak, American Enterprise Institute "One of the most important books of this decade. The Ownership Solution is really a solution -- one of the most significant contributions to restoring a civil society." -- Warren Bennis, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Business Administration, University of Southern California; author, On Becoming a Leader "A book full of original and stimulating ideas to which those who want to keep up with the times should expose themselves." -- Prof. Franco Modigliani, 1985 Recipient of Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science "An important subject, excellent thinker, good writer, thoughtfully done. Read it!" -- Dee Hock, Founder, President and CEO Emeritus, Visa International "Jeff Gates has provided a sweeping review of capitalism at its best and at its worst, and has skillfully shown us how a fundamentally different and better future could be shaped by weaving the thread of widespread individual responsibility through ownership into the fabric of society. " -- Ray C. Anderson, Chairman & CEO, Interface, Inc.; Co-Chair, President's Council on Sustainable Development. "A truly important and outstanding contribution." -- Prof. George C. Lodge, Harvard Business School; author, The New American Ideology "A very innovative, progressive idea. Sure to stimulate much good dialogue." -- Prof. Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University, author, The Spirit of Community "Elegantly researched. A masterful statement by a creative author -- a remarkable book." -- David McLaughlin, President-Emeritus, The Aspen Institute "A brilliant and innovative exploration of new ways to spread wealth ownership and foster wealth creation. The Ownership Solution is a blueprint for the new age of capitalism." -- Dr. Madsen Pirie, President, The Adam Smith Institute (U.K.) "Why does capitalism create so few capitalists? Jeff Gates asks and answers the central economic question, the source of our deepest social and political conflicts. He provides a humane and convincing blueprint for reforming capitalism, bringing clarity and humanity to the taboo subject of concentrated wealth." -- William Greider, author, One World, Ready or Not; Who Will Tell the People; Secrets of the Temple. National Editor, Rolling Stone. "The most incisive and fascinating analysis yet of how broader capital ownership can help drive faster U.S. growth -- and in the bargain repair the moral basis of American capitalism." -- Robert J. Shapiro, Vice President, Progressive Policy Institute "With this book, a long-time explorer and discoverer, Jeff Gates, hands over his carefully constructed maps to direct policy-makers, business and workers to a common destination of greater economic vitality and power." -- U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller IV "Jeff Gates's new book, The Ownership Solution, presents a thoughtful and creative approach to a little understood problem. That problem is how to involve people most personally, productively, and with a minimum loss of their individuality, in the rapidly forming world economy. Gates envisions an expansive and dynamic capitalism which is both market-oriented and people-oriented. His book can open horizons for both policy makers and entrepreneurs." -- Jim Wright, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1987-89) "The twenty first will be the 'Century of the Corporations.' Jeff Gates gives an exciting and well written preview of this New World and the 'owners' whose informed involvement will be essential for the continued welfare of the planet." -- Robert A.G. Monks, author, Power and Accountability and Corporate Governance "Jeff Gates has produced a view of sustainable growth that at last puts more faith in humans than governments. Splendid!" -- Malcolm Wallop (U.S. Senator, 1977-1995); Chairman, Frontiers of Freedom Institute "Jeff Gates has literally written the book on how to reverse centuries of capital concentration and economic polarization. If we are to have any chance of creating just and stable societies, the answer will hew closely to the pragmatism, intelligence and creativity offered here." - Paul Hawken, author, The Ecology of Commerce "Jeff Gates has devoted years to discussing new patterns of distributed ownership. In this thoughtful and well researched book, Gates argues that the increasing disparity of wealth within and among nations, the difficulties of abetting development, and the recent success of micro-financing all suggest a major role for new ownership patterns to drive local and global economic growth and stabilization of democracy. Gates may not have the whole solution. It is enough that he may well have an essential piece of it." -- Stuart A Kauffman, founding general partner, Bios Group, LP; Professor, Santa Fe Institute; author, The Origins of Order, At Home in the Universe. "The great value of Jeff Gates' book is that it offers proven and practical ways to untangle some of the most intractable knots in the world today: how to restore a sense of pride and ownership to industry, and how to marry capitalism to ethical values. It couldn't be more timely." -- Geoff Mulgan, Director, DEMOS (U.K.), author, Connexity "Jeff Gates' affirmation of employee ownership as a means of achieving a significant measure of human empowerment, social justice and economic success in the midst of social and technological upheaval demands our attention." -- Lynn R. Williams, President, United Steelworkers of America (retired) "Ownership is the great neglected issue of contemporary left-wing politics. Jeff Gates has brought us the most serious effort to date to address that gap; his book will be enormously influential." -- Ian Hargreaves, editor, New Statesman (UK) "This is a unique, unusual and untried proposal to solve a vexing problem in national and international economic development. It is worth some serious consideration." -- Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame "In The Ownership Solution, Jeff Gates does more than point the way to broadening the base of ownership in society. He may have put his finger on the possibility of a historical convergence. If capitalism can be prevented from concentrating ownership and wealth, social democrats will avoid the danger which they are pledged to fight as they pursue the imperative of social equity. Equally, if social equity can be achieved without frustrating entrepreneurship and undermining market forces, the conservatives will be assured of the preservation of those sources of economic energy which they are pledged to guard. Let's both get on with it!" -- Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica (1972-80; 1988-92) "The Ownership Solution offers a road map to ownership engineering which has the potential of transforming capitalism as we know it by broadening and reinforcing the concept of stakeholder society in many innovative ways." -- Dr. L.M. Singhvi, Indian High Commissioner to the Court of St. James "A compelling account of how widespread capital ownership is the 'missing piece' needed to strengthen both democracies and private property economies worldwide." -- Senator Russell B. Long (U.S. Senator, 1949-87) "In the dynamic age of globalization, Mr. Gates stretches the envelope of conventional thinking on the critical issues of ownership and equity." -- James Gustave Speth, Administrator, United Nations Development Program "Ownership is a sine qua non of sustainable development.... an interesting intellectual contribution to the evolving debate." -- James D. Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank "While the nation's economists tell us we need higher rates of saving, Jeff Gates says more 'owners' will improve society. Hopefully our policy makers, when they read this thoughtful book, will see the obvious connection." -- Edward V. Regan, Comptroller of the State of New York (1979-93) "The community we all long for can't be realized with only 6% of the population having any share in ownership. We have a long way to go to change this and Jeff Gates is leading the way." -- Bob Swann, President, E.F. Schumacher Society "The world has turned its back on the state ownership of the means of production. The free enterprise system is the best we have for generating wealth. But there is a risk that if economic disparities widen - and there is some evidence that is happening - it may also give rise to discontent. Jeffrey Gates has given much thought to how this could be avoided and capitalism given a broader base of stakeholders and beneficiaries. He sets out his ideas in this stimulating and timely book." -- Sir Shridath Ramphal, Secretary-General of the British Commonwealth (1975-90) "Development will be truly sustainable only when Jeff Gates' ideas are put into practice." -- Dr. Norman A. Bailey, Senior Director of National Security Planning, National Security Council (Reagan Administration) "In countries like my own, Nicaragua, the rich and political elites should read Jeff Gates' The Ownership Solution for inspiration on how to stop the impending social conflagration which we have been stirring for generations." -- Arturo J. Cruz, Senior, former Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S. "Fantastic! Jeff Gates has achieved the impossible. The Ownership Solution is eminently readable yet produces in cogent form why broad based ownership is the sine qua non of private enterprise. This is a genuine watershed in policy making, destined to be a classic." -- Rodger J. Pannone, President of the Law Society, 1995-96 (UK) "Around the world, the chasm between the haves and have-nots is growing. Can that threaten capitalism, peace and prosperity? Jeff Gates' solution for broadening ownership is the cutting edge, free market way to avoid that threat and improve lives." -- Mary K. Bush, former Alternative Executive Director, IMF "The Ownership Solution explains how the expansion of ownership solutions can serve not only local economies, but can also create just, moral and stable societies worldwide. The Ownership Solution will prove to be a very valuable and respected literary work to everyone it reaches." -- Sam Ayoub, Chief Financial Officer, Coca-Cola Company, Inc. (retired) "A delightfully refreshing strategic overview for utilizing the vehicle of capitalism to bring us, as a people, back into compassionate community." -- Ram Dass, author, lecturer "An unparallelled effort by a unique individual with the mind of a chief financial officer and the heart and soul of a prophet." -- John Feldmann, Director, Center for Ethics, Capital Markets and Political Economy "[The Ownership Solution] might be the only solution for the confusion of formerly centrally planned economies after the collapse of communism." -- Kiichi Mochizuki, President, The Pacific Institute Shared Capitalism Institute 1266 West Paces Ferry Road #284, Atlanta, GA 30327 Tel: 404/386-6643 Fax: 770/451-4985 E-mail: •••@••.••• ============================================================================ ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. 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