rn- “to surrender your birthright as a nation of people, is to die”


Richard Moore

Dear rn,

Below is a very interesting speech by Ovide Mercredi, a member of the Cree
tribe.  He is talking about Canada, and points out how corporate
globalization is now forcing colonialism onto the the whole nation, just as
it was forced a century ago onto the First Peoples.   His words are just as
relevant to non-Canadians.  He offers his experience and wisdom to help us
learn to resist effectively, and he asks a key question:

        "Do you want to digress into a state of a colony as your legacy
         for the new millenium?"


From: "Marc Bombois" <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Fw: Ovide Mercredi at Save Canada Conference
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 22:36:09 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: Connie Fogal <•••@••.•••>
To: <•••@••.•••>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 9:18 PM
Subject: Ovide Mercredi at Save Canada Conference

This is a very powerful speech by Ovide Mercredi, an outstanding First
Nations leader in Canada .

"The Americanization of Canada is a very powerful stream, a stream of
assimilation that cannot be ignored by Canadians or Indigenous Peoples,
within this country.  There must be a national program of resistance to the
global assimilation of corporate values, that puts profit ahead of people,
or the capacity of a country to remain a true democracy.  From our
experiences with Canada and its own laws and policies aimed at dismantling
our indigenous nation, we know that more action is needed than just mere
reactionary resistance against the common perceived threat to our future,
if we are to survive as distinct peoples with the capacity to shape and
control our own future as a people."

"We can also give you lessons on the art of resistance, and how to build a
movement for the restoration of your rights and freedom: both as a
collectivity or society and as individual citizens of your nation."

The Save Canada Conference  Ottawa, Ontario, August 20 - 21, 1999

Ovide Mecredi's speech to participants August 21, 1999.

It's late and you have all worked very hard I'm sure, to express not only
your opinions, but also your commitment to your country.

So it is not my intent here to keep you very long - but I was asked to show
some experiences that we have had as Indigenous People in this country:
about the loss of sovereignty and the impact of that on a people's capacity
to defend themselves; or for that matter to organize for their wellness and
their development against the forces of assimilation and Canadian threats
to First Nation's independence in the last Century,  and the American Dream.

I am a Cree - hence my views of Canada and the United States of America are
different from that of citizens of these two foreign nation states that
took root on Native soil.

However, I believe that our experiences with imperialism, colonialism and
federalism can be instructive to those Canadians who fear the loss of their
independence, loss of their land, water and economies and the loss of their
territorial sovereignty, or the control of their way of life.

The americanization of Canada is a very powerful stream, a stream of
assimilation that cannot be ignored by Canadians or Indigenous Peoples,
within this country.  There must be a national program of resistance to the
global assimilation of corporate values, that puts profit ahead of people,
or the capacity of a country to remain a true democracy.  From our
experiences with Canada and its own laws and policies aimed at dismantling
our indigenous nation, we know that more action is needed than just mere
reactionary resistance against the common perceived threat to our future,
if we are to survive as distinct peoples with the capacity to shape and
control our own future as a people.

We the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas understand all too well that our
survival and future is linked to the maintenance of our separate and
distinct identity, and to the free exercise of our inherent self
determination within our territories.

Our past struggles with Canada, some of which have now become a part of
Canadian consciousness, like residential schools were battles against the
forces of assimilation and    the efforts by the Christian churches or the
Canadian Government to transform our peoples into Canadians.

Today the immediate threat for our treaty and Aboriginal Rights is the
growing consolidation of corporate power and wealth that has a tacit
support and promotion of the wealthy nation states, including those that
belong to that exclusive corporate mind or club called the G7 Summit.

In some way I find your concerns for your future as an independent country
similar to our peoples vision to blossom as a distinct people rather than
becoming forever lost in that seemingly endless stream of assimilation.
Does this mean that Canadians will better understand and maybe even support
the aspirations and dreams of the first people for their own presence under
the sun?

Maybe not, but I ask this question: how does it feel to be forced into
something that you have very little power to prevent?  By the way, time is
not a friend, for the lapse of time that had been used by Canada to
dis-empower the Aboriginal People and to assert exclusive jurisdiction over
land, and its abundant resources: water, air, commerce and trade, economy
and government.  In short, full sovereignty to the exclusion of the First

It seems ironic that after trying so hard for so many centuries to
dispossess the First Peoples of their rights and future, we are seeing a
modern and young Canada handing over it's sovereignty and wealth to the
Americans under the Free Trade Agreements, thereby making Canada the newest
colony for corporate interests.

Do you want to digress into a state of a colony as your legacy for the new

I think that it is a very good thing for all of us who share this county
that the indigenous nations have not given up their fight for their land,
their resources and their independence.  Since your governments and
politicians have turned their back to the Canadian people and have
abandoned the vision of your own ancestors for a free and democratic
society, who is left to fight against the confluence of Canadian and
American streams of assimilation?

We are still here.  We are still standing; we have not forgotten.  We will
never surrender our destiny, nor our sovereignty.

In the century or more to come will Canadians be able to make that same
claim?  I do not wish to upset anybody nor do I want to surrender your
dreams for a fair and democratic society, but you must know that not all of
Canada is worth saving.  For instance the colonial relationship that
characterizes our relations with you in this country is not something we as
Aboriginal Peoples can rally around to help save Canada from American
domination.  We must also remember that the experience of indigenous tribes
in the United States begs for fundamental reforms in relation with the
First Peoples of that country, as well.

For us it is not a choice between two colonizers or three colonizers.  The
choice is freedom.  The choice is to build new societies that are not
founded in oppression or totalitarianism.  The choice is clear - the end of
dominance of one society over another society of free people.  That choice
leaves me to say that I really hope that our shared option for our common
future and destiny in North America.

I believe national measures in Canada and in the United States, must be
undertaken to save Indigenous Peoples from further exploitation and to end
any further destruction of their land, resources, and any further
diminishment of their sovereignty, their culture or their way of life.

How can Canadians learn from our terrible journey - from a free people to
that of dependency in less than one century?  Let me put it in pure and
simple language.

First, when you lose your land and its resources, your people will lose
their ability and capacity to maintain their livelihood or their way of

Secondly, when you lose your economy and the ability to control your
economic future, you are reduced to a pauper, forever dependent upon the
charity of those who control the economy and hold the reigns of power.

Thirdly, when you lose your authority or jurisdiction over your land and
territory you are no longer free to exercise the right of

Fourthly, when you lose the sovereignty of your people and their lands and
territories, the new masters of your destiny will never give it up

Fifthly, it is better to have freedom and to be self reliant as a distinct
people than to be dependent upon another society for your needs, your well
being, your progress or your destiny.

Sixth, you will find over the course of time that while the people may
never forget their heritage and vision, the struggle to remain a distinct
people with the right of self determination equal to all nations will take
its toll on the lives and limited resources of your people.

And finally, to surrender your birthright as a nation of people, is to die.

We can also give you lessons on the art of resistance, and how to build a
movement for the restoration of your rights and freedom: both as a
collectivity or society and as individual citizens of your nation.

This advice, by the way, will cost you a few more trinkets and beads:

Your freedom for my freedom Your sovereignty for my sovereignty Your
society for my society Your land for my land. Your water for my water. Your
culture and heritage for my culture and heritage. Your people's future for
my people's future.

Is that too much 'free trade' for both you and me?

What is the point here?  The point here, my relatives, is that no one
should have to lose anything in order for someone else to make advances or

For now that is all I will say.  May your journey to save the country
result in positive gains and advances for the Indigenous People of Canada.
Good night.


C/0 CONSTANCE FOGAL LAW OFFICE, #401 -207 West Hastings St., Vancouver,
B.C. V6B1H7
Tel: (604)687-0588; fax: (604) 872 -1504 or (604) 688-0550;cellular(604)
202 7334;
  E-MAIL    •••@••.•••; www.canadianliberty.bc.ca

"The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to the
Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens
of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are
entitled" Supreme Court of Canada  A.G. of Nova Scotia and A.G. of Canada,
S.C.R. 1951 pp 32


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