Dear RN list, Oct. 14 I can't help Chris Granner with his request for source information re: US involvement in the Chechnya debacle. If anyone can help, please let Chris (and me) know! all the best, jan ************************************************** Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 07:11:49 -0500 From: Chris Granner <•••@••.•••> To: rn <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: US Aids Russian crimes in the Caucasus Jan- I've enjoyed reading your postings. This list is a great source of info that I certainly don't see in the mainstream media. I followed your link to's story by Eric Margolis about US involvement with Chechnya earlier this decade. While the entire story is PLAUSIBLE in the context of current trends of globalization, could I get some DOCUMENTATION of SOURCES? For instance, Margolis claims that in 1994 "Clinton lent Yeltsin $11 billion to finance the operation [the invasion of Chechnya]." This is completely PLAUSIBLE. But is that 11 billion a line item in some budget my congressman voted for? Is there any paper trail? Margolis doesn't quote ANYBODY! This makes this sort of piece difficult to use as arguments with thoughtful people about the effects of globalization, which I feel strongly about but about which I don't get much documentable evidence (besides the evidence of my own senses & sensibilities, which I'm not discounting...) Please keep up the good work, and please try to provide more source information in the future. Thank you, -cg Chris Granner Evanston, Illinois "Let the bosses -- take the losses -- " -Sal Martirano **************************************************************** Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 22:12:09 -0300 To: •••@••.••• From: earthsea <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: RN: SAND IN THE WHEELS #2 (excerpts) RE: the Toronto Dollar project. Genius? Here is place where one has to ask who is winning what. If successful, the project "taxes" the community at 10% to provide basic services and employment programs for those in very great need. Laudable in that someone gets helped, but deplorable in that the government is then off the hook for providing exactly what government is supposed to provide with the taxes it will continue to collect and mis-allocate! I'm sure there must be a two footed approach to the problem and the project is one foot. The other foot needs to be something like a campaign to make the 10% "voluntary tax" deductable as a charitable donation at 100% from participants personal income taxes and/or property tax. thoughtfully, DavidC ******************************************************************* Check out our Website for wicked Psycho-Spiritual Adventures, Shamanic Counselling, Spirit-Guided Living programs and Cross-Cultural events! David Cameron * EarthSea *Box95 * Riverport * NS * Canada * BOJ 2WO 902 766-4129 If you find our comments useful you might be interested in a Free Sample E-Issue of NUZE 2 U--EarthSea's monthly (sorta) zine. It covers a lotta ground and helps The Memes of Change get around! ************************************************************************* From: •••@••.••• Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 15:18:37 EDT Subject: Re: Fwd/RN: Monsanto a candidate for corporate charter revocation To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• To whom it may interest, I concur, on Monsanto. 5,000 copies of a pamphlet on how to close a bad corporation will soon be available, based on the Unocal model in California. I am simply putting this in my revocation-candidates file and would appreciate anyon's guidance or leadership on it. Ronnie Dugger In a message dated 99-09-30 13:37:07 EDT, you write: << Subj: Fwd/RN: Monsanto a candidate for corporate charter revocation Date: 99-09-30 13:37:07 EDT From: •••@••.••• To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• <snip> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 23:10:07 -0300 From: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov) Subject: rn- Monsanto prime candidate for revoking of corporate charter ************************************************ Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:23:15 -0700 Subject: Re: Fwd/RN: Monsanto a candidate for corporate charter revocation From: Nancy T Price <•••@••.•••> yes, revoking Monsanto's charter may be a good way to spend our time and energy simply as a tool for public education on the issues. One issue would be how govt and taxpayer money is used as "corporate welfare" often to develop technology and products that run counter to public health,safety, and threaten development of a sustainable environment and agriculture to the benefit of the people and not the CEOs and corporations. In the most recent news about Monsanto, I think I remember correctly that it was USDA in consort with Delta Pine & Land Company, one of the largest seed companies, that together used public taxpayer and private money to develop the "Terminator" seed technology. Then Monsanto bought DP & L, one of the reasons they have had financial troubes trying to pay off their past years binge of purchases. As for the figure spend by USDA, I don't know at this writing. Nancy Price Alliance for Democracy