============================================================================ Copyright (C) 1999, Richard K. Moore, All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Epilogue - an insane world on the brink of collapse Only when the last tree has died And the last river been poisoned And the last fish caught Will we realize that we cannot eat money. - The Cree When an irresistible force collides with an immovable object, the result must be a violent one - as when an automobile collides with a brick wall. An irresistible force carries immense energy. When it collides with an immovable object that energy is unleashed all at once - explosively. The collision must destroy either the force, or the object, or perhaps both. Humanity is today witnessing such a violent collision. This apocalyptic collision is between the irresistible market forces of the global economy and an immovable object - the life-support systems of the finite Earth. Despite centuries of reckless exploitation of natural resources, the Earth has has so far remained 'immovable' in its basic capacity to support life. But as the scale of human activity has grown, this immovability is being increasingly threatened. Our life-support systems are being stressed to the breaking point. Indeed, important parts of those systems have already collapsed entirely. The Atlantic Shelf, for example, was at one time the world's most productive fishery - it accounted for a significant fraction of the world's supply of seafood. Local legend says you could lower a bucket over the side of a ship and fish would just jump in. Today, due to the operations of city-size factory trawlers, the Shelf's productivity has been reduced to a comparative trickle. As a result, the trawler fleets move on to other fisheries, systematically repeating the destructive pattern on a global scale. Meanwhile, due to over-grazing and intensive agricultural practices, irreplaceable topsoils are being destroyed and desertification is spreading. Food supplies from land and sea alike are being threatened on a global scale. Recent studies indicate that fresh-water supplies are being stretched to the limits, and that major conflicts can be expected over water rights. There are many different environmental crises - collisions with a finite Earth - all rapidly approaching explosive dimensions. Population growth, global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, deforestation, pollution of air and waterways - all of these stresses have global consequences that are only poorly understood. For example, early predictions about global warming presumed that temperature increases, if they occurred at all, would be gradual and imperceptible. Instead, the effects seem to be showing up in the form of hurricanes and floods of unprecedented violence and geographical extent. The Antarctic ice sheet is beginning to melt, and there is a particular continent-sized glacial shelf that is positioned to break free all at once. If it were to slide into the sea, gigantic tidal waves would race around the Earth and sea level would rise and permanently submerge major coastal cities and low-lying areas. History is strewn with the carcasses of whole civilizations that collapsed when the resources they depended on were exhausted. Our own civilization is global in scale - if it collapses humanity as a whole is threatened. We don't know which dire environmental predictions might actually occur, or which might occur first. Yet in our collective ignorance we plunge recklessly ahead as a global society - accelerating our usage of fossil fuels, generating ever-more pollution, and squeezing ever-more resources out of an Earth stressed already to the breaking point. We are like a blind man who charges ahead boldly, even though he knows he is near the edge of a precipice. As a species, our behavior is not merely careless or imprudent - it is suicidal and insane. Individual insane behavior results from some kind of mental disconnect. The part of the brain that controls behavior and makes decisions is somehow out of touch with surrounding reality. Such a person is dysfunctional and can be a danger to themselves and others. Similarly, our global society is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. We live in a finite, fragile Earth, and yet we behave as if unlimited economic growth and intensive development could go on forever. They can't. There is indeed a fatal disconnect in our global societal brain. The decision-making part of humanity is dominated by a particular ideology - the ideology of economic growth. Our very definition of a 'healthy economy' is expressed in terms of the rate at which it is growing. This ideology at one time seemed to be more or less functional. The nations which adopted it industrialized and became wealthy and prosperous. The Earth seemed to offer endless new territories and resources, and the growth doctrine, due to its apparent success, became firmly ingrained, especially in the West. A once functional ideology has become dysfunctional and yet it remains globally dominant. This is humanity's mental disconnect; this is our collective insanity - our dysfunctional, out-of-date growth ideology. By its very nature, capitalism must have ever-more growth. Investors must have a place to grow their stash or else the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. The resulting growth ideology has become an irresistible force, and increasingly it is colliding with the immovable object that is the finite and fragile Earth. If the Earth's life-support systems collapse first, we are all in dire danger for our lives. If the capitalist system collapses first, we are in equal danger from economic chaos. Humanity is on an insane collision course with disaster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 Elites and global tyranny ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The crisis of globalization Globalization is not a policy choice, it is a fact. -U.S. President Bill Clinton, 1998 Subservience to the growth ideology is reflected in the modern term 'competitive'. In earlier times competitive referred to the ability of a nation to compete on world markets. The term reflected efficiency of production, competence in marketing, and a sound national economy. Today nations 'compete' to attract investors and corporate operators. The term now reflects lax regulations and low wages - and a sound national economy has become irrelevant. Formerly nations competed on the basis of their economic strength. Today they compete on the basis of their subservience to global corporations and investors. Competitiveness has become a synonym for friendliness to global capital. Global investors seek those opportunities which offer the greatest promise of growth for their funds. Thus in order to be competitive, a nation must orient its policies around encouraging and supporting unrestrained economic growth. The pressure to be competitive forces all nations to promote endless economic growth, despite whatever social deterioration and environmental degradation might be caused. The doctrine of unrestrained growth has not always been so dramatically dominant. What has promoted this principle to dominance has been the process known as globalization. With globalization have come free-trade treaties, giant transnational corporations (TNCs), a huge and unregulated global finance market, and structural adjustment programs which are attached to loans made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Each of these aspects of globalization, in its way, contributes to creating a political and economic climate where competitiveness prevails over all other social and economic principles. Free-trade treaties and IMF structural programs explicitly require nations to submit themselves to investor preferences, regardless of local needs or political preferences. Transnational corporations establish plants wherever they find conditions most profitable to their operations - which means low wages and minimal regulation over working conditions and environmental safeguards. Unregulated financial markets - in which speculators can transfer billions of dollars around the world by pressing a button - exert further awesome pressure to be investor friendly. The recent financial collapse of South Korea demonstrates the power of unregulated financial markets, and it also dramatically illustrates the difference between the old and new meanings of competitive. Right up to the eve of its collapse, South Korea had been been universally acclaimed for the strength and vitality of its tiger economy. South Korea was extremely competitive - in the traditional sense of the term. But even the powerful South Korean economy could not stand up to the speculative pressures of international financial markets. Under these pressures South Korea's currency collapsed, and the nation was forced to submit itself to structural adjustments dictated by the IMF. When the IMF was originally established in 1948, its charter was to stabilize the international economy. In the case of South Korea, the traditional role of the IMF would have been to lend South Korea a helping hand in rebuilding its credit and re-establishing its economy. But globalization has changed all that. Instead the IMF forced the further destruction of the South Korean economy and ordered the liquidation of sound domestic corporations. Korean production was thereby removed from glutted international markets, creating room for growth for Western corporations. Valuable Korean assets, such as factories, became available at bargain prices to outside investors. Korea was transformed from being competitive, in the traditional sense of strong, to being competitive in the modern sense of subservient. Despite its dysfunctionality, the process of globalization is continuing to accelerate. Competitive subservience is becoming ever more firmly entrenched as the central agenda worldwide. In 1995, the globalization process was institutionalized in the form of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO has the power, by binding treaties, to overturn national policies whenever those policies are deemed to be contrary to competitiveness. In every case where the WTO has been asked to review a health, safety, or environmental regulation, that regulation has been overturned. Even the almighty United States must kowtow to WTO directives. Venezuelan gas refiners challenged U.S. rules requiring that gas exported to the United States meet basic clean air standards. The WTO ruled that the U.S. Clean Air Act was an "unfair restriction on trade". In 1997, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency obediently changed the rules to allow foreign refiners to avoid U.S. performance standards. Officially the WTO is made up of nations, and its decisions are taken on a consensus basis. On the surface, this arrangement would seem to protect the interests of all nations, even small and weak ones. But that's not how things work out in practice. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The WTO process is in fact dominated by the trade delegates of the leading Western nations, and those delegates are typically selected from the top ranks of banking and industry. In other words, the WTO process is dominated by the interests of an elite - the biggest international banks and corporations. Despite its official structure, the WTO acts as the agent of international capital. The U.S. Congress voted for the Clean Air Act, but the U.S. trade delegation had other interests. The democratic process in Western nations is becoming increasingly irrelevant - fundamental national policies are determined not by that process, but rather by the dictates of elite capital interests. Although most people may not even have heard of the WTO, it functions in effect as a centralized world government. It is dominated by the interests of international corporations and financiers, and it has dictatorial power over national governments. There is no appeal from its decisions; it is restricted by no bill of rights; and its policies reflect no democratic input. Without fear of exaggeration, one can say that today we live under an elite capitalist global regime - even though few people seem to be aware of it. No Western political leader would speak in these terms, but at the same time every Western leader obediently follows the dictates of the WTO. The WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank collaborate in enforcing a global regime of subservience to elite capital interests. No doubt this terminology is off-putting to many readers. It sounds a bit like something you might read in in a Cold-War issue of Pravda or in the works of Karl Marx. Nonetheless, this is the reality of our modern condition. Even though many of us may revile Marx and his ideas about the "dictatorship of the proletariat", his predictions regarding the "final stages of capitalism" have come true in the process of globalization. He predicted that capitalism would become global in its operations, and that national interests would be sacrificed to the interests of capital. That is precisely what has happened, and it has been officially institutionalized in the elite-dominated WTO, IMF, and World Bank. For the people of the West globalization has brought declining living standards, reduced social programs, and the loss of significant sovereignty to corporate-dominated international institutions. In effect, our political leaders have abandoned constitutional sovereignty and have betrayed Western democracy to elite corporate interests. But in the third world, the ravages of globalization have been far greater. The West has been spared the worst - for the time being - but once the WTO regime is firmly established in power, the West will have little protection from the full consequences of 'investor friendliness'. As regards the third world, the case of Rwanda is particularly poignant. Rwanda had enjoyed a reasonably healthy economy by third-world standards. Half of the economy was devoted to agriculture, providing for the needs of the local population. The other half was devoted to export coffee production, providing the foreign exchange needed to purchase import commodities. All of this was systematically destroyed when the IMF came along and imposed one of its structural adjustment programs. The adjustment program forced two critical changes in the economy. First, it raised the price of petroleum so that farmers could no longer afford to transport their goods to market. Second, it reduced the price paid to coffee growers so that their operations became unprofitable. These measures totally destroyed the economy. Famine and social chaos were the inevitable and totally predictable result. Rwanda was forced into total collapse - much worse than in the case of South Korea. When these conditions led to the outbreak of genocidal civil war, the Western media said nothing about the IMF dictates which caused the problem. Viewers were led to believe that traditional tribal rivalries were to blame - that's just how things are in the backward third world. From the perspective of global capital, the intentional destruction of Rwanda makes perfect sense. With Rwandan coffee removed from the glutted international market, big corporate coffee producers were given more room for growth and profitability. With the destruction of Rwandan agriculture, Rwanda became a market for corporate agribusiness operators. These benefits may not have amounted to much, by global standards, but they were sufficient to warrant the destruction of an entire nation, leading to famine and genocide. Such is the mentality of the elite corporate regime. The IMF has little chance of recovering its loans from Rwanda, or from Korea, but that is secondary. The goal of the IMF is not to be a successful lending institution, but rather to serve the needs of international capital. Besides, IMF funds come not from international bankers, but rather from Western taxpayers. In the case of Korea, the IMF took those funds and used them to carry out its so-called "bailout" of South Korea. The bailout money did not go to South Korea, but went instead to cover the losses of the very speculators who had engineered the crash. People in the West were deluded into thinking the IMF was helping Korea. In fact, the taxes of those Westerners were handed over to irresponsible global speculators, and the IMF then undertook the systematic destruction of the entire South Korean economy. Globalization represents a dire crisis for democracy, for sound economics, and for human welfare generally. In the next section, we will inquire into the origins of globalization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For readers who want a more in-depth understanding of the crisis of globalization, there are many excellent books available. The ones listed below I have found to be particularly informative and insightful. Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty, The Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia, 1997. Jerry Mander & Edward Goldsmith, ed, The Case Against the Global Economy and for a Turn Toward the Local, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1996. Frances Moore Lappé, World Hunger, Twelve Myths, Grove Press, New York, 1986. Hans-Peter Martin & Harald Schumann, The Global Trap, Globalization & the Assault on Democracy & Prosperity, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1997. William Greider, One World Ready or Not, the Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997. Richard Douthwaite, The Growth Illusion, The Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1992. James Goldsmith, The Response, Macmillan, London, 1995. ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. 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