rn: Vandana Shiva: significance of Seattle


Jan Slakov

Dear RN,                  Dec. 13

I've been reading quite a few follow-up pieces to the Seattle protests and
among my favourites is this one, by Vandana Shiva, mainly because I like her
vision of where we need to go from here:

"Against all odds, millions of people from across the world have been
putting these principles [eg. working to protect cultural diversity & to
counter global fast food monoculture] into practice.  The post Seattle
challenge is to
change the global trade rules and national food and agricultural policies
so that these practices can be nurtured and spread and ecological
agriculture, which protects small farms and peasant livelihoods, and
produces safe food, is not marginalised and criminalised.  The time has
come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of
good food as the highest gift and the most revolutionary act."

I'm not sure that I would agree with her assertion about the MOST
revolutionary act, but certainly, growing good food and sharing it and
helping others to do likewise is of crucial importance... The NWO relies on
oil as its energy source, and uses violence to secure its ends. We rely on
food as our ultimate energy source and the means to secure good food must
ultimately be nonviolent... 

While I'm on the subject of food, I want to tell you about a great book
(which could make a good present for your library!): It's called _Real Food
for a Change_ and is chock-full of statistics and creative ideas for
bringing health to agriculture and eating. Published by Random House Canada,
you can order a copy via Get a Life!, 2255B Queen St. E., Ste. 127, Toronto,
ON M4E 1G3 (416) 699-6070 <•••@••.•••>. cost: $23.50 Canadian (tax incl.)

all the best, Jan
From: "Janet M Eaton" <•••@••.•••>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 23:58:48 +0000
Subject: Significance of Seattle by Vandana Shiva 

This is a  powerful critique of the WTO, an  articulate and 
informed  interpretation of the meaning of  the "rebellion on the 
streets and the rebellion within the W.T.O."  and it is an empowering 
entreaty for the  new  global citizen-based and citizen-driven 
democratic order which has  emerged.  Vandana Shiva  is,  as always,  
compellingly convincing  !


From: Research Foundation <•••@••.•••>

The Historic Significance of Seattle
by Vandana Shiva

        The failure of the W.T.O Ministerial meeting in Seattle was a historic
watershed, in more than one way.  Firstly, it has demonstrated that
globalisation is not an inevitable phenomena which must be accepted at all
costs but a political project which can be responded to politically.

        50,000 citizens from all walks of life and all parts of the world were
responding politically when they protested peacefully on the streets of
Seattle for four days to ensure that there would be no new round of trade
negotiations for accelerating and expanding the process of globalisation.

        Trade Ministers from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean were
responding politically when they refused to join hands to provide support
to a "contrived" consensus since they had been excluded from the
negotiations being undertaken in the "green room" process behind closed
doors.  As long as the conditions of transparency, openness and
participation were not ensured, developing countries would not be party to
a consensus.  This is a new context and will make bulldozing of decisions
difficult in future trade negotiations.

        The rebellion on the streets and the rebellion within the W.T.O.
negotiations has started a new democracy movement - with citizens from
across the world and the governments of the South refusing to be bullied
and excluded from decisions in which they have a rightful share.

        Seattle had been chosen by the U.S to host the Third Ministerial
conference because it is the home of Boeing and Microsoft, and symbolises
the corporate power which W.T.O rules are designed to protect and expand.

        Yet the corporations were staying in the background, and proponents of
free-trade and W.T.O were going out of their way to say that W.T.O was a
"member driven" institution controlled by governments who made democratic
decisions.  The refusal of Third World Governments to rubber-stamp
decisions from which they had been excluded has brought into the open and
confirmed the non-transparent and anti-democratic processes by which W.T.O
rules have been imposed on the Third World and has confirmed the claims of
the critics.

        W.T.O has earned itself names such as World Tyranny Organisation because
it enforces tyrannical anti-people, anti-nature decisions to enable
corporations to steal the world's harvests through secretive, undemocratic
structures and processes.  The W.T.O institutionalises forced trade not
free trade, and beyond a point, coercion and the rule of force cannot

        The W.T.O tyranny was apparent in Seattle both on the streets and inside
the Washington State Convention centre where the negotiations were taking
place.  Non violent protestors including young people and old women, labour
activists and environmental activists and even local residents were
brutally beaten up, sprayed with tear gas, and arrested in hundreds.  The
intolerance of democratic dissent, which is a hallmark of dictatorship, was
unleashed in full force in Seattle. While the trees and stores were lit up
for Christmas festivity, the streets were barricaded and blocked by 
the police, turning the city into a war zone.

        The media has referred to the protestors as "power mongers" and "special
interest" groups.  Globalisers, such as Scott Miller of the U.S. Alliance
for Trade Expansion said that the protestors were acting out of fear and

        The thousands of youth, farmers, workers and environmentalists who marched
the streets of Seattle in peace and solidarity were not acting out of
ignorance and fear, they were outraged because they know how undemocratic
the W.T.O is, how destructive its social and ecological impacts are, and
how the rules of the W.T.O are driven by the objectives of establishing
corporate control over every dimension of our lives - our food, our health,
our environment, our work and our future.

        When labour joins hands with environmentalists, when farmers from the
North and farmers from the South make a common commitment to say "no" to
genetically engineered crops, they are not acting in their special
interests.  They are defending the common interests and common rights of
all people, everywhere.  The divide and rule policy, which has attempted to
put consumers against farmers, the North against the South, labour against
environmentalists had failed.

        In their diversity, citizens were united across sectors and regions.

        While the broad based citizens campaigns stopped a new Millennium Round of
W.T.O from being launched in Seattle, they did launch their own millennium
round of democratisation of the global economy.

        The real Millennium Round for the W.T.O is the beginning of a new
democratic debate about the future of the earth and the future of it's
people.  The centralized, undemocratic rules and structures of the W.T.O
that are establishing global corporate rule based on monopolies and
monocultures need to give way to an earth democracy supported by
decentralisation and diversity.  The rights of all species and the rights
of all people must come before the rights of corporations to make limitless
profits through limitless destruction.
        Free trade is not leading to freedom.  It is leading to slavery.  Diverse
life forms are being enslaved through patents on life, farmers are being
enslaved into high-tech slavery, and countries are being enslaved into debt
and dependence and destruction of their domestic economies.

        We want a new millennium based on economic democracy not economic
totalitarianism.  The future is possible for humans and other species only
if the principles of competition, organised greed, commodification of all
life, monocultures, monopolies and centralised global corporate control of
our daily lives enshrined in the W.T.O are replaced by the principles of
protection of people and nature, the obligation of giving and sharing
diversity, and the decentralisation and self-organisation enshrined in our
diverse cultures and national constitutions.

        A new threshold was crossed in Seattle - a watershed towards the creation
of a global citizen-based and citizen-driven democratic order.  The future
of the World Trade Organisation will be shaped far more by what happened on

the streets of Seattle and in the non-governmental (NGO) organisation
events than by what happened in the Washington State Convention Centre.

        The rules set by the secretive World Trade Organisation violate principles
of human rights and ecological survival.  They violate rules of justice and
sustainability.  They are rules of warfare against the people and the
planet.  Changing these rules is the most important democratic and human
rights struggle of our times.  It is a matter of survival.

        Citizens went to Seattle with the slogan " No new round, turnaround".
They have been sucessful in blocking a new round.  The next challenge is to
turn the rules of globalisation and free trade around, and make trade
subservient to higher values of the protection of the earth and peoples

The citizens' Seattle round of the democratisation of the food system
synthesised common concerns of people from across the world to ensure that
the way we produce, distribite, process and consume food is sustainable and
equitable.  In the Third World and the industrialised world, common
principles have started to emerge from peoples practises to ensure safe and
healthy food supply.  These principles enable us to shift to nature-centred
and people-centred food systems.

1. Diversity rather than monocultures to ensure higher output per acre.

2. Decentralisation and localisation in place of centralisation and

3. Ecological processes instead of industrial processes of farming.

4. Food rights and food security rather than free-trade as the basis of

5. Democratic control rather than corporate control of the food system.

6. Patent-free and genetic engineering free farming to ensure the respect
and protection of  all species and the integrity of ecosystems and
cultures.  This involves excluding life forms from TRIPS and Biosafety from
W.T.O rules of free trade.

7. Cultural diversity in place of the global monoculture of fast foods and
industrial food chains.

8. Small farms and small farmers in place of corporate farms and absentee
land owners.  This involves protection of existing small farms and land
reforms to redistribite land.

9. Fair trade, not free trade, to ensure farmers and producers get a fair
return.  Trade as a means rather than end, with global trade subservient to
values of ecological sustainability, health and social justice.

Against all odds, millions of people from across the world have been
putting these principles into practice.  The post Seattle challenge is to
change the global trade rules and national food and agricultural policies
so that these practices can be nurtured and spread and ecological
agriculture, which protects small farms and peasant livelihoods, and
produces safe food, is not marginalised and criminalised.  The time has
come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of
good food as the highest gift and the most revolutionary act.


Jan Slakov, Weymouth, NS, Canada B0W 3T0 
 CDR (Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance) home page ->


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quoting myself:-) 
 "The NWO relies on oil as its energy source, and uses violence to secure
its ends. We rely on food as our ultimate energy source and the means to
secure good food must ultimately be nonviolent"...