============================================================================ Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:13:56 -0800 From: frank scott <•••@••.•••> Organization: college of marin To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#1037,rn-> guest essay re: "What to do about the WTO" Seattle was the most encouraging mass event in years, especially since so much of it was focused on a systemic problem rather than an individual demon. But some of the reactions, here and in other places, approach hyper-ventilating. The nerve-gas-gestapo-gas chamber analogies are totally ridiculous, as are the allusions to sinister plots on the part of "them". "They" are the capitalist corporadoes whose force was being assembled in Seattle and is being exercised all over the globe, not the foolish forces with gas masks and guns, who, as usual in conflict, over-reacted. The violent treatment of some demonstrators by the over-reactors was awful, but quite common in these circumstances. Before we go over the edge, we should understand that such police behavior is quite common in American ghettos, where doors are broken down, people are thrown out of their beds and even shot, in drug raids and such. And no police chief resigns after being found wanting, as was the case in Seattle! This system is malevolant, dangerous and a threat to the future of humanity. It must be changed by a democratic movement of informed citizens, but that won't happen if we react like a bunch of nellies who find conspiracies and nazis and mass murder and plots and cabals every time something important happens, and the established authority kicks some butt because it is important. Take a few deep breaths, folks. In Kosovo, Iraq and other places, there is mass destruction and murder performed by the forces of global capital. That stuff in Seattle was a wonderful pep-rally with some tear gas and police clubs. Standard operating procedure, and rather stupidly carried out by authority, resulting in some shame and disgrace for them. Enough already, with the gas chambers and nazis, okay? fs ============= Dear Frank, Thanks for sending in your comments, as I presume you speak for many others. I respect your viewpoints, and especially your articulateness, and have posted several of your articles which you have forwarded this direction. As regards the meaning of the police behavior in Seattle, I was quite serious about my earlier comments - and I do not find your objections convincing. I suggest we discuss this issue in some more depth. In case you're intersted, I've written a series of articles called "THE POLICE STATE CONSPIRACY - AN INDICTMENT", which was published in New Dawn magazine and which are posted on our website: http://cyberjournal.org/cdr/CDRLibrary/CDRLibrary.html The first question I have is: Are you aware of just how far the police went in Seattle? Do you realize they took young women who were already in custody, held their eyes open, and sprayed their eyes with pepper spray? And these were PEACEFUL protestors. Do you realize they were using percussion grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets on people who were not even protesting at all? Do you realize they did not bother to arrest those who destroying property? Instead they used them as an excuse for unleashing violence on peaceful protestors and uninvolved bystanders. Did you know all this when you said "violent treatment of some demonstrators by the over-reactors was awful, but quite common in these circumstances"? If you were aware, then I think you are wrong. The circumstances themselves were not common and the police response was not common. Both are unprecedented. This was not a drug raid. You said: "They" are the capitalist corporadoes whose force was being assembled in Seattle and is being exercised all over the globe, not the foolish forces with gas masks and guns, who, as usual in conflict, over-reacted. Well yes, the truly culpable parties are not the police on the beat, but those who set up the system from above. Similarly, Nazi storm troopers were not an autonomous social movment - they were also organized from above. Hitler organized the Nazi Party, and he was financed by American, British, and German capitalists. It was not individual storm troopers who went on trial in Nuremberg, but the bosses. What's so different? My own view is that the US (and the UK) have been heading toward becoming police states for quite some time. If you think about it, such a development is necessary for neoliberal globalization to succeed. Neoliberalism brings poverty, homelessness, and unemployment. Globalization brings political disempowerment and the betrayal of national sovereignty and the Consititution. Is this something you expect people to accept without resisting? Propaganda succeeded in blinding people to what was going on for nearly twenty years - a remarkable feat - but propaganda alone could not succeed forever. I've been expecting a Seattle-style uprising for some time, in fact I'm a bit surprised it took so long. Do you think those running the global system have no brains or imagination? Do you think they have not been expecting the people to eventually catch on and begin to rebel? Do you think they are incapable of making preparations? Consider your statement Before we go over the edge, we should understand that such police behavior is quite common in American ghettos, where doors are broken down, people are thrown out of their beds and even shot, in drug raids and such. And no police chief resigns after being found wanting, as was the case in Seattle! You consider this proof that police do NOT behave in a gestapo style? On the contrary, the whole phony war-on-drugs has been orchestrated PRECISELY so that a police state could be developed and sold to the public... so that the population can be controlled under globalization. As for the police chief resigning... the reports I read said that he resigned because he failed to keep order - NOT because the police over-reacted. He was quoted as saying the police "did not get the support they needed". (!) You said: In Kosovo, Iraq and other places, there is mass destruction and murder performed by the forces of global capital. That stuff in Seattle was a wonderful pep-rally with some tear gas and police clubs. Standard operating procedure, and rather stupidly carried out by authority, resulting in some shame and disgrace for them. You say shame & disgrace resulted... on what basis do you say this? Have any of the police apologized? Have any been disciplined? Has the mayor apologized? Has Clinton? When you mention "In Kosovo, Iraq and other places, there is mass destruction and murder performed by the forces of global capital", I suggest you remember the phrase "crossing the Rubicon". I could say more, but I'd rather find out how you're going to respond. There are many different directions this discussion could take. aloha, rkm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard K Moore Wexford, Irleand Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance •••@••.••• http://cyberjournal.org Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one.