feature items on Gulf War veterans and government cover-up: Feb. 8, 2000 World Report of 7 & 8 AM, Canada at 5 (5 PM), World Report (6 PM) In the Maritimes on Information Morning at about 7:45 AM (or on www.halifax.cbc.ca elsewhere) For more information, call your local CBC radio station (and let them know you appreciate this coverage). Greetings, I urge you to listen to CBC radio tomorrow to hear about how our governments have tried to hide the truth about Gulf War Syndrome and the personnel who are sick and dying from it. There is plenty to hide: the Canadian government, unbeknownst to us, was using depleted uranium (DU) munitions years ago and now 6 tonnes of the stuff lies on the ocean floor off Halifax harbour after some military exercises held there. Depleted uranium has also been found in Gulf War veterans and bit by bit the evidence linking it to Gulf War Syndrome is surfacing. (If the veterans are sick, of course the people on the receiving end of those DU weapons in Iraq and Yugoslavia are sick too. Even children yet to be born will suffer from this poison.) Meanwhile, as veterans fell ill and even died, our government denied the disease even existed; it even called the Gulf War the "Persian Gulf Conflict". This way, the military personnel were not veterans entitiled to the benefits and recognition accorded the "real" war veterans. For many of these unrecognized veterans, the post-war period has been more than they could handle physically or emotionally. Some men are so dispirited they have not been able to protest or even communicate their suffering to their families or to other Canadians; some haven't even had it together enough to get medical care and end up drowning their pain and despair in drugs. Capt. Terry Riordon, CDBA, a member of the Military Police who was sent to the Gulf War of 1990 came back from that war forever changed. Unlike many veterans, whose country and family chalked their wierd illnesses up to "stress" or whatever, Terry had a wife, Sue Riordon, who cared for him and tried to uncover the truth about what had happened to her husband. Terry died last April but the truth of what he lived through is starting to get out.... It is a truth that has transformed Sue from giving her full support to the military culture to seeing that culture as comparable to a cult. The Riordon's story is an important one; it may help prevent other people from getting caught up in this government-funded "cult". It may, let us hope, help convince Canadians that the crew running this cult do not deserve one more cent of tax money. You can catch this story on the World Report of 7 & 8 AM and 6 PM and on Canada at 5 (5PM) on CBC radio. In the Maritimes there will be a longer item at about 7:45 AM. this longer report will also be available on-line. Go to http://www.halifax.cbc.ca , click on Information Morning and follow the icons to the interview from there. ******************************************************* URLs for articles documenting the ecological consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 6] http://www.flora.org/flora.mai-not/12608 ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 5] http://www.flora.org/flora.mai-not/12187 ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 4] http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/11860 ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 3] http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/11622 ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 2] http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/11281 ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE [PART 1] http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/11003