rn: Support Ward Morehouse too!


Jan Slakov

Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 14:22:58 -0800
From: Ron Rowe <•••@••.•••>
Reply-To: •••@••.•••
Organization: Rowe Communication Services
Subject: Support Ward Morehouse too! [re: Support Cheri Honkala...]


Glad to see the appeal for support for Cheri Honkala, but don't forget Ward
Morehouse of POCLAD who is also standing trial for standing up to the Corporate
World Government in Seattle!  Please see details below.


Ron Rowe
Chair, Citizens' Alliance of Santa Barbara
 (Santa Barbara Alliance for Democracy)
P.O. Box 719
Moorpark, CA 93020-0719
(805) 581-3250
Fax: (805) 579-3825
E-mail: •••@••.•••


Subject:  ANN: Action Alert: Seattle Trials
Date:  Fri, 03 Mar 2000 08:23:21 -0800
From:  •••@••.•••
To:  •••@••.•••

A few weeks ago an action alert was posted regarding Cheri Honkala's
upcoming trial in Seattle.  This alert is to let you know that Ward
Morehouse is also standing trial and to ask that letters be sent on
behalf of both of these courageous leaders for social justice.  For
those who don't know Ward, he was also the fiscal sponsor for the
Alliance before we had our own non-profit status.  Details follow.
In Alliance, Ruth Caplan

FROM:           •••@••.•••
DATE:           23 February 2000
SUBJECT:        Urgent Call for Letters

An Urgent Call for Letters of Protest

The WTO and Free Speech:

The Trial of Cheri Honkala (Kensington Welfare Rights Union) and Ward
Morehouse (Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy)

Over the weekend of November 27/28 last year, hundreds of social
justice activists gathered in Seattle's Labor Temple to hear
testimony about corporate criminality. The Global People's Tribunal
on Corporate Crimes against Humanity featured experts who testified
about specific corporate acts that violated international and
Canadian law. Indictments ensued.

On Monday, the 29th, Ward Morehouse and Cheri Honkala attempted to
serve citizen arrest warrants on the G-7 trade ministers (who were
attending the World Trade Organization Meeting) as accomplices to
corporate crimes against humanity. As they were exercising their free
speech rights, police arrested them. Now they face trial for this act.

They are scheduled to stand trial on March 14, even though most of
the more than 500 arrests at the WTO protest have been thrown out of
court or charges dropped.

Please write a letter to Mark Sidran, Seattle City Attorney, Seattle,
WA, urging that their cases be dropped.  Their case numbers are
371901 for Cheri and 371902 for Ward.  But please send your letters
to Ward's lawyer, Catherine Chaney (810 Third Avenue, Suite 757,
Seattle, WA  98104, Tel. 206 343 7642, Fax  206 343 7781, Email:
•••@••.•••) who will see that they are delivered to the proper
party in Sidran's office.  If convenient, send a copy as well to
Ward.  (If you have already written on behalf of Cheri, there is no
need to write again.)

Many thanks for your support.

Ward Morehouse
Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy
777 United Nations Plaza
Suite 3C
New York, New York  10017
Tel./Fax   914-271-6500
E-mail:  •••@••.•••

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