rn> Seattle reflections, DC anticipations…


Richard Moore

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Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 09:20:46 -0700
To: •••@••.•••
From: Randy Schutt <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Seattle Demonstration was Not a Riot
Cc: •••@••.•••

San Francisco Chronicle Letters Editor:

The front page article on April 8th about the Ruckus Society was 
mostly accurate and informative. However, staff writer Janet Wells 
characterized the World Trade Organization (WTO) demonstrations in 
Seattle last year as "riots" and stated that "police used tear gas, 
pepper spray and rubber bullets to restore order." This is the story 
that the WTO and the Seattle police would like everyone to believe, 
but it is absolutely untrue. The demonstrations were completely 
nonviolent, peaceful, and orderly until the police attacked the 

The only riots in Seattle were police riots. Even after being 
viciously attacked, protestors remained nonviolent and mostly calm. 
The methodical breaking of windows by a small number of anarchists 
came long after the first police riot. More widespread property 
destruction by local vandals came even later and was mostly ignored 
by the police.

Also, activists are not planning to "wreak havoc" in Washington next 
week. They plan to blockade meetings of the World Bank and 
International Monetary Fund (IMF) to prevent these organizations from 
further oppressing poor people around the world. In so doing, 
activists hope to increase democracy and restore civil society -- 
that is why the Ruckus Society has become so popular.

Randy Schutt
541 Del Medio Ave., Apt. 121
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 917-0224 (h)
(650) 725-0097 (w)

Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:43:18 -0700
From: Ron Rowe <•••@••.•••>
Reply-To: •••@••.•••
Organization: Rowe Communication Services
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To: Alliance Announce <•••@••.•••>,
        Alliance ALL listserve <•••@••.•••>
Subject: "Don't Miss" events -- D.C. & TV

[Please forward to anyone you think would be interested.  (Apologies for

For those going to Washington, D.C. for next week's Mobilization for
Global Justice, or for those staying home, here's a few events you won't
want to miss:

1.  Sunday, April 9, 9:00 PM ET/PT on CBS TV
"FAIL SAFE" -- a special LIVE broadcast of the chilling, 1964 classic in
which Cold War tensions come to a head when a U.S. bomber is
accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow.  Stars and
produced by George Clooney, co-stars Richard Dreyfuss, Harvey Keitel,
Brian Dennehy, and Noah Wyle, introduction by Walter Cronkite.  (Special
presentation at UCLA preceeds screening for those in the L.A. area.
Also, national call-in action for the abolition of nuclear weapons,
Monday, April 10)

2.  Thursday, April 13, 1:00-5:00 PM, Washington, D.C.
"Alternatives to Corporate Globalization" -- an all-afternoon forum with
Congressman Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders (invited), Dave Lewit
(Alliance for Democracy's CAIS) and Prof. David Harvey (econ.
geographer, Johns Hopkins U). Organized by the Alliance for Democracy
and its D.C. friends.

3.  Thursday, April 13, 6:30 PM, Washington, D.C.
"Greed and War: Making the Connections" -- a Forum on Militarism and
Globalization, with William Hartung (World Policy Institute), Phyllis
Bennis (Institute for Policy Studies), Ben Cohen (Business Leaders for
Sensible Priorities) and Jeff Ballenger (Press for Change, Sponsored by
the National Coalition for Peace and Justice.

Further details on these events are included below.

For a commentary and other highlights of the Mobilization for Global
Justice, distributed previously, see "Beyond Seattle, Beyond Kosovo --
Part 1: A Call for Unity on Economic Justice & Peace Issues" at:

For full information on the Mobilization for Global Justice, go to:

For a calendar of all the events to be held in Washington, go to:

For a calendar of events being held in cities all over the U.S. and
Canada, go to:
(local solidarity events can also be posted on this calendar)

For further updates on corporate-military globalization & privatization
and the global grassroots renaissance of democracy, liberty, peace and
human values that may not be distributed to this list, contact:

Ron Rowe
Citizens' Alliance of Santa Barbara
(Santa Barbara Alliance for Democracy)
Rowe Communication Services
-- personal/business/non-profit co-op
P.O. Box 2170
Simi Valley, CA 93062, U.S.A.
(805) 581-3250
Fax: (805) 579-3825
E-mail: •••@••.•••


*** 1) Sunday, April 9, 9:00 PM ET/PT on CBS TV:


This will be a LIVE broadcast of the chilling, 1964 classic feature film
in which Cold War tensions come to a head when a U.S. bomber is
accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow. American
military experts and heads of state tentatively team with their Russian
counterparts and plunge into a crisis of split-second decision making. .
.until time runs out. George Clooney is the executive producer and
Stephen Frears (Dangerous Liaisons, The Grifters) will direct. Special
live introduction from legendary news anchor Walter Cronkite.

Fail-Safe is based on the book by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler.
Co-author Harvey Wheeler, a member of the Santa Barbara chapter of the
Alliance for Democracy, writes: "It is a courageous undertaking by
George Clooney. The cast is superb; it has attracted industry notables
to the before/during/parties. Clooney, in my judgment, is trying two
things: to start a trend toward higher concentration on story and talent
(as contrasted with enormously expensive sound/vidual/ effects); and
magnifying quality while reducing costs. If he 'wins' it may set a trend
toward a higher level of quality in the film industry - to say nothing
of the promotion of peace."

For further information on the "Fail Safe" production and cast, go to:


Subject: (abolition-usa) Fail Safe action alert
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000
From: Kevin Martin <•••@••.•••>


On Sunday, April 9, over 20 million Americans are expected to watch the
live CBS television remake of the anti-nuclear drama "Fail Safe"
starring George Clooney, Richard Dreyfuss, Harvey Keitel, Brian Dennehy,
and Noah Wyle. Thousands of concerned citizens will gather in homes,
churches, colleges and universities for Fail Safe "watch parties" to
discuss the movie and raise their voices to demand the abolition of
nuclear weapons. Even if you can't organize or attend a watch party, we
need you to participate.  Here's how:

1.  Watch Fail Safe on your local CBS television station, Sunday, April
9. CBS says the show will air at 9:00 p.m. in all time zones, but check
your local listings to be sure.

2.  Flood the White House with calls on Monday, April 10, a national
call-in action the day after Fail Safe airs, to demand that President
Clinton take leadership for the abolition of nuclear weapons.  For a
call-in day flier to distribute to your organization or to friends,
family, and co-workers, go to
If you can make more than one call, call the Bush and Gore campaign
headquarters to demand that they address the abolition of nuclear
weapons as a campaign issue. Bush HQ: (512) 637-2000, Gore HQ: (615)

3.  Write to President Clinton -- letters are still better than phone
calls.  For samples, go to www.disarmament.org/presltr.htm

4.  Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.  Samples were
sent out last week via email.  If you didn't receive one, contact me at

As the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass said, "Power concedes
nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will." Let's not
miss this opportunity, when millions of Americans will be re-awakened to
the danger of nuclear weapons, to raise our demand to wipe this scourge
off the face of the earth.

In Peace,

Kevin Martin
Director, Project Abolition

To subscribe to abolition-usa, send an email to "•••@••.•••"
with "subscribe abolition-usa" in the body of the message.


Subject:  [change-links] SAVE THE DATE - APRIL 9th - 8:00 PM - UCLA
Date:  Fri, 31 Mar 2000 21:29:57 -0800
From:  John Johnson <•••@••.•••>
To:  change Links <•••@••.•••>

when FAIL SAFE becomes a TV Special (with George Clooney)


Join --> Kim Campbell, former Prime Minister of Canada
      ---> Robert Scheer, columnist, Los Angeles Times
      ----> Tad Daley J.D. Ph.D., foreign policy honcho
      ------> and all around good guy, Stanley Sheinbaum

--------------> UCLA students too

    . . . to discuss today's (largely hidden) nuclear dangers

WHERE: Sproul Hall Entertainment Center, UCLA Campus

WHEN: April 9th, 8:00 PM - presentation
       April 9th, 9:00 PM - "Fail Safe" screening
       ("Atomic Popcorn" will be provided!)

SPONSORS: Co-sponsored by Sproul Hall, UCLA Medical School's Student
Physicians for Social Responsibility (SPSR), and the Global Security
Institute. Contact (310) 458-2694 for more information.

On April 9th at 9 PM CBS will broadcast Fail-Safe, a live TV
re-enactment of the 1964 classic which featured Henry Fonda, Walter
Matthau, and Larry Hagman. Today actor and producer George Clooney will
star as U.S. bomber pilot Col. Jack Grady, whose B-58 is ordered by
accident to drop two 20 megaton nuclear warheads on Moscow. Richard
Dreyfuss plays the President frantically trying to convince the bombers
to turn back.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Jonathan Parfrey
  Executive Director
  Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles
  1316 Third Street Promenade - Suite B1
  Santa Monica, CA 90401-1325
  310 458 2694 voice - 310 458 7925 fascimile
  •••@••.•••  http://www.labridge.com/psr/

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
Subscribe to our list server. Email  •••@••.•••
(818) 982-1412



*** 2)  Thursday, April 13, 1:00-5:00 PM, Washington, D.C.

"Alternatives to Corporate Globalization"

With Congressman Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders* (Resolution on
Global Sustainable Development), Dave Lewit (Alliance for Democracy's
CAIS), Prof. David Harvey (econ. geographer, Johns Hopkins U)
discussant, plus audience discussion.  Other topics include Alternatives
for the Americas and global alternatives developed by members of the
International Forum on Globalization.  The forum will include audience
participation and conclude with discussion of "Taking It Back Home."  At
Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 222 E.Capitol St, NE.  Info: Call



*** 3)  Thursday, April 13, 6:30 PM, Washington, D.C.

"Greed and War: Making the Connections"

Subject:  [mil-corp] Public forum on Greed & War, Apr. 13 in Wash. DC
Date:  Sun, 02 Apr 2000 01:24:51 -0800
From:  Int'l Network on Disarmament and Globalization <•••@••.•••>
To:  MIL-CORP <•••@••.•••>

Network members,

A forum on militarism and globalization is being organized for April
13th in Washington DC as part of protests surrounding the meetings of
the IMF and the World Bank (see http://www.a16.org). The notice is


Greed and War:
Making the Connections

A Forum on Militarism and Globalization

William Hartung
World Policy Institute

Phyllis Bennis
Institute for Policy Studies

Ben Cohen
Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities

Jeff Ballenger
Press for Change, a labor rights organization

Thursday April 13
6:30 pm

St. Aloysius Church
900 North Capitol Street (near 'K' Street)
Washington DC
Three blocks from Union Station

Sponsored by the
National Coalition for Peace and Justice

For More Information, call
Chris Ney at War Resisters League 212-228-0450
Van Gosse at Peace Action 202-862-9740, •••@••.•••
International Network on Disarmament and Globalization
405-825 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1K9 CANADA
tel: (604) 687-3223    fax: (604) 687-3277
•••@••.•••  www.indg.org

To subscribe to the e-mail list, send an e-mail to
SUBSCRIBE mil-corp <•••@••.•••>
as the first and only line in the message body.


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Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
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