Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 11:07:25 -0400 From: Hans Sinn <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: rn> re: UN, peace "force", etc...[posting of Aug. 11] Dear Richard, Quite right, the UN is a limited and flawed instrument for peacemaking and peacekeeping. Linda Melvern in "The Ultimate Crime - Who Betrayed the UN and Why" (Allison & Busby London, 1995) being one of its sharper critics. For now the UN is still an assembly of nations, that is of governments, rather than of people. Thousands of NGOs are still on the outside looking in. Most critically, the UN does not have its own tax base and is financially dependent on the largesse of individual governments and open to manipulation. In this context, the rapidly expanding organization ATTAC in France, has been arguing for the past two years successfully for the taxation of international financial transactions. Some day we may have something like the "Tobin Tax" to provide the UN with an independent income. I agree, it is futile and potentially counter productive to talk in the abstract about a regime for holding peace, without constant reality check. I personally subscribe to Albert Camus' belief that "the struggle in the coming years will be between violence and friendly persuasion". Thus, we of Peace Brigades International, send unarmed teams into conflict situations to protect community activists against death squads. Admittedly, this is a drop in the bucket and works, so far, only in a limited way, especially in situations such as Colombia. Consequently, we are arguing for the creation of a Non-Violent Peace Force at the UN level - knowing full well the current limitations of the UN. Also true, the roots of armed conflict are in many respects economic. The question seems to be how we wage this conflict, violent or non-violent. Even in countries such as Canada (rated number one in the world for all round livability) there is conflict and will continue to be conflict, in some measure. It is thus encouraging to see that people struggling for social justice are increasingly using the strategies and tactics of non-violence. Best wishes. Hans. *************************************************************** [Jan:] Dear Hans and others on RN, How interesting! Earlier I was thinking of quoting from Camus' _Neither Victims Nor Executioners_ as well (in explaining why I feel that we must develop, even now, the tools to "wage peace" nonviolently). Like Hans, Camus lived through the Second World War. If the war had gone on any longer, I suppose Hans might have ended up in deadly combat against people like Camus. As it was, when the war ended Hans met some Italian soldiers, who had not undergone the same ghastly training as Hans had been subjected to, and he sensed he could do with some re-education. He caught the first boat he could out of Germany and we here in Canada are very lucky that it landed here! And so it is that I have had the pleasure of meeting Hans and of corresponding with him over many years, and now of discovered we have both been marked by that marvellous essay of Camus'. I'll copy some from it, for it states so eloquently why one might do something as apparently foolhardy as try to create unarmed peace brigades to intervene in areas of violent conflict, (which Hans has been closely involved in and which I have also contributed to as well). From the first part of: _Neither Vicitms Nor Executioners_: The Century of Fear The 17th century was the century of mathematics, the 18th that of the phyical sciences, and the 19th that of biology. Our 20th century is the century of fear. I will b told that fear is not a science. But science must be somewhat involved since its latest theoretical advances have brought it to the point of negating itself while its perfected technology threatens the globe itself with destruction. ... ...then [we] must first of all come to terms with fear. To come to terms, one must understand what fear implies and what it rejects. It implies and rejects the same fact: a world where murder is legitimate, and where human life is considered trifling. This is the great political question of our times, and before dealing with other issues, one must take a position on it. Before anything can be done, two questions must be put; "Do you or do you not, directly or indirectly, want to be killed or assaulted? Do you or do you not, directly or indirectly, want to kill or assault?" All those who say No to both these questions are automatically committed to a series of consequences which must modify their way of posing the problem. My aim here is to clarify tow or three of these consequences. [Now, quoting from the end of the essay:] Towards Sociability Yes, we must raise up our voices. Up to this point, I have refrained from appealing to emotion. We are being torn apart by the logic of History which we have elaborated in every detail - a net which threatens to strangle us. It is not emotion which can cut through the web of a logic which has gone to irrational lengths, but only reason which can meet logic on its own ground. But I should not want to leave the impression, in concluding, that any program for the future can get along without our powers of love and indignation.... To conclude: All i ask is that, in the midst of a murderous world, we agree to reflect on murder and to make a choice. After that, we can distinguish those who accept the consequences of being murderers themselves or the accomplices of murderers, and those who refuse to do so with all their force and being. Since this terrible dividing line does actually exist, it will be a gain if it be clearly marked. Over the expanse of five continents throughout the coming years an endless struggle is going to be pursued between violence and friendly persuasion, a struggle which, granted, the former has a thousand times the chances of success of the latter. But I have always held that, if he who bases his hopes on human nature is a fool, he who gives up in the face of circumstances is a coward. And henceforth, the only honourable course will be to stake everything on a formidable gamble: that words are more pwerful than munitions. (translated by Dwight Macdonald) [For those who are interested, here is the last bit as it was written by Camus:] Vers le dialogue Oui, il faudrait élever la voix. Je me suis défendu jusqu'à présent de faire appel aux forces su sentiment. Ce qui nous broie aujourd'hui, c'est une logique historique que nous avons créé de toutes pièces et dont les noeuds finiront par nous étouffer. Et ce n'est pas le sentiment qui peut trancher les noeuds d'une logique qui déraisonne, mais seulement une raison qui raisonne dans les limites qu'elle se connaît. Mais je ne voudrais pas, pour finir, laisser croire que l'avenir du monde peut se passer de nos forces d'indignation et d'amour.... Je puis maintenant conclure. Tout ce qui me paraît désirable, en ce moment, c'est qu'au milieu du monde du meurtre, on se décide à réfléchir au meurtre et à choisir. Si cela pouvait se faire, nous nous partagerions alors entre ceux qui acceptent à la rigueur d'être des meurtriers et ceux qui s'y refusent de toutes leurs forces. Puisque cette terrible division existe, ce sera au moins un progrès que de la rendre claire. A travers cinq continents, et dans les années qui viennent, une interminable lutte va se poursuivre entre la violence et la prédication. Et il est vrai que les chances de la première sont mille fois plus grandes que celles de la dernière. Mais j'ai toujours pensé que si l'homme qui espérait dans la condition humaine était un fou, celui qui désespérait des événements était un lâche. Et désormais, le seul honneur sera de tenir obstinément ce formidable pari qui décidera enfin si les paroles sont plus fortes que les balles. all the best, Jan