-----Original Message----- From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign [SMTP:•••@••.•••] Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:12 AM Subject: Join 189 Groups& MPs Saying 'NO' to Missile Defence/'Star Wars' TO SIGN THIS LETTER JUST EMAIL <•••@••.•••> Dear NGOs and Parliamentarians, 189 organisations and members of parliament have so far signed this letter to President Bush, Defence Secretary Rumsfeld, and NATO. Is your organisation among them? If you believe that Missile Defence/Star Wars will lead to a new arms race and your organisation has not yet signed this letter, you are urged to do so. (If you are already signed on to this letter and are recieving it again my apologies- though you may like to check that your sign-on is correct. I am sending this out to a number of lists that contain both organisations that have already signed and that have not yet signed.) TO SIGN THIS LETTER JUST EMAIL <•••@••.•••>, (if you are getting this direct you can just hit reply), giving details of your name, position, organisation and address ESPECIALLY WHICH COUNTRY YOU ARE FROM. Hoping for your organisations signature, John Hallam PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, 1-202-456-2461, 1-202-456-2883, PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN, +7-095-205-4330, +7-095-206-5173, +7-095-205-4219, FOREIGN MINISTER OF RUSSIA IGOR IVANOV, +7-095-247-2722, +7-095-293-3323, PRIME MINISTER TONY BLAIR, 44-207-925-0918, ROBIN COOK, UK MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, +44-207-829-2417, +44-207-270-2833, PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC, +33-147-42-2465, PRIME MINISTER LIONEL JOSPIN +33-142-34-2677 HUBERT VEDRINE, MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF FRANCE, +33-1-4317-5203, GERMAN PRESIDENT, JOHANNES RAU, +49-030-20-00-19-99, CHANCELLOR GERHARD SCHROEDER, +49-228-56-2357, +49-30-4000-2357, JOSCHKA FISCHER, FOREIGN MINISTER OF GERMANY +49-228-168-6662, +49-1888-171-928, +49-228-173-402, +49-30-201-861-924 YOHEI KONO, MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF JAPAN, +81-3-3581-9675 JEAN CHRETIEN, PRIME MINISTER, CANADA, +1-613-941-6900, JOHN MANLEY, MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, CANADA, +1-613-952-3904, +1-613-996-3546, +1-613 996 3443. POUL NYRUP RASMUSSEN, PRIME MINISTER OF DENMARK, +45-33-11-1665 MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK, +45 3154 0533 JENS STOLTENBERG, PRIME MINISTER OF NORWAY, +47-22249500 THORBJORN JAGLAND, MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, NORWAY +47-22833934 BJORN TORE GODAL, MINISTER OF DEFENCE, NORWAY, +47-23092010 CC US SECRETARY OF STATE GENERAL COLIN POWELL, +1-202-647-6047 US SECRETARY FOR DEFENCE, DONALD C. RUMSFELD, +1-703-695-1149 THE HON. ALEXANDER DOWNER, MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS AUSTRALIA +61-2-6273-4112, 08-8370-8166 THE HON. PETER REITH, MINISTER FOR DEFENCE OF AUSTRALIA +61-2-6273-4115, 03-5979-3034 Dear Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretaries and Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence: We, the undersigned organisations, representing millions of people world-wide, write to express our opposition to current US plans to deploy a national ballistic missile defence network. We urge instead that the United States proceed with deep cuts to the US arsenal and de-alerting of nuclear weapons -- promised by President George W. Bush during his campaign -- in order to move toward the total and unequivocal elimination of nuclear arsenals, to which the United States, Russia, and other nuclear weapons states are obligated under binding and repeated international commitments. The deployment of missile defence will undercut these measures, making the fulfillment of those commitments more difficult. In our view, the deployment of a National Missile Defence (NMD) network is deeply-flawed and reckless, decreasing rather than increasing overall international security. President Bush says that the United States will propose modifications to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to allow for US national missile defences. If Russia does not agree to the US proposals, the Bush Administration has said the United States is prepared to withdraw from the ABM treaty. President Bush may decide as soon as this year whether to begin construction of a key NMD radar site in Alaska, which could violate the treaty. Russia has stated clearly in the recent session of the Conference on Disarmament that its offer of deep reductions in warhead numbers is conditional on the integrity of the ABM treaty. Russia's ratification of START-II was also conditional on the maintenance of the integrity of the ABM treaty, and therefore the non-deployment of US missile defences. It is our strong view that the deployment of even so-called limited missile defences will undercut the possibility of deep reductions in US and Russian nuclear weaponry, and could foreclose the possibility of removing US and Russian missiles from their current, dangerous hair-trigger alert status. Military planners react to capabilities rather than intentions. The deployment of even limited missile defences could lead to Russian re-deployment of tactical nuclear weapons and multiple warhead missiles. It also may accelerate a Chinese build-up of strategic nuclear weapons, which could include deployment of multiple nuclear warheads on long-range missiles, and a dramatic increase in the now limited number of those missiles. A Chinese build-up could easily result in a dangerous acceleration of Indian, and in turn, Pakistani nuclear weapons deployments. This escalation of offensive capabilities is likely to lead to nuclear arsenals poised at even higher levels of alert. Furthermore, missile defence systems, particularly the NMD network now being contemplated by the United States, are extraordinarily expensive and have not been proven to work in an operational environment. No NMD system, even a limited one, can be deployed for at least six to 10 years. Two out of three US NMD flight tests so far have failed, yet in order to be effective, NMD (or TMD) must intercept incoming nuclear warheads with close to 100% reliability. Even if an NMD system could be designed to defeat countermeasures, could be engineered to be operationally effective, and would not prompt a state to build additional offensive missiles to over-saturate missile defences, neither NMD nor TMD can guard against less sophisticated and more reliable means of delivering weapons of mass destruction. Likewise, various systems of proposed Theatre Missile Defence, possibly to be deployed in Taiwan, Japan, Europe or the Middle East, suffer from many of the same technical problems, and may have the same effect as NMD in creating a dangerous action-reaction cycle leading to offensive missile build-ups. The deployment of missile defence/TMD in Taiwan is particularly likely to result in a Chinese build-up. The problems associated with missile defences require that the international community work together to make effective use of diplomacy, trade and assistance, and new mechanisms to control and reduce existing and potential ballistic missile proliferation. Near-term efforts should be focused on securing a lasting and enforceable framework agreement freezing the North Korean missile program. Further efforts to enforce and strengthen the Missile Technology Control Regime, and control and reduce missile stockpiles on a global and regional basis, should be pursued on an urgent basis. In light of the above: - We respectfully urge the United States not to seek to deploy such missile defences, and to support more effective methods to prevent missile proliferation. - We urge governments of NATO and other US allies not to enable US deployment of such missile defence systems by allowing the upgrading of joint facilities at Menwith Hill, Fylingdales, Pine Gap, Thule, or elsewhere, for NMD- or TMD-related purposes, and to use their diplomatic influence to continue to dissuade the US government from the pursuit of missile defence. To address the most immediate and dire missile threat: - We urge that the United States and Russia remove all nuclear weapons from hair-trigger alert as part of a policy of eliminating launch-on-warning from their strategic war plans. This will serve as the most immediate step to increase global security and stability, and reduce the risk of unintended nuclear attack. - We urge the United States and Russia, with the support of other states, to proceed toward immediate, verifiable and irreversible reductions of strategic and tactical nuclear stockpiles to less than 1,500 warheads eachthrough implementation of START-II, START-III, and/or by other means. The above measures would help fulfill their solemn commitments as expressed in the final declaration of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 2000 Review Conference to "an unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear weapon states to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament to which all states parties are committed under Article VI." The undersigned organisations believe that these measures, and not the deployment of missile defence, constitute the way forward to the elimination of nuclear arsenals to which the nuclear weapons powers are committed, and which the overwhelming majority of the world's peoples and governments expect. (Signed) INTERNATIONAL GROUPS Carah Lyn Ong, Coordinator, Abolition 2000 Mary-Wynne Asford, Co-President, John Loretz, Program Director, Michael Christ, Exec. Director, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Cambridge, Mass, Bruna Nota, President, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Geneva/NY, Dan Plesch, Director, British American Security Information Council (BASIC), London, UK, and Washington, USA Bruce K. Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Florida, USA, Pol D'Huyvetter, For Mother Earth International, Ghent, Belgium, Peer De Rijk, World Information Service on Energy (WISE-International), Amsterdam, Neth, Colin Archer, International Peace Bureau (IPB), Geneva, Switz, Alfred A. Marder, Vice Pres, International Association of Peace Messenger Cities, Pamela S. Meidell, USA, Janet Bloomfield UK, Atomic Mirror, Calif USA and Saffron Walden UK, Rosalie Bertell, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Toronto, Canada Ak Malten, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance, The Hague, Neth, Charles Mercieia, President, International Association of Educators for World Peace MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Jill Evans MEP, Plaid Cymru, Cardiff, Wales Joost Lagendijk MEP, Vice Pres., Green Group (Neth). Dr Caroline Lucas, MEP Greens, SE England Nuala Ahern, MEP Greens, Ireland Hiltrud Breyer, MEP Greens, Germany Heidi Hautala, MEP, Co-President, Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament Patricia Mc Kenna, MEP Greens Ireland Elizabeth Schroedter, MEP, Greens, Germany Marianne Eriksson MEP, Greens/NGL, Sweden Per Gahrton MEP Greens, Sweden Bruno Barrilot, Director, Centre de Documentation et de Rechereche sur la Paix et les Conflits, Lyons, France Jean-Marie Matagne, Action Des Citoyens Pour le Desarmement Nucleaire,(ACDN) France Dominique Lalanne, Stop-Essais, Linear Accellerator, Orsay, France Daniel Durand, Mouvement de la Paix, St-Ouen, France Prof. Bent Natvig, Chairman, Norwegian Pugwash Committee, Oslo, Norway Kirsten Osen, Norwegian Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons (IPPNW-Norway) Thor Magnusson, Peace-2000 Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland Jorma Kahanpaa, Swedish Anti-Nuclear Movement Agneta Norberg, Women for Peace, Sweden Finn Ekman, Liason Committee for Peace and Security, Denmark Malla Kantola, Secy General, Committee of 100, Helsinki, Finland Regina Hagen, Darmstaedter Friedensforum, Darmstadt/Germany Hans-Peter Richter, German Peace Council, Germany Horst Hohmier, Anti-Atom Plenum, Ruhrgebiet, Germany Dr Margit Hoepfler, NGO Shalom, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Amberg, Germany Andreas Pecha, Secy, Austrian Peace Council, Vienna Martin Broek, Campagne Tegen Wapenhandel, Amsterdam, Neth Forum Voor Vredesaktie, Belgium OSPAAAL-Solidaridad, Madrid, Spain Dr Josep Puig, Scientists and Technicians for a Nuclear-free Future, Barcelona, Spain Catherine Arata, SHALOM, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Italy National Society of Conservationists, Hungary Aurel Duta, Mama Terra/For Mother Earth Romania, Bucharest, Romania Constantin S. Lacatus, People of Sibiu for Peace, Sibiu, Romania Ilya Trombitsky, BIOTICA Ecological Society, Moldova Prof Vladimir Koklyukhin, Belarussian Association for Political Science, Brest, Belarus RUSSIAN GROUPS Prof Alexi B. Yablokov, Centre for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow, Russia Vladimir Slivyak, Co-Chair, ECODEFENSE, Kaliningrad, Russia Alisa Nikoulina, Coordinator, Antinuclear Campaign of the Social-Ecological Union, Moscow, Russia Alexandra Koroleva, Chair, Public Committee on Environmental Education, Kaliningrad Regional Duma, Russia Galina Ragouzhina, WISE-Kaliningrad, Russia Pavel Malyshev, AVA, Kaliningrad, Russia Alexey Kozlov, ECODEFENSE, Voronezh, Russia Oleg Bodrov, 'Green World', Sosnovy Bor (St Petersburg) Russia UK GROUPS David Drew MP, UK Lynne Jones MP,Birmingham-Selly Oak, UK Alice Mahon,MP, UK Dave Knight, Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), UK Commander Robert Green, George Farebrother, World Court Project Lindis Percy and Anni Rainbow, Co-Coordinators, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) David Webb, Yorkshire CND, UK Greater Manchester and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Manchester, UK Jenny Maxwell, Treasurer, West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, UK Janet Laycock, Wallasey CND, Merseyside, UK Sarah Lazenby, CND-Oxford, UK Anna Cheetham, Chair, CND-Leicester Gillian Reeve, Assistant Director, MECACT (IPPNW-UK) Angie Zelter, Reforest The Earth, Norfolk, UK J. E. Mabbit, Socialist Workers Party, Sheffield, UK JAPANESE GROUPS Satomi Oba, Plutonium Action Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan Hiromichi Umebayashi, International Coordinator, Pacific Campaign for Disarmament and Security (PCDS) Sachiyo Oki, Japanese Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (JPPNW), Hiroshima, Japan Sadao Kamata, Nagasaki Peace Institute, Nagasaki, Japan Gyun Lan Jung, Women Making Peace, Seoul, S. Korea Cyprus Peace Council, Cyprus Abdul H. Nayyar, Pakistan Peace Coalition, Islamabad, Pk Dr Kamrul, Bangladesh Medical Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh Ron Mc Coy, Malaysian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Corazon Valdes-Fabros, Nuclear-Free Phillipines Coalition Luis-Guttierez Esparza, President, Latin-American Circle for International Studies, Mexico City, Mexico Jean Patterson, LIMPAL Disarmament Group, Costa-Rica Christopher Clark, President, Associao Amazonia, Manaus, Brasil Grace de Haro, Human Rights Organisation, Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina FUNAM- Foundation for Defenceof the Environment, Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina Mr Percy S. Ngonyama, Organiser, Ceasefire Campaign, Johannesburg, SA Edward Appiah, Green Earth Organisation, Accra, Ghana UNITED STATES GROUPS Martin Butcher, Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), Washington, USA Helen Caldicott MD, Founding President, PSR Marylia Kelly, Executive Director, Tri-Valley CARES, Livermore, CA, USA Alice Slater, Global Resource Action Centre for the Environment (GRACE), NY, USA David Krieger, Nuclear-Age Peace Foundation,(NAPF), Santa Barbara, USA Sally Light, Executive Director, Nevada Desert Experience (NDE), Nevada, USA Ellen Thomas, Proposition-One Committee, Washington DC, USA Carol Rosin, Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) Alliance of Atomic Veterans, USA Bill Smirnow, Nuclear-Free New York, NY, USA Alfred A. Marder, United States Peace Council, USA Mark Haim, Director, Mid-Missouri Peace Works, USA Deb Katz, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN), Ma, USA Rosalie Tyler-Paul,chair, Peace Action Maine, Maine, USA Elen R.Robinson, Peace Action New Mexico, NM, USA Donald and Janet Axman, Peoples Action for Clean Energy, Ct, USA Vivian Stockman, Concerned Citizens Coalition, West Virginia, USA Bonnie Urfer/John Lafarge, Nukewatch, USA Paloma Galindo, Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, Oak Ridge, Tenn, USA Sherry Larsen-Beville, Livermore Conversion Project, Oakland, Calif Citizens Protecting Ohio, Bexley, Ohio, USA Bill Sulzman, Citizens for Peace in Space, Colo, USA, Rochelle Becker, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Calif, USA Lewis E. Patrie MD, President, North Carolina Chapter, PSR, NC, USA Melanie Canon, PSR-New York, NY, USA Bruce A. Drew, Prairie Island Coalition, Minn, USA Michael J. Keegan, Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes, Michigan, USA Corrine Carey, Don't Waste Michigan, Mich, USA Kieth Gunter, Citizens Resistance at Fermi-2 Susan V. Walker, President, Action for Nuclear Disarmament, Cape Cod, USA Jonathan Mark, No Flyby, Ma, USA Martha O. Vinick, West Hartford Abolition 2000 Stacey Fritz, Coordinator, Alaskans Against National Missile Defence, Fairbanks, Alaska Stacey Studebaker, Kodiak Rocket Launch Information Group, Kodiak, Ala, USA Alaska Action Centre, Anchorage, Alaska, USA Susas Shaer, Director, Womens Action for New Directions (WAND), Wash DC, USA Jen Kato, Atlanta Womens Action for New Directions (WAND), Atlanta, USA Bernice Fisher, Penninsula Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Calif, USA Paul George, Peninsula Peace and Justice Centre, Palo Alto, Calif, USA Phyllis W. Stanley, President, Environmental and Peace Education Centre, Florida, USA Adele Kushner, Action for a Clean Environment, Georgia, USA Justine Cooper, Native Forest Council, Oregon, USA William D. Hartung,Director, Arms Trade Resource Center, World Policy Institute, NY, USA James K. Wyerman, 20/20 Vision, Washington DC, USA Karen Talbot, International Centre for Peace and Justice, USA Harry Rodgers, Carolina Peace Resource Centre, Columbia, SC, USA James V. Albertini, President, Malu 'Aina, Hawaii Barbara Weidener, Grandmothers for Peace International, Calif, USA Jean Coster, Director, South Dakota Peace and Justice Centre, USA Luisa Brown, North Dakota Peace Coalition, USA Barry Reisch, President, Veterans for Peace, Washington DC, USA Bill Warwick MD, Gainville Florida Veterans for Peace, Fl, USA Carol Mosely, Kelli Sebastian, Coordinator, Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice, Florida, USA Alan D, Moore, Fine Artists for World Peace, Berkley, Calif Alan D. Moore, Butterfly Gardeners Association, Berkley, Calif George B. Hug, President, Northwest Builders Network, USA George Croker, Director, North American Water Office, USA Mark Ritchie, Institute For Agriculture and Trade Policy Mitch Hall, President, 'Checkmate' Non-Violence Group, Vermont, USA Amy Bannon, Volunteers for Peace, USA Ground Zero Centre for Nonviolent Action, Washington, USA Pablo Paster, Clayton Whitt, Cal-Poly Progressive Student Alliance, San Luis Obispo, Calif, USA Dae Jung Moon, Young Koreans United of USA, LA, Calif Mary Ellen Mc Nish, General Secy, American friends Service Committee (AFSC) Patricia A. Stalder, Immaculate Conception Gospel Justice Committee, Calif, USA David Joslin, Capitol Region Conference of Churches, USA Maryellen Haydon, Thomas Merton Centre, Pittsburgh, USA Sister Ardeth Platte, Jonah House, Baltimore, USA Sister Ardeth Platte, Sacred Earth and Space Ploughshares, Colo, USA Toni Flynn, High Desert Catholic Worker Community, CA, USA Robert M. Smith, Brandywine Peace Community CANADIAN GROUPS Pat Martin, MP (NDP) Winnipeg Centre, Manitoba, Canada Alexa Mc Donough, MP for Halifax, Leader, NDP, Canada Svend-Robinson MP (NDP) Barnaby-Douglas, BC, Canada Niel Arya,, President, Physicians for Global Survival (PGS), Ottawa, Canada Gordon Edwards, President, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR) Helmut (Ken) Burkhardt, President, Science for Peace, Toronto, Canada David Morgan, President, Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, (VANA), Vancouver, BC Desmond Berghofer, Institute for Ethical Leadership, Vancouver, BC Joan Russow, Global Compliance Project, Canada AOTEAROA/NZ GROUPS Keith Locke MP, Green Party of Aotearoa/NZ Kate Dewes, President, Disarmament and Security Centre(DSC), Christchurch, NZ Megan Hutching, WILPF-Aotearoa, NZ Dame Laurie Salas, Abolition2000-Aotearoa/NZ, Wellington, NZ John Urlich, President, Peace Council of Aotearoa/NZ Des Brough Chair, Dame Laurie Salas Vice-Chair, National Consultative Committee on Disarmament, NZ E. R. White, Centre for Peace Studies, University of Auckland, NZ AUSTRALIAN GROUPS Irene Gale AM and Ron Gray, Australian Peace Committee, Adelaide, SA, Aust Julius Rowe, President, Amalagamated Metal Workers Union, Aust Pauline Mitchell, CICD, Melbourne, Vic, Aust Judy Blyth, Medical Association for the Prevention of War (WA), Perth, WA, Aust Irina Reykhtman, Gaia Foundation, Perth, W.A. FRIENDS OF THE EARTH GROUPS John Hallam, Friends of the Earth Australia Bo Normander, Friends of the Earth Denmark Friends of the Earth Cyprus Viktor Khazan MP, Friends of the Earth Ukraine(Zeleny Zvit), Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine Natalia Arias, Pres, Accion Ecologica (Friends of the Earth Ecuador), Quito, Ecuador Istvan Farkas, Director, Friends of the Earth Hungary Daniel Sanchez, Amigos de la Tierra Espana (Friends of the Earth Spain), Madrid, Spain