rn: “something fishy about WTC & Dubya” & Kissinger sued for assassination of Chilean general


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,

I plan to send these 3 messages to a friend in the military. I hope to
gradually convince him that the honourable thing to do now is to get out of
the corporate globalization enforcement ranks... and to realize that were he
to uphold democracy truly, he might well be knocked off by the crew who
gives the military its orders.

all the best, Jan
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 02:32:48 +0200
From: •••@••.••• (Christoph Reuss)
Subject: there's something fishy about WTC and Dubya...

Bombs inside the WTC made the collapse possible:

The WTC changed owner only 7 weeks before 11-Sep (and for the first time
since its construction), and the new insurance covered acts of terrorism.

The Bush clan is in business with the Bin Laden family:

U$ invasion into Afghanistan in October was planned already in mid-July:

Texan oil company has been waiting for oil pipeline thru Afghanistan for
years:  The company said in 1998 to the U$ parliament: "From the outset,
we have made it clear that construction of our proposed pipeline [through
Afghanistan] cannot begin until a recognized government is in place that
has the confidence of governments, lenders and our company."
From: magellan <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 20:40:25 -0300
Subject: How Laissez Faire Helps Terrorism

Friday, Sep. 28, 2001. Page VIII
 Global Eye -- Follow the Money
 By Chris Floyd

Why couldn't American agents find Osama bin Laden's money and stop the
flow of his support to terrorist networks around the world before they
struck on Sept. 11? Because Phil Gramm didn't want them to.

The hard-line Texas senator has long led the fight against international
efforts to crack down on money laundering, tax evasion and other
financial hijinks beloved of operators taking advantage of the "free
flow of capital" around the world. Gramm has successfully lobbied his
fellow Republicans -- and not a few Democrats -- to keep "Big Guvmint"
from peering under the rocks where terrorists, drug lords, outlaw
regimes and various Mafias entwine so comfortably with Big Business and
High Finance.

Last year, as head of the Senate Banking Committee, Gramm killed a
Clinton initiative to give federal authorities broader powers to stop
money laundering and bar foreign countries and banks from U.S. financial
markets if they didn't cooperate with investigators, The New York Times
reports. Even after the attack, Gramm was proud of his intransigence.

"I was right then, and I am right now," Gramm crowed last week. "The way
to deal with terrorists is to hunt them down and kill them." But not,
obviously, to interfere with their financial transactions. After all,
some of that cash finds its way back to the pockets of those generous
folks in the banking industry -- Gramm's political patrons.

Feisty Phil wasn't the only one opposed to such efforts, however. Just a
few weeks ago, the Bush administration -- another group well-watered by
the murky flow of offshore capital -- announced its withdrawal from
international treaty talks on cleaning up the money-laundering swamp.
Why on earth did they oppose this strike against terrorism and organized
crime? Let's ask Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist of the World
Bank -- no "left-wing fifth columnist" he: "The answer is, it's in the
interests of some of the monied interests to allow this to occur," he
told The Nation in June. "It's not an accident; it could have been shut
down at any time."

And this week, the Bush administration finally reversed the
long-standing conservative appeasement of wealthy murderers, at least in
part, by freezing the financial assets of Bin Laden and his associates
and threatening to, er, bar any foreign countries and banks from U.S.
financial markets if they didn't cooperate with investigators. Of
course, it took them 13 days to get around to blocking the cash flow of
their "prime suspect" -- but maybe some of their comfortably entwined
High Finance pals needed time to get untangled before the freeze.

Oh well, better late than never, right?
From: magellan <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001 23:42:58 -0300
Subject: Kissinger sued for gen. Schneider's death

The brutal killing of the Chilean general René Schneider, a legalist one,
by right-wing conspirators, who were driven by the CIA --the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency, shocked  South America in 1970.   The leftist Allende
was about to become the new President of Chile.  Chile, Uruguay and
Venezuela by then were the democratic oasis in the continent and Peru was
having a curious experiment with a left-wing and tolerant military
dictatorship.  Colombia has always been a special case.  

Now the family of general Schneider is going to sue Henry Kissinger in both
the Chilean and US courts as liable for Schneider's death.   The family is
based upon recently declassified government documents  (see the news ahead).

The medical doctor Salvador Allende Gossens had been running for the
Chilean Presidency since 1952 being based upon a left-wing coalition
(Communists became legal only in 1958, though Nazis have always been
legal).   He obtained only 52,000 votes (5.5% of the valid ones) in the
elections on September, 4, 1952.   He could have been elected in 1958,
since he got 356,494 votes (28.5% of the valid ones)  and lost for a narrow
margin to the rightist Jorge Alessandri  (389,909 votes or 31.2%), being
the gap attributed to the populist Antonio Zamorano  (41,304 votes or
3.3%), who was  incentived by the right-wing  (a common divisionist
practice in South America).   On 1964, the panic with the  _red danger_
impulsed the right to give full support to the Democratic-Christian Eduardo
Frei and his  "Revolution in Liberty" as a  _lesser evil_.    He winned
with 1,409,012 votes  (56.09% of the valid ones) against Allende's 977,902
votes (38.92%).  

On September, 4, 1970, Salvador Allende got 1,070,000 votes (36.2% of the
valid ones);   the same rightist Jorge Alessandri 1,031,000 votes (34.9%);
and the Democratic-Christian  Radomiro Tomic   --who was quite inclined to
the left, at least as a lip service--   got 821,000 votes (27.8% of the
valid ones).   About 16% of the voters abstained themselves.  According to
the Chilean Constitution, since nobody obtained the absolute majority, the
National Congress should elect the President.   

Allende was then finally chosen on October, 24, 1970   (153 votes against
35 for Alessandri and 7  blank ballots).   He was bound by the Constitution
and by several conditions set up by the negotiated  "Estatuto de Garantías
Democráticas":   the maintainance of political pluralism;  freedom of
teaching and of association;  autonomy of the universities;  absolute
respect for the rule of the Law;  and the political neutrality of the Armed

Meanwhile, the Richard Nixon administration sought a military coup before
Allende's inauguration.   Nevertheless, the chief Army commander, general
René Schneider, was not a  _gorilla_, but a professional, law-abiding and
_apolitical_  officer.   The right-wing conspirators tried to kidnap him in
order to obtain from him a   _pronunciamiento_ :   pronouncement of the
Army, something quite serious in Latin America, bordering to a coup.
Instead, they shot him on October 22   (before the election of Allende by
the Chilean Congress)  when he reacted and reached for his revolver.
Schneider died on October 25 and the CIA-engineered coup failed completely.

In solidarity,
Roberto Magellan

  Fecha: Fri, 7 Sep 2001      De: Instituto Cono Sur 



Family To Sue Kissinger For Death

*       1970 Kidnapping Of General Led To Death
*       Was Henry Kissinger To Blame?

September 7, 2001


Henry Kissinger

(CBS) 60 Minutes has learned that the family of a murdered Chilean 
general plans to file a lawsuit seeking damages against Henry 
Kissinger for his alleged role in the death of Gen. Rene Schneider, 
the commander of the Chilean Army who was killed by kidnappers in 
1970. Citing recently declassified government documents, the civil 
suit is expected to claim that the CIA supported a kidnapping plot 
which led to the death of the Chilean general. The CIA's support for 
the kidnapping was part of a larger effort by the Agency to instigate 
a coup in Chile - an objective ordered by President Nixon and 
overseen by Kissinger. Bob Simon reports, Sunday, September 7, at 7 
p.m. ET/PT.

Rene Schneider Jr., son of the late general, tells Simon, "I always 
wanted to put all this behind me, but we have a duty to humanity to 
speak about this. It would be irresponsible to remain silent."

Accounts of the former U.S. ambassador to Chile and the embassy's 
former military attaché - both of whom appear in the report - and the 
documents tell the Cold War story of the Nixon administration's 
desire to thwart leftist politician Salvadore Allende's successful 
election to Chile's presidency. The Nixon White House sought a 
military coup in Chile before Allende's inauguration, but Schneider, 
a constitutional defender, stood in the way. Schneider was shot by 
the would-be kidnappers when he reached for his revolver.

Kissinger declined to speak to 60 Minutes, but when questioned about 
Chile in the past, he has responded that he personally cut off 
support for the coup conspirators during a meeting with the CIA on 
Oct. 15, 1970, a few days before Schneider's murder. CIA officials, 
however, differed with Kissinger on this point in subsequent 
investigations. The Senate committee that investigated the matter 
could not determine who was telling the truth.


From: GFW <westphal@
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 

Fuente:...Agencias, Primera Línea  

Ex funcionarios de EE.UU. y el hijo del mismo nombre del asesinado
general chileno René Schneider revelaron hoy nuevos datos sobre la
presunta participación de Washington en este crimen y en el golpe que
derrocó a Salvador Allende de la presidencia de Chile.  

En el programa "60 Minutes" de la cadena de televisión estadounidense
CBS, los participantes involucraron al ex secretario de Estado, Henry
Kissinger, y a la Agencia Central de Inteligencia en los supuestos
preparativos del asesinato de Schneider y en el derrocamiento de
<snip>Domingo, 9 de Septiembre de 2001  

  Fecha: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 
     De: Instituto Cono Sur 



por Juan Albornoz (Originalmente aparecido en la Revista Mensaje)

Este mes de mayo aparecerá en las librerías estadounidenses 
'Enjuiciamiento de Henry Kissinger", un libro basado en dos extensos 
artículos de Christopher Hitchens recientemente publicados por 
Harper's, el último en su edición de marzo. Harper's es una de las 
revistas más antiguas de EE.UU. (fundada en 1850), con una reputación 
de seriedad y falta de temor frente a temas controvertibles.
