
Jan Slakov

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 20:53:01 -0700
From: "Action Center" <•••@••.•••> (by way of Rycroft &
Pringle <•••@••.•••>)


International A.N.S.W.E.R. calls for an 
International Day Against Racism & War

A call for actions (rallies, marches, teach-ins, etc.) in
cities across the U.S. and around the world

***Fill out the form at http://www.internationalanswer.org/o27.html
to let us know about your local action.  It will be posted
on the web so others in your area can join, and so that the
world sees that there is a growing movement against racism
and war!***

To continue the momentum from the September 29 National
Marches in Washington DC and San Fracisco and the hundreds
of emergency response protests that took place around the
country, International A.N.S.W.E.R. has called for Saturday,
October 27 to be an internationally-coordinated day of
action against racism and war.  Rallies, marches, teach-ins
and other actions will take place in cities around the U.S.
and internationally.

On September 29, many people who drove as long as 24 hours
to come to Washington DC reported on the tremendous response
they had found to organizing in the last weeks.  In some
cities, the recent organizing against racism and war had
produced the largest protests and meetings to take place for
literally decades.

Activists traveled from around the country to come to DC for
September 29 because standing among 25,000 others gave them
inspiration to continue to organize in their cities around
the country.  This internatinally-coordinated day of action
offers that same opportunity.  For every city where hundreds
or thousnds march against the war, they can feel the
strength of the anti-war movement around the country by
knowing that they represent tens of thousands of people who
are in motion against this war.

Actions are already planned around the country.  In New York
City, for example, organizers are planning a “March for
Truth” beginning at the New York Times building.  The march
will be followed by a teach-in.  In Washington DC, a rally
is planned at the White House and in San Fracisco there will
be a major teach-in.  

***Plan an action in your city on Saturday, October 27.
Report in by filling out the form at
http://www.internationalanswer.org/o27.html.  Actions from
around the country will be posted on the web so others in
your area can join, and so that the world sees that there is
a growing movement against racism and war!***

FOR MORE INFORMATION, see www.InternationalANSWER.org, email
•••@••.••• or •••@••.•••, or call
202-543-2777, 202-544-9355 or 212-633-6646.

 MORE ON SEPTEMBER 29 – the first national protest against
war & racism

On September 29, 25,000 people marched in Washington DC,
another 15,000 marched in San Fracisco, and thousands more
came together in solidarity actions. The vast majority of
the participants on September 29 were students and youth
from around the country. Their presence reflected a broad
spectrum of support from various cultural, social and
religious backgrounds.

Speakers at the Washington DC rally included Reverend
Graylan Hagler, from the Plymouth Congregational Church in
Washington, DC; Teresa Gutierrez, from the International
ANSWER Coalition; Reverend Lucius Walker, IFCO/Pastors for
Peace; James Creedon, an emergency medical technician
injured at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11; Samia Halaby,
Al-Awda Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, New York;
Chuck Kaufman, national coordinator, Nicaragua Network; Rev.
Curtis Gatewood, President Durham Chapter of the NAACP; Peta
Lindsay, high school student organizer for International
ANSWER; Kostas Alyssandrakis, Greek member of the European
Parliament; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Partnership for Civil
Justice; Macrina Alarcon, Mexico Support Network; and many

The rally was covered by hundreds of national and
international media. C-SPAN covered the Freedom Plaza rally
live during the day, and repeated the coverage multiple
times. This coverage is available to view by internet on the
C-SPAN website. You can also access the C-SPAN STREAMING
VIDEO of the rally at the www.InternationalANSWER.org

***To continue the momentum from September 29, plan an
action in your city on Saturday, October 27.  Report in by
filling out the form at http://www.internationalanswer.org/o27.html.
Actions from around the country will be posted on the web so
others in your area can join, and so that the world sees
that there is a growing movement against racism and war!***

FOR MORE INFORMATION, see www.InternationalANSWER.org, email
•••@••.••• or •••@••.•••, or call
202-543-2777, 202-544-9355 or 212-633-6646.

Send replies to •••@••.•••

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