rn: Books: NonV vs. Capitalism/ ECO-ECONOMY


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,

Here are 2 books which I am very excited to see available.

If anyone can suggest journals to which author Brian Martin might send
review copies of his book, _Nonviolence Versus Capitalism_ to, please let
Brian know.

all the best, Jan
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 16:51:27 +1100
From: Brian Martin <•••@••.•••>
Subject: nonviolence versus capitalism

30 November 2001


Nonviolence versus capitalism

by Brian Martin
(London: War Resisters' International, 2001)
ISBN 0903517 19 1

Available free on the web in html and pdf at


In addition, there is a printed version available for barter or 
purchase (details on the web).

Nonviolent action is the most promising method of moving beyond 
capitalism to a more humane social and economic system. How can this 
be achieved? Nonviolence versus Capitalism offers a systematic 
approach, starting with an analysis of capitalism from the viewpoint 
of nonviolence, outlining nonviolent economic alternatives and 
describing what is involved in a nonviolence strategy. A check list 
for activists is proposed and used to assess diverse campaigns, 
including workers' struggles, sabotage, environmental campaigns, 
social defence, global campaigns and economic alternatives.

Dr Brian Martin is associate professor in Science, Technology & 
Society at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has studied 
nonviolent action since the late 1970s, is the author of many books 
and articles, and has long been involved in activist groups. For 
further details and a full list of publications, see 
Note from Jan: Janet Eaton, who sent me this message, has been reading the
Lester Brown's book, "ECO-ECONOMY : Building an Economy for the Earth " and
is finding it VERY useful. I particularly like this quote:

The key to restructuring the economy is to restructure the tax
system, to get the market to tell the ecological truth. As Øystein
Dahle, former Exxon vice president for Norway and the North Sea,
observes, "Socialism collapsed because it did not allow prices to
tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it does
not allow prices to tell the ecological truth."

all the best, Jan

From: "Janet M Eaton" <•••@••.•••>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 14:16:11 -0400
Subject: Online Bk-"ECO-ECONOMY : Building an Economy for the Earth "

"Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth" we have put it
online for FREE downloading.



"For the first time since the oil age began, the world has the
technology to wean itself from petroleum coming from the politically
volatile Middle East," says Lester R. Brown in his new book, "Eco-
Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth." (Available for FREE
downloading at http://www.earth-policy.org/Books/index.htm)

"A combination of wind turbines, solar cells, hydrogen generators,
and fuel cell engines offers not only energy independence, but an
alternative to climate-disrupting fossil fuels," said Brown, President
of the newly established Earth Policy Institute, a Washington, D.C.-
based environmental research organization.

In "Eco-Economy," Brown says the global economy is out of sync
with the earth's ecosystem, as evidenced by collapsing fisheries,
shrinking forests, expanding deserts, eroding soils, and falling
water tables. This can also be seen in the earth's changing climate
as rising temperatures lead to more destructive storms, melting
glaciers, and rising sea levels.

In the new economy, which Brown calls an eco-economy,
renewable energy will replace climate-disrupting fossil fuels and a
recycling economy will replace the throwaway economy.  Wind
turbines will replace coal mines and recycling industries will
replace mining industries.

The needed restructuring of the global economy has already begun,
Brown reports.  The shift from the fossil fuel era to the
solar/hydrogen era can be seen in the contrasting growth rates of
these energy sources in recent years. During the last decade, the
use of wind power grew by 25 percent a year, solar cells at 20
percent a year, and geothermal energy at 4 percent annually. In
stark contrast, oil expanded by only 1 percent a year and coal use
declined by 1 percent annually. Natural gas, which is destined to
be the transition fuel from the fossil fuel era to the hydrogen era,
grew by 2 percent per year.

The restructuring is gaining momentum. For example, from 1995 to
2000, world wind electric generation expanded nearly fourfold, a
growth rate previously found only in the computer industry.
Denmark gets 15 percent of its electricity from wind. In the north
German state of Schleswig-Holstein, it is 19 percent. For Spain's
state of Navarra, it is 22 percent.

"Wind power has an enormous potential," said Brown. "According
to a U.S. Department of Energy wind resources inventory, three of
the most wind-rich states-North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas-have
enough harnessable wind energy to satisfy national electricity
needs. China can double its current electricity generation from wind
alone. Europe's offshore wind potential is sufficient to meet the
continent's electricity needs."

Advances in wind turbine design have reduced electricity costs
from 38¢ per kilowatt hour in the early 1980s to less than 4¢ at
prime wind sites in 2001. Further cuts are in prospect. In response
to falling costs, wind farms have come online recently in
Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oregon,
Washington, and Pennsylvania.

A quarter-acre of land leased to the local utility to site a large,
advanced design wind turbine can easily yield a farmer or rancher
$2,000 in royalties per year while providing the community with
$100,000 worth of electricity. Money spent on wind-generated
electricity tends to remain in the community, providing income,
jobs, and tax revenue.

A project in the planning stages in eastern South Dakota to
develop 3,000 megawatts of wind power for transmission across
Iowa to the industrial Midwest around Chicago is not only a large
wind power project, it is one of the largest energy projects in the
world today.

As wind-generating costs continue to fall and concern about
climate change escalates, more and more countries are turning to
wind energy. In December 2000, France announced plans to
develop 5,000 megawatts of wind power by 2010 (1 megawatt
supplies 350 homes in an industrial society). Argentina followed
with a plan to develop 3,000 megawatts of wind power by 2010 in
Patagonia, with its world-class wind resources. In April, the United
Kingdom accepted offshore bids to develop 1,500 megawatts of
wind power. And in May 2001, China reported that it will develop
some 2,500 megawatts of wind power by 2005.

The European Wind Energy Association, which in 1996 had set a
target of 40,000 megawatts for Europe by 2010, recently raised its
goal to 60,000 megawatts. The United States is projected to
increase its wind-generating capacity in 2001 by at least 60

Cheap electricity from wind farms can be used to electrolyze water
and produce hydrogen, which can be used to power gas turbines
that supply electricity when the wind ebbs. Hydrogen is also the
fuel of choice for the new fuel cell engines that every major
automobile manufacturer is now working on. The farmers and
ranchers who own most of the U.S. wind rights could one day
supply not only most of the country's electricity, but also much of
the fuel used in its automobiles.

The use of solar cells is also expanding rapidly. In remote villages
where supplying electricity traditionally depended on building a
centralized power plant and constructing a grid to distribute the
electricity, it is now often cheaper simply to install solar cells. In
inaccessible Andean villages, investing in solar cells may be
cheaper than buying candles. The same is true for those villages in
India where lighting comes from kerosene lamps.

At the end of 2000, nearly one million homes worldwide were
getting their electricity from solar cells. With the new solar cell
roofing material developed in Japan, the stage is set for dramatic
gains in this new energy source as rooftops become the power
plants of buildings. For many of the nearly 2 billion people without
electricity, solar cells are their best hope.

"The materials economy is also changing," said Brown. "The
challenge is to shift from a linear flow-through economy to a
comprehensive recycling economy. Progress is being made on this
front, but not nearly enough. Some countries are advancing. For
example, 58 percent of U.S. steel production now comes from
scrap. In Germany 72 percent of all paper comes from paper
recycling mills. If the entire world were to achieve this rate, wood
needed for pulp production would drop by nearly one third."

In describing the transition to the eco-economy, Brown identifies
both sunset and sunrise industries. Among the sunset industries
are coal mining, oil pumping, clearcut logging, and the manufacture
of internal combustion engines and throwaway products. Among
the sunrise industries are wind turbine manufacturing, hydrogen
generation, fuel cell manufacturing, solar cell manufacturing, light
rail construction, reforestation, and fish farming.  Rapidly growing
professions include ecological economists, wind meteorologists,
recycling engineers, geothermal geologists, and environmental

In an eco-economy most energy is produced locally from wind,
solar cells, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal sources, thus
offering a new grassroots development potential for developing
countries, one that does not require spending scarce foreign
exchange on imported oil. With a comprehensive recycling
economy, the need for imported raw materials will also diminish,
reducing vulnerability to external political and economic instability.

Another key characteristic of an eco-economy is population
stability. Over the last few decades, some 31 countries in Europe
plus Japan have stabilized their populations. One of the keys to
this is improving the status of women. The more education women
have, the fewer children they have. World Bank research indicates
that investing in the education of girls yields an economic return
perhaps four times that of investing in electric utilities.

Economic decisionmakers at all levels-corporate planners,
government leaders, investment bankers, and individual consumers-
all rely on market signals. But the market often does not tell the
truth. For example, when we buy a gallon of gasoline, we pay the
costs of producing gasoline, but not the health care costs of those
who suffer from the polluted air, the acid rain damage, or the costs
of climate disruption from burning the gasoline.

Sometimes we learn of the market's shortcomings the hard way.
For example, by 1998, China's Yangtze River basin had lost 85
percent of its original forest cover. Partly as a result, flooding of the
Yangtze River basin that year displaced 120 million people and
caused $30 billion worth of damage. In response, Chinese officials
banned tree cutting in the upper reaches of the basin. Trees
standing, they argued, were worth three times as much as trees

The key to restructuring the economy is to restructure the tax
system, to get the market to tell the ecological truth. As Øystein
Dahle, former Exxon vice president for Norway and the North Sea,
observes, "Socialism collapsed because it did not allow prices to
tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it does
not allow prices to tell the ecological truth."

Restructuring the global economy will require ecologists and
economists to work together to identify the indirect costs
associated with a particular product or service. These costs can
then be incorporated into market prices in the form of a tax and
offset by a reduction in income taxes. "This restructuring of the tax
system, which is the key to restructuring the economy, does not
change the level of taxes," Brown emphasized, "only their

Building an eco-economy represents the greatest investment
opportunity in history. The companies that have a vision of the new
economy and incorporate it into their planning will be the winners.
Those that cling to the past risk becoming part of it.

The eco-economy is beginning to take shape. Glimpses of it can
be seen in the wind farms of Denmark, the solar rooftops of Japan,
the paper recycling mills of Germany, the steel recycling mills of
the United States, the irrigation systems of Israel, the reforested
mountains of South Korea, and the bicycle networks of the

Almost all the components of an eco-economy can be found in at
least one country. The challenge now is for each country to put all
the pieces of an eco-economy together.

"Building an eco-economy is a goal that cannot be compromised,"
said Brown. "If we are going to restructure the economy in the time
available, all of us will need to be involved. One way or another, the
choice will be made by our generation. But it will affect life on earth
for all generations to come."


and President (202) 496-9290 x 11 Elisha Triplett (202) 496-9290 x

PLEASE NOTE: Given the worldwide interest in "Eco-Economy:
Building an Economy for the Earth" we have put it online for FREE
downloading. http://www.earth-policy.org/Books/index.htm

If you find "Eco-Economy" of interest, please share this email with
your friends and colleagues. Let them know that they can read it
for Free.

Lester Brown will be releasing "Eco-Economy Updates" to provide
additional information on progress toward an eco-economy. You
can follow this progress by subscribing to EPI's free four-page "Eco-
Economy Updates" at http://www.earth-

http://www.earth-policy.org/Books/index.htm OR call our Manager
of Publications at (202) 496-9290 x 13 OR send a fax with your
request to (202) 496-9325

This news list is maintained by Earth Policy Institute.  Postings to
this list include Earth Policy Alerts, Eco-Economy Updates, and
news releases.  The Earth Policy Institute, founded by Lester R.
Brown, is a nonprofit research organization focused on providing a
vision of an environmentally sustainable economy--an eco-
economy. To remove yourself from this mailing list, send an email
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-- http://magma.ca/~gpco/ Anyone who believes exponential growth
can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an
economist.-Kenneth Boulding