Dear RN list, As the two items below attest to, the likelihood that the attack of Sept. 11 was a treasonous crime is slipping out into the mainstream media as well as on relatively obscure lists like this one. Perhaps we have reached a stage where it is not so important to get the evidence out as to help people feel secure enough to take the kinds of action that are called for in light of knowledge that our governments are, basically, enemy governments. In other words, how can we help people who are acting as soldiers in this criminal war so that they will refuse to go to war? How can we help people get to where they will refuse to pay their taxes to a criminal government? I can't claim to have good answers to these questions, but I think they are questions worth asking. all the best, Jan PS I had planned to send a posting on the Enron/Bush connection along with this one. However, I just found a Znet posting by Vandana Shiva which, I think, helps answer the questions I asked above, so will post it instead... **************************************************************** Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 19:53:51 -0400 From: John Di Stefano <•••@••.•••> <snip> Another item I just read--of great significance. Please pass on to others. Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:47:58 -0500 From: Barrie Zwicker Subject: What really happened on Sept. 11? Watch Vision TV at 10:30 (Eastern Time) tonight [that's 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time] Hello all: As far as I know the MediaFile Edition of VisionTV Insight will be the first current affairs TV program in Canada to dare to suggest the CIA, Pentagon and White House may be complicit in the horrendous events of Sept. 11th, 2001. This will be on the program to air tonight at 10:30 ET. The program will be re-broadcast on Thursday at 7am and 1pm ET. As many people studying this even superficially know, there are compelling reasons to disbelieve the official narrative. One example: The President of the United States has with him at all times Secret Service officers in constant electronic communication with significant others. The drama began at 7:45 in the morning. The hit on the first WTC tower -- a cataclysmic event -- was at 8:45. The second tower was hit at 9:03. Millions of people by this time were watching the events unfold live on TV. Yet we are supposed to believe the President received the first word at 9:05. We are supposed to believe it was normal for him then to continue to listen to a grade school student talk about her pet goat. The mainstream media, incredibly, have refused to raise any significant questions about these and other equally suspicious, puzzling, highly significant, questions. Their failure is abject. Watch VisionTV Insight--the MediaFile Edition, where questions are raised that other media will not raise. And tell your friends. This program is the first of a series on "What Really Happened on 9/11?" And your feedback is sought. Yours for more skepticism in media, Barrie Zwicker A producer, and host of, The MediaFile Edition This message was forwarded by: --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- Richard Sanders, Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) (A network of individuals and NGOs across Canada and around the world) Tel: 613-231-3076 Email: <•••@••.•••> Web: <> --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- - From: "Carolyn Ballard" <•••@••.•••> Subject: CNN Transcript -- French book alleges US offered Afghanistan "carpet of gold" or "carpet of bombs" before 9-11 Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 02:53:14 -0800 <snip> CNN TV what's on <snip> AMERICAN MORNING WITH PAULA ZAHN Explosive New Book Published in France Alleges that U.S. Was in Negotiations to Do a Deal with Taliban Aired January 8, 2002 - 07:34 ET <snop> THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Time to check in with ambassador-in- residence, Richard Butler, this morning. An explosive new book published in France alleges that the United States was in negotiations to do a deal with the Taliban for an oil pipeline in Afghanistan. Joining us right now is Richard Butler to shed some light on this new book. He is the former chief U.N. weapons inspector. He is now on the Council on Foreign Relations and our own ambassador-in- residence -- good morning. RICHARD BUTLER, FMR. U.N. WEAPONS INSPECTOR: Good morning, Paula. ZAHN: Boy, if any of these charges are true... BUTLER: If... ZAHN: ... this... BUTLER: Yes. ZAHN: ... is really big news. BUTLER: I agree. ZAHN: Start off with what your understanding is of what is in this book -- the most explosive charge. BUTLER: The most explosive charge, Paula, is that the Bush administration -- the present one, just shortly after assuming office slowed down FBI investigations of al Qaeda and terrorism in Afghanistan in order to do a deal with the Taliban on oil -- an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. ZAHN: And this book points out that the FBI's deputy director, John O'Neill, actually resigned because he felt the U.S. administration was obstructing... BUTLER: A proper... ZAHN: ... the prosecution of terrorism. BUTLER: Yes, yes, a proper intelligence investigation of terrorism. Now, you said if, and I affirmed that in responding to you. We have to be careful here. These are allegations. They're worth airing and talking about, because of their gravity. We don't know if they are correct. But I believe they should be investigated, because Central Asian oil, as we were discussing yesterday, is potentially so important. And all prior attempts to have a pipeline had to be done through Russia. It had to be negotiated with Russia. Now, if there is to be a pipeline through Afghanistan, obviating the need to deal with Russia, it would also cost less than half of what a pipeline through Russia would cost. So financially and politically, there's a big prize to be had. A pipeline through Afghanistan down to the Pakistan coast would bring out that Central Asian oil easier and more cheaply. ZAHN: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) as you spoke about this yesterday, we almost immediately got a call from "The New York Times." BUTLER: Right. ZAHN: They want you to write an op-ed piece on this over the weekend. BUTLER: Right, and which I will do. ZAHN: But let's come back to this whole issue of what John O'Neill, this FBI agent... BUTLER: Right. ZAHN: ... apparently told the authors of this book. He is alleging that -- what -- the U.S. government was trying to protect U.S. oil interests? And at the same time, shut off the investigation of terrorism to allow for that to happen? BUTLER: That's the allegation that instead of prosecuting properly an investigation of terrorism, which has its home in Afghanistan as we now know, or one of its main homes, that was shut down or slowed down in order to pursue oil interests with the Taliban. The people who we have now bombed out of existence, and this not many months ago. The book says that the negotiators said to the Taliban, you have a choice. You have a carpet of gold, meaning an oil deal, or a carpet of bombs. That's what the book alleges. ZAHN: Well, I know you're going to be doing your own independent homework on this... BUTLER: Yes. ZAHN: ... to see if you can confirm any of this. Let's move on to the whole issue of Iraq. The deputy defense secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, at one time was considered one of those voices within the administration... BUTLER: Yes. ZAHN: ... that was pushing for moving beyond Afghanistan. He seemed to back off a little from that yesterday. BUTLER: Yes. ZAHN: What do you read through the tea leaves here? BUTLER: A very interesting report that the administration will focus on the Philippines, Yemen, Somalia as places where there are al Qaeda cells. But the word Iraq wasn't used by the man who was the chief hawk -- used as a, you know, as a future target. So what I interpret from that is this: That very likely our allies have been saying to us, this is too hard. This is really serious. Be careful. Saddam is essentially contained at the moment. Don't start, you know, a bigger problem either in the Arab world or in the coalition by going after him. And Wolfowitz, it seems, has probably accepted that. ZAHN: A quick thought on the Israelis intercepting this latest armed shipment? What that means? You've got to do it in about 15 seconds. BUTLER: It's extraordinarily serious, because it seems to have been tied to Yasser Arafat himself. It needs to be further investigated, but you know, Paula, the potentiality that this could once again prove an impediment to resume peace negotiations is really quite serious. ZAHN: Thank you as usual for covering so much territory. Richard Butler, see you same time, same place tomorrow morning. BUTLER: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). ZAHN: We appreciate your insights. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT <snip> Search The Web Back to the top © 2002 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. An AOL Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved. Terms under which this service is provided to you. Read our privacy guidelines. Contact us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it." - Flannery O'Connor - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~