Bcc: contributors & friends ============================================================================ From: "Bernd Hamm" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 09:15:47 +0200 Subject: re: The Grand Coup Priority: normal Richard, I've been following your debates for a while with a lot of sympathy. Having collected a documentary of several hundred pages on 9-11, I still didn't have the time to work my way through it. But you and some of your friends might like to read the attached. The evidence for a Grand Coup is accumulating quickly. Regards, Bernd Hamm ============ Dear Bernd, I scanned your article and read some selections -- nice work. If anyone out there wants the article in MSWord format, write to either myself or to Bernd. If anyone puts it up on the web, please let us know the URL. thanks, rkm http://cyberjournal.org ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 18:14:56 -0700 Subject: Re: The Grand Coup & what to do about it... From: Bruce Elkin <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> rkm > The problem is how to achieve effective organization without introducing hierarchy at the same time. Richard, The challenge (not problem) is how to create a hierarchy of ideas and values that we call all share rather than a structural hierarchy of people where the ideas of those with the most power dominate those with less. Hierarchies of value render hierarchies of power obsolete. See Riane Eisler for more on this concept. Cheers! B. www.BruceElkin.com " A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision with a task is the hope of the world." - Church Inscription, Sussex, England 1730 ===================== Dear Bruce, I can agree with you only if the top of the value hierarchy is, "We need to get along with one another and with the planet", and the rest of the hierarchy is allowed to vary from place to place, and person to person. But if you are suggesting a system of values that is comprehensive, and which everyone must agree to, then we seriously part company. That approach has been tried many times throughout history, under the name of 'religion' or of 'ideology'. And each time it has 'succeeded' only through coercion. The fact is that people don't all have the same values, and they never will - not by free choice. In fact, I've never seen any ~two~ people with the same hierarchy of values - unless they happen to be members of a brainwashed cult. The proposal has a certain theoretical appeal, but it just doesn't square with human nature - and I'm very glad it doesn't. What a boring world it would be if we agreed on everything. A society of ants instead of diverse, free, creative human spirits. Any attempt to change human nature 'for the better' ends up being coercive. And the more radical the attempted change, the more oppressive the tyranny. We've seen this in the history of Christianity, Islam, Communism, and Capitalism. If we want a world of free people, then we must start by accepting human nature for what it is. It comes with differing values and conflicting viewpoints. Not only between individuals, but between societies and cultures. I embrace the rich variety of people and of cultures. Just as diversity is desirable in an ecosystem, so is it among human societies. A vision?... getting along in a world of diversity. A task? ... accomplishing that. best regards, rkm http://cyberjournal.org ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 22:28:07 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Larry Tesler <•••@••.•••> Subject: re: The Grand Coup & what to do about it... Richard, I am curious as to why, as an apparent opponent of conspiracies aimed at gaining political power, you are trying to use this forum to organize just such a conspiracy. Or have I misunderstood your position and aims? At least the pure anarchists who oppose group action are self-consistent on this point. Larry ======= Dear Larry, I believe you are misunderstanding either me or else the meaning of the word 'conspiracy' - the heart of whose definition is ~secrecy~. This is an open list, which anyone can subscribe to. Of our more than a thousand subscribers, I count seven whose id's include '.gov'. Most of my ideas about revolutionary change are on the cj website - accessible to any search engine - and all the postings end up (eventually) on the website archives. There is no secrecy here, and no conspiracy. In fact, I have written more than once about what a bad idea conspiracy is as a tool of social change. If we want to achieve an open society, then we need to begin with an open movement for change. The means always become the ends. A conspiratorial movement always involves a core-group of planners who in the end become a new elite - ala the Bolsheviks - ala the Founding Fathers. Both betrayers of revolution. Not only that, but a core-group can be infiltrated and or assassinated. A people's revolution needs to be holographic - any part can reproduce the whole. All plans and goals need to be open and public. In that I agree with Chomsky. As for "anarchists who oppose group action", those are people who have no understanding whatever of what real anarchism is about. Anarchism is about ~organic~ organization, which in the end is more powerful than any kind of hierarchical / mechanical organization. But that end is unfortunately a long time coming. modeless in wexford, rkm ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Delivered-To: •••@••.••• To: •••@••.••• Subject: Thank You for "Escaping the Matrix" Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 19:19:37 +0000 Richard - I would just like to thank you for your article "Escaping the Matrix." It is the most clear, comprehensive, and lucid description of my own evolving world view that I have yet to encounter, and believe me, I've been looking. As a fellow seeker of truth and perspective, I would just like to express my appreciation for your efforts. I have only just discovered your work (through the radio program "Unwelcome Guests" via the A-Infos Radio Project) and look forward to continuing to explore your ideas. Respectfully, Jason Agard ============== Dear Jason, Thanks for your note. That article has gotten more feedback than any other I've published. Ironically, I had a very hard time getting Whole Earth to publish it. It seems the editorial staff just couldn't stomach the idea that elites control things. It went against the grain of their liberal mentality. I admire their humanity in that they did their best to improve the article even though they didn't agree with it. Since then the article has been published in New Dawn magazine (Australia), and several zines. I absolutely loved the film (despite the special effects), which inspired the article, all the best in your quest, rkm Article: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/WE/jun00Matrix.shtml Note: A-Infos is an anarchist group. ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 05:10:50 -0700 (PDT) From: question question <•••@••.•••> Subject: site update To: •••@••.••• http://www.questionsquestions.net has been updated! in particular, the 9/11 section has been partially re-written with a number of new or updated links. those of you who have already read it may want to skim through again. if you consider this site useful, please help me spread the word about it! thank you, brian salter •••@••.••• ============================================================================ From: "Joost van Steenis" <•••@••.•••> To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Do not forget the elite, the 24th Letter Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 15:23:44 +0200 rkm > We don't need to point fingers, we need to learn how to totally change the system from the bottom up. Our focus needs to be on ourselves - we the people - and how we are going to get what we want. We need to understand where the system came from, and how it works, in order that we can aim for something that will be better and that will last. The elite, and capitalism, are simply two elements which we don't want to include in the new system. They are not our focus. Hello Richard, "Our focus needs to be on ourselves ....." you write and I do agree up to a certain height because it is difficult to get yourself out of a swamp by pulling at your own hair. I use a twofold strategy in which all turns around consciousness. The consciousness of people from the masses that they can do something of worth has to be strengthened and I see that accomplished by successful actions against the elite or by successful activities in which the elite is not involved. When you once have had some success you will be more confident in next activities, success breeds success and success improves the own confidence. On the other side the elite restricts the growing confidence of the masses by its activities and therefore the activities of the elite must be changed by a direct contact between masses and elite. When the eliteman sees that his activities are curtailed by the activities of people from the masses then he will be less confident when he has to take new decisions that are more favourable for the elite than for the masses. To be sure that the people from the masses act without the (silent) consent of the elite I propose activities of alternating minorities from interested and involved people from the masses, relatively small groups without long-living leaders. When the action is terminated then the group falls apart and the individuals can or cannot form or join another minority. You see I do need to direct my arrows at the elite and at the same time the focus has to be on which activities we ourselves do. The elite is only in focus in the form of a fixed hook on which we can fasten the rope by which we can draw ourselves out of the morass. When we are at the same level as the elite the elite will vanish. But only when people are conscious and not give their consent to leaders - right, left or not belonging to the (political) elite as the murdered Fortuyn in Holland - who act in the first place to preserve the system from which the elite benefits in the first place. Yours, Joost van Steenis http://members.ams.chello.nl/jsteenis New ways to break the power of the elite ============== Dear Joost, You've worked out a rather elaborate schema for change. Does anyone else understand it? Perhaps some of our readers will respond to you. I suggest you try to sell your ideas to activist groups. It is through mutual education and understanding that we can move toward consensus. Only through mutual consensus can we act collectively and organically. Consensus is not about agreement on values or beliefs - it is about collaborating for our mutual benefit. Jews & Christians, Left & Right, Men & Women - we can all build a barn together without agreeing on religion, beliefs, economics, or even politics. If we can pass the timber and pound the hammer, we can do what is necessary. love & solidarity, rkm ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 09:59:44 -0700 From: American Patriot Friends Network <•••@••.•••> Reply-To: •••@••.••• Organization: http://disc.server.com/Indices/149495.html Subject: OPERATION 911 COUP AND COVERUP UPDATE: 5-9-02 `In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' NOTE: Temp email address for APFN: •••@••.••• -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [APFN] AFTERMATH NEWS: OPERATION 911 COUP AND COVERUP UPDATE: 5-9-02 Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 05:52:08 +0000 From: "Aftermath News" <•••@••.•••> Reply-To: •••@••.••• OPERATION 911 COUP AND COVERUP UPDATE: 5-9-02 BLOWING THE LID OFF THE OFFICIAL COVERUP STORY: THE EVIDENCE IS OVERWHELMING!!!! THE MASSIVE INTELLIGENCE "FAILURES" AND COVERUPS OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE CAN ONLY BE ORCHESTRATED FROM THE TOP! 9-11 beginning of long-term plot? Group analyzes attacks, says CIA needs 'truckload of pink slips' http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27520 Inquiry of Intelligence Failures Hits Obstacles Sept. 11: The lawmakers leading the investigation voice concerns that the CIA and Justice Department are undermining efforts. Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, declined to discuss the committee's concerns with the CIA and the FBI in detail but said: "There are problems we are going to have to address." The flare-up centers on obstacles congressional investigators say the agencies have strewn in their path. The CIA, for example, has refused http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-000031609may04.story?coll=la-headlines-nation Judge Rejects Jailing Of Material Witnesses Ruling Imperils Tool in Sept. 11 Probe http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A11562-2002Apr30.html Official Bungling Claimed in 9-11 Intelligence http://www.americanfreepress.net/02_17_02/Official_Bungling/official_bungling.html Questions for Mueller, FBI and others http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495&article=24767 THE PROOF OF A 9/11 FRAME-UP IS RIGHT BEFORE YOU http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/frameup.html FBI Warned on Flight Schools in July http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/wire/sns-ap-attacks-fbi-memo0503may03.story?coll=sns%2Dap%2Dpolitics%2Dheadlines The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/042202_bushknows.html INVESTIGATION: Sept 11th - Unanswered Questions http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0202/S00079.htm Scandal Inside the FBI: Did G-Men Miss the Boat on 9-11? http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/3/13/94339.shtml LT DELMART MIKE VREELAND - Homepage http://members.freespeech.org/ltvreeland/ "The Great Deception" Part 1 of a multi-part series (Part 2 airs Jan 28) (Part 3 airs Feb 4) Transcript of Mon., Jan. 21 2002 Broadcast What really happened on Sept. 11th? “9/11 -- Part 1.” http://www.visiontv.ca/programs/insight/mediafile_Jan21.htm An argument for explosive demolition at the South Tower. http://www.911-strike.com/demolition.htm THE MOTIVES: How the Pentagon Learned to Love the Weapon No One Wanted The Carlyle Connection http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0218/gray.php PENTAGON PSYOPS - AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 77. http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/WhatHitThePentagon/index.html THE AFTERMATH: Post-9/11 Pain Found to Linger in Young Minds: Thanks to the CFR globalists http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/02/health/02SCHO.html?todaysheadlines Strange Cluster Of Microbiologists' - Deaths Under The Microscope http://www.rense.com/general24/exk.htm Congressman Ron Paul, House of Representatives, November 29, 2001 Keep Your Eye on the Target http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2001/cr112901.htm THE HISTORICAL PRECEDENTS Operation Northwoods And The Reichstag Fire http://www.rense.com/general24/operationnorthwoods.htm AN OVERVIEW OF THE WAR ON TERRORISM by Jim Marrs http://www.jimmarrs.com/view/view102301.html "U.S. GOVERNMENT PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF EMERGENCY" by Sherman H. Skolnick 09/11/01 AMERICA'S REICHSTAG FIRE http://www.skolnicksreport.com/pkem.html BOOGYMAN FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER Book alleges attempts to arrest Osama bin Laden blocked by the US http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/world/2001/1119/wor8.htm Former Afghan President Doubts Osama Behind WTC Attack http://www.rense.com/general24/formerafghan.htm America's Reichstag Fire Osama bin Laden as Useful Idiot http://www.thetexasmercury.com/articles/weber/PW20020317.html 911: The Road to Tyranny -- Watch the Entire Film Online http://www.infowars.com/ CLICK HERE - to view now: http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/the_road_to_tyranny__34kbps_.ram Cover-up: CIA and the Justice Department Actively Impeding Lawmakers' Efforts in 9-11 Probe MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEES ARE SO FRUSTRATED WITH THE TACTICS, SOURCES SAID, THAT THEY INTEND TO COMPLAIN DIRECTLY TO CIA DIRECTOR GEORGE J. TENET AND ATTY. GEN. JOHN ASHCROFT http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-000031609may04.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dnation Listen to Alex Jones tomorrow - for special show on 911-Govt prior knowledge: The Alex Jones Show Airs Live Twice a Day Mon-Fri from 11AM-2PM and from 9PM to Midnight (All Times US Central Standard) -- In the UK GMT 5PM-8PM and 3AM-6AM) http://www.infowars.com/ ============================================================================== APFN YahooGroups: Subscribe: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/apfn/join Unsubscribe: •••@••.••• APFN MSG BOARD: http://disc.server.com/Indices/149495.html ASSIST APFN / GIFT DONATIONS: APFN, PMB 107, 6630 W. CACTUS #B107, GLENDALE, AZ 85304 Find elected officials, including the president, members of Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more. http://congress.org/congressorg/dbq/officials/ ============================================================================