Announcing: open chat forum for “The Zen of Global Transformation”


Richard Moore

Dear friends & colleagues,

Greetings Wexford!  Many of you I chat with frequently, 
while others I haven't heard from in years.

Some of you may not even know about my book, which will
begin distribution next week.  For those, the title
is "The Zen of Global Transformation", and it was
written under a pen name (Nasrudin O'Shah) whose
symbolic significance will be left as an exercise to
the reader.

The whole book is on a website, and you can order a
printed copy if you like that sort of thing.  The cover
is entrancing, by a Swedish artist.

For all of you, I'd like to announce a brand-new
feature on the website.

There is now an open chat area, where anyone can post
any comments they like.  The only limitation is on
length of messages (about a page).  The suggested
starting topic is the book, and people's responses to
that.  But from there the discussion threads might go

For those who want to post comments, there is an
email-address validation process (to keep out virus and
spam postings). The email address will be used for
validation only, and will ~not~ show up on the website.
Confidentiality is assured, apart from what you choose
to post about yourself (which becomes available to any
web surfer).

If you don't want to post, there is no validation
process -- and you are free to look over the comments
others have sent in.  At the moment there is only one
greeting message in the chat area... 

   *-> Who will be the first to post a real comment?

best regards,
wexford, ireland