Friends, First of all, let me say that the response to my funding appeal went far beyond my expectations. Not only is there enough to keep me going for a while, but there may even be enough to pay the fees for publishing the book with one of those on-demand publishers. Your generosity and support are much appreciated. I have a lot of material queued up related to the Washington-Israel connection. I tend to avoid that topic. It is not central to my work, the anti-Semite trigger is very volatile, and I don't want to unnecessarily alienate readers. But with the close connection between the Likud party and the White House neocons, it is difficult to totally ignore this elephant in the kitchen. This particular article seems to be both useful and non-provocative, which is not easy, given the realities of the situation. I am thinking of publishing some of the harder stuff on the newslog list, so be warned. And I should point out that I don't agree with everything forwarded to these lists. I choose things because I believe they include useful information, and I expect all you adults to apply your own judgement to glean the wheat from the chaff. You may recall our earlier thread about a possible military coup against the neocons (beginning with:'811'&lists=' cj'). I still don't know if this coup is real or not. Certainly nothing noticeably dramatic has happened that has "coup" written all over it. Nonetheless there are continuing positive signs (positive in the sense of 'it is likely', rather than 'it is a good thing'). I posted an article by Greider, where he noted signs of a top-level rebellion, and I've seen similar observations by other writers. And despite the whitewash by the official 9-11 commission, there are several other investigations underway that show promise of going all the way to the top. The torture investigation continues to move upward, for example. The FBI investigation into the Israeli connection seems to be another example. Given the administration's penchant for aggressive and unprincipled action, one can only wonder why these kind of investigations have not been squashed--as were investigations into Al Qaeda operatives preceding 9/11. It seems likely that the investigations are being protected by parties in very high circles. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 10:13:11 -0400 Subject: FBI PAINTING UGLY PICTURE From: The Wisdom Fund <•••@••.•••> To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> THE WISDOM FUND News & Views MORE AT September 5, 2004 Toronto Sun FBI PAINTING UGLY PICTURE By Eric Margolis Contributing Foreign Editor The dots in Washington are connecting. It's not a pretty sight. Last week the results of a controversial two-year FBI investigation were leaked to the media. The story is potentially a huge scandal and may indicate a furious power struggle between neocon supporters of Israel's far right Likud Party, who dominated the Pentagon and National Security Council, and the CIA and the state department. The FBI is focusing on the Pentagon's policy department, a mini state department within defence that plays a key role in U.S. Mideast policy. It is headed by a neocon activist, defence undersecretary Douglas Feith, who has longtime links to Likud. The Pentagon's chief Iran analyst, Larry Franklin, who works for Feith's deputy, William Luti, is under FBI investigation for allegedly passing top secret presidential policy papers on Iran to two senior members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC, one of Washington's most powerful lobbies, allegedly passed them to Israel's spy service. Israel is alarmed by Iran's nuclear developments. AIPAC and Israel deny spying. The Pentagon says that Franklin is the only member of the department suspected of wrongdoing. Israel insists it ceased espionage in the U.S. after its agent, Jonathan Pollard, was jailed in 1987. Pollard's controller in the U.S. government, known to the FBI as "Mr. X," has never been caught. Still, the current investigation is one indication of growing concerns that U.S. national security and foreign policy have been gravely compromised, or even hijacked, by a small but powerful group of Bush administration neocons. The concern is that this group, with the aid of Vice-President Dick Cheney, helped to engineer the Iraq war at least in part to destroy an enemy of Israel. While only Franklin is under investigation, he works for Feith's office. Feith reports to deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz, another strong supporter of Israel. Cheney and Wolfowitz were among the prime architects of the Iraq war. In 1996, Feith and neocon Israel supporter Richard Perle were among the authors of the policy plan, "A Clean Break," for Israel's then Likud prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for Greater Israel. As well, it called for a much more aggressive policy on Iraq and Syria and for ending peace talks with the Palestinians. Feith ran the Pentagon's Office for Special Plans (OSP), which relied for much of its information about Iraq on the likes of the notorious Ahmad Chalabi. Feith, Wolfowitz and Perle were key backers of Chalabi, a convicted swindler, planning to make him a key leader of Iraq. Chalabi's carefully crafted falsehoods and exaggerations about Iraq provided the White House with much of its pretext for war. The rock just turned over by the FBI also reveals other familiar denizens. Welcome back Iranian con-man and arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar, a key figure in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal that nearly brought down the Reagan administration. And according to a Washington Monthly investigation, two other prominent Washington neocons met secretly in Europe with Ghorbanifar, the chief of Italy's military intelligence service, SISMI, and Lebanese rightists to discuss various issues related to the Mideast. SISMI was also involved in the Iraq-Niger uranium hoax. The current controversy raises the question of whether neocon attempts to blame the disaster they created in Iraq on the CIA, to blame 9/11 on the FBI's faulty intelligence, along with three decades of spying investigations squelched for political reasons, could have caused the security agencies to go after what a CIA veteran terms "Washington's fifth column." The growing scandal over the U.S. possibly being misled into a war by neocons and various supporters of Israel is proving a field day for anti-Semites, as this writer long warned it would. Many feel these neocon ideologues arrogated to themselves the right to decide what was good for Israel and the Jewish people, even though many American Jews opposed war against Iraq. In my view, what the neocon ideologues and their media allies have done is to inflame anti-Semitism, encourage anti-U.S. terrorism, and destabilize the entire Mideast. --- In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY to tell the "truth" to ALL American school students: -- if you know of a more cost-effective method, email us at •••@••.••• (put "TMagAd" in SUBJECT line). FREE DOWNLOAD "THE WAR ON ISLAM" at MORE about the book at REPLY TO •••@••.••• -- to ADD or REMOVE your name from our mailing list put "ADDtwflist" or "REMOVEtwflist" in SUBJECT line. 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