* David Ray Griffiin – 9/11 – BOOK TV – Saturday – 10.30 EST *


Richard Moore


BOOK TV Schedule 
Saturday, April 30 
Programs (U.S. Eastern Time)

8:00 am  - Wayne Baker , America's Crisis of Values: Reality and Perception 

9:00 - Andrew Bacevich , The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced 
by War 

10:30  - David Ray Griffiin , The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and 

12:00 pm  - Bat Ye'or , Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis 

1:45  - Mahmood Mamdani , Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and 
the Roots of Terror 

3:30  - Hirsh Goodman , Let Me Create A Paradise, God Said To Himself 

4:30  - Philip Deloria , Indians in Unexpected Places 

5:45  - Todd Buchholz , Bringing the Jobs Home: How the Left Created the 
Outsourcing Crisis -- and How We Can Fix It 

7:00  - Encore Booknotes:  Cal Thomas , The Things That Matter Most 

8:00  - Featured Program:  2005 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books: Saturday 

11:15  - Kevin Ring , Scalia Dissents: Writings of the Supreme Court's Wittiest,
Most Outspoken Justice