Friends, Here's a posting from 1999 that I thought you might find amusing. It's an astrological chart, based on the date (22 Jan 1995) of the first cj posting. Following that are some reader comments on recent postings. cheers, rkm ====================================================== From: "Vadim Bondar" <> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: a posting from the past... Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 01:45:44 EST Hi Richard, It was lovely that you posted the first cj message. And since it had a date, I've got an astrological chart for cj. Just for fun. Here are the excerpts: (from "You are open-minded and democratic, enthusiastic, and have a definite sense of mission. Above all, you are a progressive and enjoy putting into practice that which is good for all. Your altruism could appear as coolness. At home with different cultures, peoples, and lands, you love to work with (and in) groups. "You are unconventional, independent, and drawn to whatever is different and original in life. You hate being tied down with the drudgery of routine, preferring instead to keep your options open. You may find yourself involved in causes that go against tradition, revolutions of one kind or another -- social or political. Your friends are probably also eccentric, in particular those in authority, older persons, and men who are nonconformist. Communication, computers, electronics, and everything new-wave is what you star in. "You have high ideals and an ability to enchant others with your words and images. Your presence has a way of easing things, helping those around you let go of any differences and stand behind what unites us all. "You love all things plain and true, and possessing an innate sense of religion and what's real. Not prudish, even communal, you insist on freedom in all things. "You like to work with words and ideas and have a natural appreciation for anything that is literary or artistic. Your sense of discernment when it comes to matters of literary and intellectual taste is very refined. You could write poetry or prose, and you put a very high value on the written word. You enjoy nothing more than a good conversation and may be very adept at speaking and communicating. "You value fairness in all things and go out of your way to be just. In addition, you have an innate sense of how to work with and guide others in making decisions. You understand the choices and can spot the right ones. "You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal. Fascinated by the latest technology, you have very original ideas, an inventor. Always thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting into practice what is preached. You are group-conscious, community-oriented. ... Good luck to you, Richard, and long live cj. Vadim. -------------------------------------------------------- From: "waal" <> To: <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: * Flash * China & Russia mobilize divisions to surround U.S. bases Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 09:09:39 -0700 These are a few more links First from July 6 2005 China knocking on Russia's door By Sergei Blagov Putin and Hu also agreed to strengthen military ties as they prepare to hold joint military exercises next month. The war games, "Friendship 2005", to be conducted in Russia and China from August 18-25, will be the largest between the countries in 50 years. Russia will be represented by 3,000 members of the air force, airborne troops and the navy, while China will commit about 5,000 soldiers and officials. and Bakiyev Wins Landslide in Kyrgyzstan, Courts Controversy with United States To virtually no one’s surprise, Kurmanbek Bakiyev won Kyrgyzstan’s presidential election in a landslide. However, Bakiyev caught many political analysts off guard when, at his first post-election news conference on July 11, he raised the possibility of closing a US military base in Kyrgyzstan. And US AND NATO SECURITY AID TO UZBEKISTAN COMES UNDER SCRUTINY 7/13/05 -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 23:12:58 -0700 (PDT) From: jackson davis <> Subject: Re: Britain & America: the evolution of a partnership - Part 2 To: •••@••.••• rkm> * Britain's game plans in World War 1 Jackson: In view of recent developments, have you seen any evidence that Chinese banks are becoming next center of power? --- Hi Jackson, In that regard, I'd say that China today threatens Anglo-American financial supremacy in much the same way that Germany threatened Britain's prior to WW I. China's industrial and economic strength are becoming awesome, and her efforts to achieve secure oil supplies is comparable to the Berlin-Baghdad railway. Thus it is not surprising that Washington is preparing for war with China now in the same way Britain prepared for war with Germany rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Earl" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: China & Russia mobilize divisions rkm> Sorcha Faal's article may have been a hoax. Richard, A comment, for what it's worth. is a very good info source, but is also more than a little sensationalist. I use it as a secondary source, going there several times a week, and regularly find stuff here first, or that is little reported elsewhere. Nonetheless, I have one rule I follow: If this is the first time I've seen something, I wait until I read about it elsewhere (I have other good sources) and that it makes sense with what I've read before I take it seriously. Just as with MSM, mainstream media, I usually am a bit skeptical. Even then, I buy into something a little quickly at times; it's part of the risk we take. I have yet to find a source that has everything, or carries the stories ahead of other sources, or is 100% reliable. Such a thing does not exist. We all have our own sources and reading habits. Mine starts with reading the Dutch news first, MSM news next on Yahoo where I can set up my page with the content I want, including RSS feeds. Then on to What Really which is a news gathering blog mainly - my personal favorite general source (he also pulls articles from Then on to WSWS, which has the best news analysis I know, even though only several subjects are dealt with. International Forecaster is another good one, as are others. From there on, it depends on the time I have, but like many others, I have many other sources; you know many of them, too. If any one story appears only in one source, I set it aside and wait for further info and/or corroboration, especially if have no means of judging it. With so many sources available on the net today, that is not difficult. And then, those who don't make mistakes are also those who are not doing much. Better to back off an article once in a while than to ignore too much at the cost of 'safety'. Better to be a bit over involved than asleep. -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: China & Russia mobilize divisions Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 08:06:29 -0700 Richard; What I've noticed as internet news and research has developed over the past years is that, because the internet is uncensored and anyone can post anything, news reporters and their audiences have had to become much more discriminating in what they accept as the truth. People like Mike Ruppert who used to make many unconfirmed revelations, now must document his statements which still have elements of his own personal quirks. It may be embarrasing to publish something that turns out to be just someone's whacky idea or disinformation attempt, but the result is that you won't be fooled again and the general level of scholarship for researchers and readers is raised. So in the long run I think there is a general fine tuning of research and writing going on through the internet. Bill Weinberg is a good example of someone who does impeccable research. He will not publish anything that is not fully documented. The result of this is that he misses some breaking news stories, but he almost never publishes anything that is not real news. The down-side is that very often breaking news stories come out half baked, half documented and need to be further researched and/or better written, so my solution is to send new and/or not well documented accounts to a circle of trusted friends for confirmation or very often rejection before blasting these maybe stories around too widely. The internet is seemingly making journalism common ground with the two drawbacks of lack of documentation and slowing the news stories while confirmation is generated. But now everyone is a journalist to one degree or another as well reflected by Indymedia. It is an exciting time for truthseekers. Marshall McLuhan said, way back in the 1960s BC (before computers) that the media would ultimately democratize the world because the truth would be known by all. Brian -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website ( or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland blog: "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", old draft: _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ cj list archives: newslog list archives: _____________________________ Informative links: ============================================================