Previous related reports: Phony terrorism: 7-7 London = 9-11 NYC Analysis: London bombings & coverup Friends, As developments continue around the London bombings, the false-flag trademark on the operation becomes increasingly visible. Before looking at specifics, I think it is important to review the broader context in which these events are occurring. * The strategic context First, let me review the strategic context in which this operation is taking place, based on the very-well documented Engdahl material, which I have been reporting on: Yes Virginia, we learn from Engdahl, there is an identifiable THEY who are at the top of the Western power pyramid, and 'they' are the top elites who control the leading international banks on Wall Street and in The City (London's financial district). The supreme power of this particular Anglo-American elite alliance grew out of their roles in planning and financing the first two World Wars. The primary goal of this elite clique is to maintain control over global finance. Their wealth and power come from controlling the global money supply, credit availability, interest rates, exchange markets, reserve currencies, etc. With this power, and with the help of their IMF & World Bank subsidiaries, they can, for example, make or break whole economies - as we saw not that long ago with their attack on the Asian Tigers. We are talking here about finance capitalism, which is a power layer above industrial capitalism. While industrial capitalism, and industrial corporations, typically seek to maximize economic growth and development, finance capitalism has its own broader control agenda - which in many cases entails driving down the rate of global economic growth, channeling development into regions which have greater investment returns, or punctuating growth with wars, depressions, credit-bubbles, looting episodes, etc. Control over global energy resources is central to the strategy of these top financial elites - not so much because of the market value of those resources - but because of the power that comes with that control. There is the geopolitical power - the ability to decide who gets energy and who doesn't - which was very important in winning both world wars. More important on a day-to-day basis is the financial control - the ability to decide which currencies must be used to purchase energy resources - and hence which currencies function as reserve currencies. These days that's the "petrodollar", which then gets recycled through Wall Street and The City into the unregulated, London-based, "eurodollar" markets. As I pointed out in an earlier posting, it was not so much Germany's growing industrial strength that caused these financial elites to plan and initiate Word War 1, but rather the growing financial influence of German banks, and Germany's attempt to obtain independent petroleums sources via the planned Berlin to Baghdad rail line. Today, fast-growing China poses a similar threat to Anglo-American financial hegemony, and she is similarly arranging for independent oil sources in various parts of the world. President Eisenhower, on leaving office, warned us about a "military-industrial complex", whose growing power he feared. He may well have been sincere; he didn't necessarily have any "need to know" more than that. In fact, however, this military-industrial complex, as part of the industrial capitalism layer, is more a tool than a power center. It provides returns on investment, it handles its own lobbying, and it enables geopolitical control. But when the time comes to set armament budgets or to initiate conflicts, the orders come down from above. Of more interest than Ike's "complex", is something Engdahl calls a "fraternity" - a kind of personal-level network - that exists in both Britain and the U.S., and which includes the top banking elites and key players in the petroleum industry and the Intelligence services (including Israel's Mossad). Overall agendas are set according to macro financial considerations, and the petroleum connections enable coordination with oil development operations. The Intelligence connections - besides providing insider Intelligence of all kinds to the fraternity - provide also the capability to coordinate covert operations: coups, assassinations, destabilizations, African genocides, phony "pro-democracy" movements, war provocations, and - last but not least - false-flag domestic "terrorist" incidents. For any given operation, the "need to know" loop begins within the fraternity, and then branches out only as far as necessary and prudent. A President, Prime Minister, or Director of Intelligence, for example, may or may not be in the loop on any given project. This is not the place to outline how political parties, the media, etc. are kept under control in the U.S. and Britain - suffice it to say that he who controls the purse strings controls all. Amshall Rothschild summed up the situation this way: "Let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who writes the laws". * The tactical context The neocon's Project for a New America (PNAC) agenda is written with Peak Oil in mind, and with China in mind - and it represents the current tactical agenda which is being pursued by the fraternity, with the help of its subsidiaries, the British and American governments. This agenda implicitly calls for seizing control of as many oil sources as possible, not only in the Middle East, but from as many southern-Asian nations as can be pried loose from entanglements with the re-forming Sino-Soviet alliance. Michael Moore was right about pipelines through Afghanistan, but the profits of Halliburton and Texas oil companies are not the main point: oil as power is the point. The agenda also calls explicitly for the prevention of any nation, e.g. China, from attaining a position of regional hegemony. See: PNAC agenda: "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century": "China Economy Rising at Pace to Rival US": "US hurrying to save its bases in Central Asia": "Bid by Chevron in Big Oil Deal Thwarts China": Within this tactical context, Iran seems clearly to be the next target of military intervention. Meanwhile, Iran and China are making deals for future oil deliveries, and China and Russia have supplied Iran with advanced missile capability. I've seen no reports one way or the other as regards whether some of those missiles might have nuclear warheads or be under the control of Russian or Chinese crews. But in any case these missiles are not Saddam's old Scuds, and they can do serious damage to Tel Aviv and to U.S. Carrier task forces. Iran may turn out to be the tipping point to World War 3, as was Poland in World War 2, and the Balkans in World War 1. Only the above-named elites know for sure what they've got in mind. See: "Now America accuses Iran of complicity in World Trade Center attack": "Is Iran Being Set Up?" [planning for nuclear attack on Iran]: "American Terror" [current covert actions in Iran]: "Top Chinese general warns US over attack" [revealing intention to play hardball at some point in the game]: "China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, a Chinese general said on Thursday." * The PR context Given the disastrous course the occupation of Iraq has taken, enthusiasm for an invasion of Iran will not be easy to stir up. The war in Iraq is already causing domestic political difficulties for the Bush-Blair act, European public opinion generally has always been against the adventure, and elsewhere in the world anti-war sentiment is even more pronounced. Escalation into Iran would not be impossible under such circumstances - after all it would simply be one more in a long list of acts of impunity by the lone super power- but the political cost in this case would be considerable. It might even be a tipping point in terms of global displeasure with the Washington-London axis, encouraging new alliances among nations to counter the hegemony of this pair of rogue states. We must recognize that - despite its fundamental impunity - the Anglo-American axis always accompanies its invasions with an effective PR offensive. Just as air strikes always precede ground invasions, to soften up defenses, so are war projects always preceded by PR initiatives. In the case of Desert Storm we got months of prime-time PR, including fictitious stories of babies being taken from incubators by the Iraqis. Before the more recent Iraq invasion we were spiked up with WMD fantasies, a nuclear-capability hoax, phony 911 connections, etc. We can be absolutely certain that the upcoming invasion of Iran will also be preceded by PR actions, and that those actions will be of a dramatic nature - sufficient to counteract the growing anti-war sentiment both domestically and globally. It is in the context of this necessary PR project that we must evaluate the unfolding series of bombings in the UK. And along with those bombings we must consider as well the similar incidents in Turkey and Egypt, and the growing sense of "When not if" that is being cultivated by the U.S. media, regarding a second event in the U.S. on the scale of 911 or beyond. See: "Al-Qaida's U.S. nuclear targets": "Captured documents, terrorists reveal bin Laden's preferred dates, places for 'American Hiroshima'" "Al Qaeda Fingerprints On Bombings?" [re/ Turkey bombing]: "Egypt arrests 25 more in probe of terror attacks ": "Investigators have said they're looking into international links, including funding, for cells in the Sinai, particularly in light of other terror attacks using similar techniques around the world, such as this months' explosions against public transportation in London. " If the Iranian PR offensive is indeed being launched at this time, and if the initial London bombings were part of that campaign, then we can perhaps begin to see in subsequent events the outline of that intended campaign. The campaign - and very appropriate it would be for its purposes - apparently includes offensives on several fronts. Within Britain itself, the primary objective, apparently, is to create the same level of chronic and intense fear around terrorism that has gripped America since 911, preparing the ground for British participation in "retaliatory" actions. Rather than one grand event, like 911, we see a more refined British approach, building psychological tension with a series of much simpler and cheaper incidents distributed randomly around the UK. On the global scene a less intensive PR intervention would be required, and that seems to be what may be beginning with Turkey and Egypt. The main objective here would be to spread a low-level fear of terrorism globally, so that the Iran invasion would at least be "understandable" to all, reducing the likelihood of an effective political or diplomatic backlash to the aggression. Equally as important as the "incident front" in this PR campaign is the "interpretation front". Following each staged terrorist incident, the Blair-Bush twins always go on prime-time air to explain to us "what it means". (In contrast to real terrorists, who typically give a real reason as to why they themselves did it, false-flag terrorists always give us a false reason why someone else did it.) On the interpretation front, in this current PR campaign, the objective seems to be to cultivate globally a clear image of "Islamic religious hatred of the West" as being the source of terrorism. This objective is very clearly revealed in the UK media. I receive BBC1 and BBC2 television here in Wexford, and I've been amazed by the breadth and depth of the "Muslim connection" propaganda. In post-911 America the emphasis has been on specific bad guys, like Bin Laden and Saddam, and on Al Qaeda as an organization. Anti-Muslim sentiment certainly did rise, but was not a focus of the propaganda. In post-bombing Britain, the emphasis has been very different. Blair meets with Muslim leaders to "solve the problem together". We are shown sinister looking grainy videos of Muslim schools with Taliban look-alike teachers, where innocent youth are purportedly being indoctrinated into hating the West. When suspects are being reported on, a significant amount of the air time is devoted to to pronouncing their full Arabic-sounding names, along with any aliases they might use. We see documentaries about British Muslim neighborhoods, where economically disadvantaged youth are "understandably vulnerable" to indoctrination. Blair went so far as to say that Al Qaeda isn't really an organization, rather it's a way of thinking and acting within "certain communities". The new proposed "anti-terrorism" legislation emphasizes the role of "preaching or encouraging terrorism" as being of primary importance. We learn to our horror that Muslim schools teaching in that way have been operating for some time in Britain. (One wonders: if they exist why have they been tolerated for so long?) The global PR value of blaming terrorism on "Muslim hatred of the West" is very clear, within the context of expanding military aggression on to Iran. For one thing, it detracts from the obvious argument that invasions tend to increase the likelihood of terrorism, as a response. If terrorist tendencies are inherent in "the enemy" - rather than provoked by Western attack - then it makes more sense to respond militarily. In this regard, Blair has presented impassioned arguments, repeated in each newscast of the day, that the Iraq war cannot be blamed for the bombings. As regards Iran in particular: if terrorism can be blamed on a culture (ala Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations"), then it makes sense to undertake a forced "regime change" on nations which follow that culture. In this regard it is very convenient that a Muslim "hardliners" surprisingly won a recent election in Iran, and convenient as well that Washington recently "discovered" that 911 "hijackers" passed through Iran. Presumably this part of the PR campaign will be showing us an increasing number of "Iranian connections" to terrorist suspects and incidents, as well as inflammatory clips selected from Iranian media. We must keep in mind that some dramatic pretext must be manufactured for invading Iran. It is essential that geopolitical issues, in particular the control of oil sources, be kept entirely out of the discussion. There have of course been the concerns over Iran's "nuclear program" but those have been somewhat muted by European compromise initiatives and in any case they sound hollow after the Iraq-WMD fabrications. Culture-based terrorism is a bit vague, and therefore both easier to claim and more difficult to disprove, as compared to specific WMD threats. If we look at the PR campaign from a broader perspective, we can see it as a one-two punch. We've been talking about the first punch, the set up - the creation of a global popular focus on cultural-based Muslim terrorism with a strong Iranian connection. Once this mindset is sufficiently promulgated, then we can expect the second, knock-out punch: a 911-scale event in the U.S. which can be quickly blamed on Iran. Whereas 911 came as a surprise to everyone except our fraternity, its contractors - and most of the security services around the world who had caught various leaks and had naively notified Washington - this next major covert PR operation will arrive in an atmosphere of public expectation. People will be ready to be outraged, ready to be angry, and ready in particular to be angry at Iran - the timeframe from incident to "retaliation" is likely be measured in hours instead of weeks or months. There are of course other objectives served by this PR campaign besides justifying an Iran invasion, the most notable being the police-state legislation that almost always follows false-flag incidents. I cite some reports on such legislation below, along with other indicators of the false-flag trademark. * Recent indicators of false-flag operations "UK plans global extremists list": The UK is to set up a global database of extremists who face automatic vetting before being allowed in, Home Secretary Charles Clarke has told MPs. "Police ask for tough new powers": Police last night told Tony Blair that they need sweeping new powers to counter the terrorist threat, including the right to detain a suspect for up to three months without charge instead of the current 14 days. Senior officers also want powers to attack and close down websites, and a new criminal offence of using the internet to prepare acts of terrorism, to "suppress inappropriate internet usage". "There has to be a shoot-to-kill policy, concedes Ken Livingstone": "911 Rerun - Dead British Bombing Suspect Very Much Alive": An interview of a British teenager broadcast on a Pakistani television network has thrown into doubt investigators, claims that all the three London bombers of Pakistani descent visited Pakistan last year. According to the investigators, the three bombers had died in the July 7 attacks. But 16-year-old Hasib Hussain, a namesake of one of the putative bombers and of Pakistani descent, said in the interview that a photograph of a passport purporting to show bomber Hasib Hussain, 19, was his, and not that of the bomber "I was in tube bomb carriage - and survived": "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said. "Did Greenspan Know About the London Bombings Two Days Before?": Two days before the London subway bombings, Fed Master Alan Greenspan flushed nearly $40 billion in liquidity into financial markets. The sudden activity was an astonishing departure from the current policy of tightening interest rates to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not explained his erratic behavior, but there's growing speculation that Greenspan may have had information about the likelihood of terrorist attacks and decided to "preemptively" head off a run on the markets. [The fraternity knows all.] "Police Debate if London Plotters Were Suicide Bombers, or Dupes": [In this way some of the original anomalies in the cover story are addressed for the discerning reader, while TV broadcasts continue to refer to "suicide bombers".] "Brazilian did not wear bulky jacket":,,1537457,00.html Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian shot dead in the head, was not wearing a heavy jacket that might have concealed a bomb, and did not jump the ticket barrier when challenged by armed plainclothes police, his cousin said yesterday. In Britain, Migrants Took a New Path: To Terrorism By the time he was 17, British reports said, Mr. Ibrahim had taken up with a gang of criminals from north London who traveled to commuter towns in neighboring Hertfordshire, terrorizing residents. Arrested in 1995, he was convicted of a string of muggings and street crimes and sentenced to five years in prison, serving roughly half his term. It was there that he is said to have become a devout, and radicalized, Muslim, finding in Islam a place to direct his inchoate rage. -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website ( or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland blog: "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", old draft: _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. 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