newslog postings : 04 Oct – 07 Oct


Richard Moore


    04 Oct - Iraq: more Wash. Post propaganda 
    05 Oct - Police State: the avian flu excuse 
    05 Oct - Wash. Post: tularemia bacteria at CD protests 
    05 Oct - PEJ News: Biological Weapon Used Against Anti-War Demonstrators? 
    05 Oct - Oil: EU & Russia 
    05 Oct - Donald Sutherland: "Bush Will Destroy Our Lives" 
    05 Oct - CBS: We never should have gotten into Iraq 
    05 Oct - Collapse: NY Times: Slowing Is Seen in Housing Prices 
    05 Oct - Banking Elites: who will replace Greenspan? 
    05 Oct - Oil collapse: excellent analysis by Jan Lundberg 
    05 Oct - Geopolitics: more Russian moves 
    05 Oct - Another view on peak oil as scam 
    05 Oct - Joe Vial: Russians overcome peak oil (?) 
    05 Oct - Greenspan replacement: Bush's leash is tugged 
    07 Oct - Police state : Britain goes after 'opinion crimes' 
    07 Oct - PNAC oil agenda : Latin America : Paraguay as staging area? 
    07 Oct - Good news : Israel : Supreme Court stands up for humanity 
    07 Oct - Iraq demonization campaign heats up in the BBC 
    07 Oct - False flag incident : NYC : the conditioning continues 
    07 Oct - Neoliberalism : Merkel : attempted regime change? 
    07 Oct - War : Iran : Israel plays Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove 
    07 Oct - Neoliberalism : Germany : a struggle for cultural survival 
    07 Oct - Police State: flu quarantines : more conditioning 

"Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World"