Friends, Jim Rough has just uploaded an audio interview with Joseph McCormick of the Democracy in America campaign. It is very inspiring, and talks about Joseph's very effective work bringing diverse groups together to achieve a sense of We The People. Jim is the interviewer, and various forms of facilitation are discussed as well. I'll be featuring this interview on our websites. Democracy in America campaign: Jim Rough's website: The interview: --- I finally went all out and created a comprehensive tutorial for Blogger... Blogger made easy: It is referenced in the header of each blog. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Lewit" To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: weekend readers dialog Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 06:48:27 -0500 Thread-Index: AcZFZLV08wl5oE6aSzi2XjtJAOmMWgAZdkog Richard----- For those of us who dare not download this megablock of video, or who need an exec summary before committing to detail, please give us a summary. Thanks! ------- Hi Dave, A fair request. I've seen lots of 911 videos. This one is unusually outstanding in several ways. I agree with this blurb from the website: "This is the best damn 9-11 documentary out there." -Dave vonKleist, Producer of "911:In Plane Site" Loose Change is an extremely hard hitting, heavily referenced documentary. It has the best footage that I have seen to date, of all the bombs and explosions going off at the World Trade Center. He covers each individual aspect of 9/11 in keen detail, and after watching 'Loose Change' it is almost impossible to walk away and not believe that 9/11 was engineered, not by Osama, but by our own Government. The URL again, by Loose Change: -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dstacey" <•••@••.•••> Subject: 911 LIES: AIRLINE RUMOR: 911 Flight Attendant seen Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 16:04:21 -0500 ---<forwarded>--- Title: AIRLINE RUMOR: 911 Flight Attendant seen Source: LetsRoll911 Published: Mar 12, 2006 Author: Leftseat Post Date: 2006-03-12 01:17:50 by <>valis This story is making the rounds in the airline community recently: An American Airlines FA, close friends with one of the American FA's that was aboard one of the 911 flights, was shopping while on vacation in Toronto, Canada two years after 911. As she is waiting in line to pay for her purchase, she is shocked to see her "dead" F/A friend walk by. She hails her by name. The "dead" F/A turns, stops, and their eyes meet. The "dead" F/A runs out of the store into the crowd in the mall. The AA F/A runs after her, setting off store shoplifting sensors from the unpaid merchandise in her arms. Security detains her and the "dead" F/A blends into the crowd. The AA F/A is 100% certain of the deceased's identity...she was wearing the tennis bracelet given her as a present the previous Christmas. She attended both AA's and her family's memorial services. Weird. Subscribe to *9-11* -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website cyberjournal website blog: cyberjournal forum blog: Achieving real democracy blog: for readers of ETM blog: Community Empowerment Blogger made easy subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives ___________________________________________ In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.