-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:49:07 +1300 To: •••@••.••• From: Harvey Jones <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cyberjournal news-posting policies [ http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1186&lists=cj ] Dear Richard I have no complaints about your postings of real news and appreciate your efforts to provide a version of the truth and activities which we may otherwise fail to see. I have followed your postings since the days of the UseNet and the others who made regular contributions then. Like you I also filter the chaff from the real news and look for the disinformation which is so often presented in the various news-speak media outlets. One story popped past the other day, for which the embedded links have disappeared. Not surprising considering the content. I am also involved with a number of community based groups in my local area. You may be pleased to know, that on this side of the world anyway, community spirit and networking is re-emerging despite the various efforts to stifle it. Your contributions to community empowerment are helpful. Some of the articles and contributions from the blog have been shared with others to let them know that others around the world have similar problems and that they are not alone. Carry on the good work Harvey -------- Hi Harvey, Thanks for the feedback. I've noticed two major trends unfolding since I started writing, back in the UseNet days. The first is the trend I predicted and was writing about: the emergence of a US-sponsored new world order, de-nationalization through globalization, increased interventionism, police states in the West, and a corporate world government. This trend has proceeded even more dramatically than I anticipated, by means of Cheney's 911 project. The second trend I did not predict, and I find it extremely encouraging. Your report of "community spirit and networking" in New Zealand is part of that trend. I'm referring to the many creative ways that humanity has risen up to resist the first agenda. Chavez in Latin America, Russia and China on the global chess board, networking at the grassroots level, participatory budgets in Brazil, halting of the WTO process by third-world nations, hardy resistance to Western imperialism by the brave people of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. etc. Perhaps one of the most encouraging development is a rapidly increasing interest in dialog processes, as a way to bring people together and overcome divisiveness. See for example: http://www.wisedemocracy.org/ http://www.tobe.net/other/news.html I'm hoping to get down your way in the not-to-distant future. I'd like to meet with you and some of your networking buddies. ciao, richard -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerold Hubbard" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:23:14 -0500 Subject: Re: * Why I think there WILL be an attack on Iran * [ http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1190&lists=cj ] Dear Richard; I have second hand knowledge of this USA instigated taking of US hostages by Iran. My close friend, was working as the Agriculture attache in Iran at the time. His number one role was in Military Counter-Intelligence. He knew at least 6 months before the hostage incident that this was a plan being implanted within the minds of a few Iranian hostiles toward USA policy. Remember the Shah, They did too! Over and over again he tried to get through to the higher ups, with this information, BUT his channels of communication were severed. So, finally, on the day it was to be implemented, he looked at the USA Agriculture consultant and told him that there was NO use for him to become a hostage of the Iranian rebels, and he was able to avoid him being captured. The ONLY one of the USA Ambassador, consultant, team that was not captured that day! No one ever bothered to question how one escaped!!!! The answer would have been electrifying! He also witnessed first hand a meeting between Jimmy Carter and the representatives of the elite few who call world shots, two weeks after his winning of the election! He also knows why this meeting took place as Jimmy was NOT one of their team players! Keep up the good work of breaking down the information barrier! This barrier is MUCH more crippling than the border of Nations! Jerold Hubbard -------- Thanks Jerold - these kind of on-the-ground reports are very informative - rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gerry Masuda" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: re: * Why I think there WILL be an attack on Iran * Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 23:05:07 -0700 Mr Moore. A friend sent me your email identified below. I have some questions to ask about aspects you did not cover which I think are significant. What happened to the opening of the Iranian Oil Exchange which was to cost crude in euros? It seems to me that there has been some negotiations carried out to stop the opening of the Exchange which would have sunk the US dollar. If the Iranians had opened the Exchange, the US would have been forced to carry our a 'preemptive war'. Why haven't the Russian equivalent of the US Stinger ground to air missile been used in the ME? Both the US War on Iraq and the Israeli War on Lebanon were based heavily on air power. If the Iraqis and Hezbollah had 'Stingers', the Shock and Awe of the air assault would have been significantly muted. I can only surmise that these missiles are being held back as a strategic surprise. Should the US attack Iran or Syria, the 'Stinger' may make its debut with maximum impact. If this is so, who are the ones who have this power to restrict use of 'Stingers' up to now? All indications are that the US will be using nuclear weapons in any war against Iran. The US doesn't have the ground troops to 'hold ground' and thus nukes have to be used to provide a radioactive buffer between Iran and the narrow slip of land around the Gulf which the US are interested in. I would think that the sudden rise in background radiation which would register around the world would result in a very strong global public reaction which will force their governments to condemn the US use of nukes. One final point. I have not yet seen any reference of the impact of DU in Lebanon. Yet the same weapons were used in Lebanon that were used in Iraq, and also Yugoslavia. DU must have heavily contaminated southern Lebanon and both Hezbollah and Israeli soldiers will have been heavily exposed with the inevitable resulting health problems. I thank you for this article on Iran. Gerry ------- Hi Gerry, Why depend on forwards? Send a message to: •••@••.••• :-) I believe that the Iranian oil bourse has been eclipsed by other developments. For one thing, the US economy is about to crash on its own, bourse or no bourse. For another thing, the various trading arrangements and oil deals being set up (among Russia, China, Southeast Asia producers, Iran, Venezuela, etc.) are a bigger threat to petrodollar-supremacy than the bourse would be. The Stinger issue is interesting. Perhaps there is a quid-pro-quo among the big powers. Russia keeps Stingers out of Lebanon, and the US keeps them out of Chechnya. Also, stingers can shoot down commercial airliners. Perhaps the US and Russia don't want to risk that 'their rebels' might use that as a tactic -- could get too out of control. People can only respond to things like background radiation and DU contamination if they know about it. My guess is that the average TV viewer has never heard of DU. I've seen very little coverage of that, or of the huge oil spill Israel created in Lebanon, in mainstream sources. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 15:02:47 +0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Betty Daly-King <•••@••.•••> Subject: "Why know this stuff? I can't do a damn thing about it!" [ http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1191&lists=cj ] Richard, Even when I have strong doubts that anything I do is going to make a mite of difference I think it is still important to act. It is important to me to start and secondly, if I don't do anything I know I will not make a difference but if I do something it may make a difference! And if more people thought that way there would be a significant collective of public opinion opposing governments' actions and we WOULD make a difference. Betty Daly-King Australia -------- Hi Betty, You bring up a deep issue. There are many considerations involved. On the one hand, any manifestation of people taking responsibility for humanity's future is a good thing. They might do some good, their energy may inspire others, they might learn from their failures, etc. I wouldn't encourage anyone to give up just because they have doubts about their effectiveness. On the other hand, 'doing something' can serve to 'make us feel good' and encourage us to avoid the difficulty of thinking about 'what really needs to be done'. In that sense, 'doing something' can be a disempowering addiction. I think it is important for all of us to regularly review what we've been doing, reflect on its effectiveness, and reconsider our alternatives. We shouldn't just go on automatic and confuse effort with accomplishment. Ongoing learning and reassessment needs to be part of every activist's agenda. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:56:20 -0700 Subject: "Why know this stuff? I can't do a damn thing about it!" From: Jan Slakov <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> rkm> For those of us who accept responsibility for humanity's well being, who have faced the scary truths, and who are seeking a way to help create democratic societies, these dialog processes seem to be just what we're looking for. If we take all that energy we've been putting into political campaigns, protest movements, public education campaigns, letters to the editor, or whatever, and put that energy into arranging opportunities for this kind of dialog in our communities, we would be facilitating the emergence of self governance in our societies. Dear Richard, I think virtually all of the things you list above as options for spending our energy are worthwhile, including the dialogue idea. I find it unfortunate when someone tries to convince others to invest in one particular route for change, as people have different gifts and callings, and we need to appreciate and take encouragement from a wide variety of actions, not just the ones that we are personally most enthused about. By coincidence, when I opened my latest issue of YES! magazine, I first chanced on a little notice about BOLIVIAN PRESIDENT EVO MORALES. His "approval rating after 6 mo. in office is 82 percent. A socialist and the country's 1st indigenous head of state in more than 450 years, Morales has nationalized the gas and oil industries, raised wages, halved the salaries of parliamentarians and other highly paid public servants, and begun redistribution of public land." To me, this is a reminder of how political campaign work can be valuable. Even in the US currently, there are a few really good people who have been elected to office (like Cynthia McKinney). and others, though not elected, have raised really important issues or perspectives.... Amazingly, things could be worse!... so it is worthwhile to value the bits of democracy we have left. all the best, Jan ------------ Hi Jan, Thanks for your balancing perspective. There is much truth in what you say. Certainly different people have different talents and inspirations, and I do take encouragement from everyone's contributions. Nonetheless, if we look at the big picture of activism vs. results, as regards the global environment, war and peace, civil liberties, social justice -- or almost any measure -- things are getting rapidly worse. If we don't start doing something different this downward spiral will continue. Some may think the spiral cannot be stopped, and we should devote our efforts to slowing it down a bit. If they succeed in slowing it down, I thank them, but I cannot adopt such a pessimistic perspective. There are billions of us against a few of them and our aim should be to prevail, not over them as people but over their oppressive system. Influencing our societies is not enough, we must transform them. I've devoted a lot of study to what kinds of things help in this regard and what kinds of things don't. I consider it my obligation to share what I've learned in the hopes of improving the effectiveness of our efforts. Let's consider the case of Evo Morales, or Chavez for that matter. We must recognize that the political conditions in Bolivia and Venezuela are very different than in the US or Canada. They have suffered under globalization to an extent we have never experienced. There is a starker contrast between the poor and the well off, and a greater percentage of very poor. They have experienced very corrupt governments, and lived through dictatorships. There is a much broader constituency for radical change there, and a deeper rejection of capitalism and standard politics. We cannot assume that what is possible in Latin America electorally is also possible in our more self-indulgent, over-propagandized, under-radicalized, split-into-factions 'democracies'. I continue to claim that electoral politics in the US and Canada is a waste of valuable time -- indeed that is its purpose, to waste our time, and to give us the illusion of participation. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nicola Furey" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: "Why know this stuff? I can't do a damn thing about it!" Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 09:27:11 +0200 [excerpts] Sadly, many of those responsible for the children and youth in our societies are people who do not want change, they certainly do not want to rock the boat of comfort and continuation and encourage their charges to think, to make them realise that there are powers that are modelling their world and deciding their future without even consulting them. The mess they are inheriting will be a big responsibility and the youth need help and clear minds to deal with it, the sooner the better, the young people who think and there are many, see the world holistically. The western education teaches them to specialise in school and when they get to university they become so specialised that they can only see in one direction not across the panorama, thus there is also a lack of communication - another way to control. There are groups of young people who are fed up with what is going on, in Africa they are asking to be taught so they can get jobs not the old style, in Europe it is the same, they certainly do not admire the big corporations or any of the people in government. This is the same production of sheep that was in place before the first and second world war, how do we help them to wake up and stop it for the sake of humanity? Lets hope and pray that the power of the indigenous peoples and the spirituality that each child is born with will make truth win over evil. Richard please continue with your perseverance with more like you the world will become a better place. Sincerely, Nicola ------- Hi Nicola, Thanks for your encouragement, and for your expression of hope. I question, however, whether it makes sense for us to wait to be saved by our children, or by indigenous societies. Us grown-ups in the West are in the best position to make a difference and it is our responsibility to do so. We don't have time to wait; the crisis is too immediate. My real point in that posting was to point out things we could be doing, things that show considerable promise of making an important difference. I'm surprised at how few people have responded to that material. Indeed, I'm surprised at how little discussion we've had on the list about dialog, process, and overcoming divisiveness in our communities. If what I've been saying makes sense, why aren't people taking it seriously? If it doesn't make sense, why aren't people saying so? rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:27:53 +1000 From: Robin Mutoid <•••@••.•••> To: Richard Cyber <•••@••.•••> Subject: "I can't do a damn thing about it!"... or Can I...? [excerpts] Great stuff.. thank you.. just a couple of simple points that I would like to add/raise. I notice that (probably wisely!) the word 'spiritual' is not used. If however the surmise that we are ALL spiritual beings in physical bodies is true, then this is the level, via the 'Hundredth Monkey' syndrome, aided and abetted by the internet, upon which we may all burst, in a short space of time, into our true power and potential. If you believe, as I do, that Earth is at this time 'ascending' - that her vibratory rate is physically increasing, then we ALL are subject to a choice as to whether or not we 'join in' and harmonise with this process. The Internet is our active experiment in generating a holistic world telepathy. The 'Indigo' Children' (Google it) are incarnating here to teach us of ONE Love, ONE Truth, ONE Humanity and of Unity. Of 'Give no shit and by the same token, accept NO shit'! On a soul level we already know what is right, we also know that the shit being foisted upon us by the NWO is distinctly not right. Divide and Rule cannot be allowed to succeed again. I know that this may sound like idealist talk, but really in order to become transparent also to the current chemtrail, microwave, electromagnetic and psychotronic assault on our physical minds and bodies, WE have to raise the stakes. WE have to raise the level at which we 'operate', WE in effect have to learn to start being LESS physical and MORE spiritual; this is our conscious route to the next (well overdue) level of our evolution on Earth. A conscious upward move to the fourth and subsequently higher dimensional realms. This is the portal. This is the 'Eye of the Needle'. Interested in your feedback.. Robin. :-D ---------- Hi Robin, I suspect you are right about positive energy rising, an increasing 'vibratory rate'. Indeed some of the latest thinking in quantum physics suggests that the universe itself is intelligent and creative: "CONSCIOUSNESS AS A SUB-QUANTUM PHENOMENON" http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1594&lists=newslog And I agree that the Internet has very positive properties as regards raising popular consciousness. In particular, I'm referring to the 'forwarding characteristics' of the net...the way people selectively forward on information to friends, blogs, and email lists. In this regard, the Internet acts as a neural network, and each of us acts as an intelligent node. As we develop our own knowledge, refine our selection of sources, tune our spam filters, and expand our channels of sharing, we are improving the overall intelligence of the net. The 'connections' we make on the net are like the dendrites that connect nerve cells in the brain. These dendrites grow and shrink as we learn, making us more intelligent. Same thing with the net. We might think of it this way. Forget for a moment that your messages go to individuals, but think of them as contributions into the net itself, as if the net were a giant artificial-intelligence machine. And forget that the messages you receive come from some individual, but think of them as 'responses from the machine'. If we think of it this way, then we can see that the 'machine' is growing more and more intelligent over time. We are co-creating an intelligent entity as we make use of the net. This is why THEY are so intent on taking this kind of net usage away from us. See: "Are they going to take away our Internet?" http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1603&lists=newslog 'Higher vibrations' and "Internet intelligence" may give us more awareness, and increase our potential, but they are of little value until we make use of them. It doesn't help much to sit around with 'hundredth monkey' consciousness, waiting for 99 others to get the ball rolling. Potential must be manifested before it makes any difference. I agree with 'more spiritual', but if combined with 'less physical' the result is disempowerment. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 16:29:07 EDT Subject: "Why know this stuff? I can't do a damn thing about it!" To: •••@••.••• rkm> Perhaps its the stars or the season, but I do believe there are energies that help us realize our potential, and that they have their own rhythms. And when things are not what we'd like, that means that the energies are not helping us to realize our potential -- Bad Energies! What happened to their rhythms? Have the rhythms turned bad? Bad Rhythms! Bad Stars! Bad Season! Apart from anything else, "Why know this stuff? I can't do a damn thing about it!" Bill ------ Hi Bill, I gather by the tone of your message that your trust is in science, in what can be proven. It turns out that hundreds of scientific research projects over many years (much of it by governments) have established that paranormal phenomena do happen. Many of these investigators started out as skeptics, endeavoring to prove that such things are illusions or coincidence. You can scoff at the data without examining it if you want to, but that is hardly a scientific approach. "If your mathematical theory does not match the experiment then it's wrong." Prof. Richard Feynman. I agree that too much can be made of this new-age stuff, as I suggested in my previous message. It's no good to act like the hundredth monkey and wait for 'good energies' to save us. But there are practical benefits to be gained from awareness of the existence of non-material 'powers'. One of those is to understand the power of 'intention': studies have shown that deeply felt intention can actually enhance our capacity to accomplish that which we intend. But not to worry, you're doing great things without the conscious benefit of things new age. Keep those anti-empire reports coming! rkm ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 11:35:55 -0700 (PDT) From: jeff wefferson <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: re: Operation Mind Control: It's still going on! [ http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1630&batch=16&lists=newslog ] Richard...to me this may be the single most important thing you've written that I've seen! Can you give me more details on this, esp. the "christianity" thing in America? I am so glad to hear you say all this, I've been thinking it and talking about it for some time. Also, have you seen a recent book by Dave McGowan called "Programmed to Kill?" I haven't read it but it's about the FBI's psy-programs to create serial killers. "Son of Sam" = Uncle Sam? I recently read an incisive article saying that Pat Robertson (who is best mates with Oliver North) makes Charles Manson "look like a pussy." haha... Documentation on some of this would be very helpful...cheers jeff in chile ---------- Hi Jeff, You might find these useful: 26 Aug 2006 US fundamentalism: how the cult is managed http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1642&lists=newslog 24 Aug 2006 Here come the Patriot Pastors! http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?id=1615&lists=newslog I've found that the best way to research almost any topic is to simply ask Google. Play with search terms a bit, follow promising links, and you can usually find what you're looking for. I'm sure you can find materials on cults, from a psychological and sociological perspective, and with case studies. There will also be lots of material about the Christian right, how it is funded, etc. But I don't know if anyone else has written about Christian fundamentalism as a cult phenomenon. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Claudia Woodward-Rice" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: Operation Mind Control: It's still going on! Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:47:36 -1000 The Moonies are VERY active in this area. -------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Blogs: cyberjournal forum http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Achieving real democracy http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ for readers of ETM http://matrixreaders.blogspot.com/ Community Empowerment http://empowermentinitiatives.blogspot.com/ Blogger made easy http://quaylargo.com/help/ezblogger.html