Subscriber’s Forum> intial responses re/ this list


Richard Moore

Dear renaissance-network,

Sorry to be so long in getting back to you.

I'll be posting a message today about workshop arrangements, and another
about revolution strategy, but first I'd like to share the first few list
submissions that have been sent in.

My commitment to you as moderator is that the traffic on this list will not
be heavy, and that all postings will be of general import to the list's
purpose, hence I _won't generally be posting _everything submitted.

But I don't want to be censoring people's concerns either.  So my policy
will be to batch together selected reader comments in one posting, from
time to time, so they can be quickly scanned according to your interests.

If I reject one of your submissions, I'll include an explanation, and you
will be most welcome to discuss, challenge, or whatever, and I'm willing to
learn and adjust policy according to feedback.

This particular posting is lengthy, but since we're just starting up I
think it's appropriate that adequate time be spent discussing what the list
is about, and giving full voice to the range of viewpoints.


I've just added fifty new names to the list, names that Jan Slakov
painfully dug out of her files for me, so at the very end of this message,
for newcomers' benefit, I'm tacking on the original greeting message I sent
out on 16 April.

Best Regards to All,
Richard K. Moore

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
To: •••@••.•••
From: Floyd Rudmin <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: Greetings: You are part of the renaissance-network

Good morning.

I probably should consider myself a light or peripheral member until I am
more sure of who you, we, are.  I should say that I think it is a mistake
to use the term "cadre" so much.  It gives the message that this is an
aggressive elitist group.  That word alone makes me doubtful whether or not
I would like to participate.  Why not use more normal words like
"coalition", "citizens", etc.?

Is there something that I do not understand about this group that makes the
term "cadre" important?

Floyd Rudmin

Dear Floyd,

First to clarify: "CADRE" is an acronym for "Citizens for a Democratic
Renaissance", which is the small group of us who are working closely
together to organize the workshop, launch the coalition, operate our
website and email lists, develop our book for South-End press, etc.

You guys and gals out there on this list are not part of `cadre' --
although we're certainly recruiting new members and need help urgently --
you are rather people that we _hope want to collaborate with us and with
each other, both on this list and by other channels, in support of the
goals expressed in the draft manifesto which cadre developed and which is
now *-> `on the table' for discussion. <-*  FYI, I'm attaching that
manifesto at the very bottom of this message.

We chose the name of our group by a consensus process and only afterwards
noticed that the resulting acronym spelled out a rather interesting word.
My American Heritage dictionary says of `cadre':
        1. A Framework.  2. A nucleus of trained personnel around which
        a larger organization can be built and trained.

I'd modify that definition just a bit for our circumstances:
        1. A Framework.  2. A nucleus of dedicated personnel serving to
        facilitate the development of a larger coalition.

We're not `training' anyone, and we don't want an `organization', and
especially not one `around' _our necks!  If we had to choose, most of us
would go for anarchism as a model in preference to `organizations'.

But still the word cadre isn't bad overall for the role we're endeavoring
to play, the community service we seek to provide -- and at great personal
sacrifice I might add, on behalf of my hard-working zero-paid comrades.


As regards "aggressive" and "elitist"... these raise some interesting issues...

Cadre, as well as those of you on this list, if my assessment of who you
are is at all accurate, are doing something remarkably `bold' and
`assertive' (I disagree with `aggressive') -- we are collaboratively
`taking on' the most powerful elite regime that has ever existed in history
with the intent of bringing it under democratic control and of establishing
a whole new global paradigm.

One must stand up and _own one's _courage and _power in order to
contemplate such an endeavor.  This isn't _aggression, but it certainly
isn't _passivity either.

As for `elitist'...   I admit the term `cadre' does have some connotations
in that direction, given historical precedents, and the word can be played
down more to good effect; we'll keep that in mind.

But there's an issue-behind-your-issue that I think needs to be addressed.

My observation is that `leadership' itself is something that has been
systematically demonized by mass-media propaganda.  Whenever someone steps
forward in society and tries to make a leadership contribution -- and they
aren't doing so on behalf of the elite establishement -- that person is
typically undermined by media suggestions that they are self-serving,
manipulative, cult-mongers, have questionable sex lives, or whatever.

Let's take Ross Perot as an example.  Notice, if my guess is right, that
your first response is "Oh, him, what a jerk, don't use him as an example
of a `leader'".   Am I close?   Much of that kind of response, I submit, is
due to the way Perot was intentionally spun by the media.

The guy actually had important things to say about how our democratic
process has failed, and about corporate power, and I personally believe he
is totally sincere and public-spirited (if socially inept on screen).  But
instead of his offerings being dealt with as part of the public debate, the
issue in the press was always him-as-a-person, his personality, and the
fact that he was so wealthy that he must on-the-face-of-it be a

The fact is that leadership is absolutely essential to the democratic
process.  Mobs never accomplish anything.  Even those who emphasize that
history is determined by `forces' rather than `people', even they admit
that when a time for change comes leaders _emerge spontaneously to make
that change possible.

People such as Ghandi, Desmond Tutu, JFK, and thousands of more minor
leaders whose names we never hear, people who are able to sense and
articulate the potential of the age, these people are necessary for
democratic progress, and that has been true throughout history.

If we believe in democracy, even if we call ourselves anarchists, and even
if we believe fully in eqalitarian values -- we need to re-learn the
_valuing of leaders and the necessary role they play.  In `primitive'
societies, which I'd call `before-the-fall' societies, leaders/elders were
highly honored, did not typically have dictatorial powers, and their role
was considered one of great service to their communities.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
From: Daniel del Solar <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: Greetings: You are part of the renaissance-network

Dear Richard: It might be more appropriate to sign yourself as "Cadre
Secretary" rather than "Cadre Chief" at this point, more modest, less
oriented towards the "chief" mentality which is an integral part of the
capitalist structure you so much wish to transform. best  comrade/cadre

Dear Daniel,

I'm not the secretary, I'm the leader.  I organized the group; I earned the
respect and trust of the people who joined; we reach consensus but they
look to me to articulate the majority of our initiatives, even though the
ideas might originate with one of them.  I do a certain job and I work hard
at it.  My contribution as leader is appreciated by the group, as they
often explicitly state.

I'm proud of this and don't mind saying so.  I chose the title `chief'
rather than `chairperson' or whatever in honor of the tradition of tribal
chiefs, who saw themselves as cultural custodians, not bosses.


There is an important distinction between `humbleness' and `humility'.

A `humble' person is a certain _kind of person, one who, for example, is
very unlikely to spend time `selling themselves' to others, or to their
bosses at work.

A person has `humility' when they have a sound appraisal of who they
themselves are.  A person lacks humility, for example, if they have an
exaggerated sense of their own importance.  One cannot be humble and also
be an agressive salesman, but an aggressive salesman might rate very high
on humility if he/she knows exactly who and what they are and why they're
doing what they're doing.

I aspire to humililty, in life and as cadre chief, but I have no time
whatever for being humble in the face of an elite assault on humanity and


Capitalism has been very successful in applying leaders to the task of
getting jobs done, and in employing sound organizational paradigms.

There is no reason why we, for our own democratic purposes, cannot
appropriate, selectively, from the capitalist kit-bag whatever techniques
or practices we find useful, such as project-management methodologies, or
organizational structures, or electronic communications.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
To: •••@••.•••
From: Thomas Greco <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: Greetings: You are part of the renaissance-network

I'm sure you must all be familiar with David Korten's work. He wrote the
book, When Corporations Rule the World.

He is presently writing another with the provisional title, "Envisioning a
Post-Corporate World. I've just reviewed the manuscript for the publisher
and can say that it is excellent. David says that he will be devoting all of
his time from now until the end of summer to revising and completeing his
manuscript, but keep him in mind for later contact and consultation.

You should also be connected with Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, who
are doing some fine work on the corporate power issue. See my web site for a
link to theirs.

Tom Greco

Community Information Resource Center
Thomas H. Greco, Jr., Director
P.O. Box 42663
Tucson, Arizona 85733          (520) 795-8930   (520) 577-2187 voice mail

Empowering People    *    Building Community   *    Enabling Change


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: Greetings: You are part of the renaissance-network

Hello, Richard and follow netizens. It's nice to meet you.
I'll bring this point up because I saw it on CBC's "Witness" program.
I feel in this world of globalization that this is very relevant.
One concern I would like to se addressed is privacy, and information
control. The show described how a great deal of data on our personal
finances, our relationships, what we buy, and even in some cases where we
are is being places onto government and private databases.
Transnational credit companies like Equifax are intruding into our
personal lives in ways many of us can't imagine.
I'm wondering if anyone would care to comment on this.

-Jason Kodish

"Never seek to engage in a confrontation, but forced upon you,
never fear a confrontation."-Grand Master Simon

Dear Jason,

This isn't the list for such discussions.  There are many good lists
devoted to privacy issues, as there are to anti-MAI and Labor issues, all
of which are relevant to corporate power et al.

This list focuses more on activism _per_se, and in particular for the next
two months will be dealing with the workshop and with coalition formation.

There will certainly be `heads up' messages on particular issues posted
from time to time, but they would typically direct our list members to
other lists if they want to get involved in that issue.

One note on privacy: I hope everyone realizes that all email messages are
recorded and monitored by US intelligence agencies, and that there are
super-computers available to scan for various kinds of patterns, including
the traffic patterns of who sends-what-to-whom.  Don't ever think you're
speaking privately when you use email.  You can even talk to the spooks, as

        [ Hi guys with the earphones on! don't you have homes to go to?
          /terrorism/bombs/IRA/militia/Saddam/child porn/  ].

         (the keywords are to help their search engine)


        -----< Resend of original list greeting >-----
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 08:50:06 +0100
To: •••@••.•••
From: •••@••.••• (Richard K. Moore)
Subject: Greetings: You are part of the renaissance-network

Dear friends of CADRE,

This list has been set up as a support and communications network for
activists, to help build global solidarity and coalition around ending
elite corporate hegemony and bringing about an era of democratic

The initial membership of the list - you all - is everyone who has
expressed an interest in the workshop:
                               - - -
                  "Seeking an Effective Democratic
                      Response to Globalization
                        and Corporate Power"
         - an international workshop for activist leaders -
         June 25 <incl> July 2 - 1998 - Nova Scotia - Canada
                               - - -

This list, from now until the workshop has happened, will be devoted to
organizing the workshop, distributing information that will be needed by
delegates, and setting up the panel sessions.

If you are in any way interested in the workshop or the longer-range
coalition efort, if there is any chance at all you may want to be a
delegate, or if you just want to monitor progress and stick in your two
cents once-in-a-while, then please do stay tuned to this list.

The list is moderated, by me, and the traffic will be low.  Feel free to
send things in, and I'll incorporate what is helpful to the workshop into
my infrequent postings.

During the workshop itself, this list will serve as a remote-participation
channel.  We'll have someone onsite monitoring submissions to the list,
which will be taken as remote contributions to the workshop process.
Selected items will be brought into the workshop as inputs to the
deliberations.  Daily workshop-reports will be sent out over this list, as
well as over cyberjournal/PPI.

For those of you who don't want to be on this list, you can very easily
unsubscribe - simply send a blank message to:

If you want to invite anyone to join, they need only send a blank message to:

If you want to keep up on more general "revolution news", not related
directly to the workshop, I invite you to subscribe to cyberjournal/PPI
(Peoples Press International):
                To: •••@••.•••
                Subject: (ignored)
                sub cyberjournal Jane Q. Doe  <-- your name there

I'm going to be out of town for a few days, speaking at a globalization
conference in Liverpool.  When I get back Monday, I'll send out an update
on the plans for the workshop, and we'll get the organizing into high gear.
We only have about two months, people need to make travel arrangements,
and it's time to get down to business.

stay tuned,
Richard K. Moore (rkm)
cadre chief

            A community will evolve only when
            the people control their means of
                           -- Frantz Fanon

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                              Manifesto for a
                          Democratic Renaissance

                               - CADRE -
                           Ides of March, 1998

      (1) Corporate globalization is leading the world to disaster
      and something MUST be done about it. Corporate influence has
      corrupted our democracies, undermined our sovereignties,
      bankrupted our governments and is destroying the very earth
      our survival depends upon.

      (2) The very success of corporate globalism in subjugating
      everyone to its agenda has created the potential for a massive
      counter-movement, a peaceful democratic counter-revolution on
      a global scale.

      (3) Political activists must rise to the challenge of this
      strategic opportunity -- it is time to move beyond our special-
      interest causes and find a path to solidarity and the collab-
      orative pursuit of shared objectives. Foremost among our tasks
      is to build bridges cross the gulfs dividing factions such as
      liberals & conservatives, believers & non-believers, labor &
      environmentalists, etc.

                     We are all in this together!

      (4) Overcoming corporate globalism calls for more than protest
      or resistance -- it requires a different vision for the world,
      a coherent agenda which can provide sustainable prosperity and
      which avoids chaos during the historic transition.

      (5) That vision and agenda must be based on the establishment
      of healthy democratic processes in our individual nations and on
      the realization that sustainable economics and respect for the
      environment are not just good ideas, but are rather necessities
      for human survival.


                  Restore democratic sovereignty
                  Create a sane and livable world
             Bring corporate globalization under control.