some reader comments & dialog


Richard Moore

From: "Pia Jensen" <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: ripples on the right against globalization
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998

Hello Richard and Jan and all -

Amazing to see that such an illuminating article made it
past the editors. Thank you for passing it along.

I've been busy doing the usual hard ball at Council
meetings, calling for accountability and repsonsibility
to the public as usual, BUT have also been posting to a
site YOU ALL should see .... ceck this out and pass it along.
The ball is rolling along -

You REALLY ought to See Bulworth AND for sure see the
message board at their website - truly incredible
stuff going on there, join us with your POSITIVE

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998
From: Greg Moses <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: ripples on the right against globalization

Richard--Wowee.  Looks like welfare reform has worked.  Even Buchannan
now understands that government support for families is not the reason
why family values have declined.  What I'm not seeing very clearly is
Buchannan's agenda for change.  High tariffs?  For what?  To protect
capitalism at home from capitalism abroad?  Take care--GregM

Dear Greg,

I wouldn't really look to Buchannan to architect a plan for change, at
least not one most of us would support, but I think it's significant that
what has been called `the right' can come to question the rhetoric they
have been such staunch supporters of in the past.

It seems absolutely critical to me, if real political change is to come
about, that we've got to find ways to work with people who we traditionally
think of as being on `the other side'.   Given the deluge of media
propaganda, and the lack of real choice in the spectrum of public politics,
we shouldn't `blame the victims' who end up supporting the wrong causes.

We need to break through the barriers of `right & left', talk
people-to-people, and articulate a different paradigm of our situation and
what needs to be done about it.

The question of tariffs, I suggest is a technical one; tariffs can be
useful, depending on your goals for economic development.  The strategic
question is whether nations will have sufficient sovereignty to _have an
economic policy.  The doctrine of `free trade', as enforced by IMF policies
and GATT agreements offer some temporary benefits in terms of cheaper
goods, but in the long run it reduces all nations to colonial status, and
leaves economic (and environmental, and labor conditions, and social
programs, etc etc) policy making in the hands of giant TNC corporations and
their bureaucracies.

all the best,

From: <•••@••.•••>
Message-ID: <•••@••.•••>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re:  "the Bear River Sessions"

thanks Jan,

the descriptions of the people who were there gives flesh to the abstractions.

Dear Jim,

Thanks for your comment; I must admit I tend to emphasize the `bottom line'
abstractions.  Some people have sent in self-introductions to the list, and
I'll leave those for Jan to post and comment on.




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