Dear RN list, Aug. 18 The title for this posting might more aptly be: "Moving Toward a Liberated Society or MAJOR LIST CATCH UP" :-) (or "taking some time to read & reflect")... Richard is busy writing his book on Globalization and the Revolutionary Imperative and I am pretty busy too. And being methodical is not one of my strong points. So, it's time to go back to some messages we got a couple weeks ago. Ruth Caplan, Past Co-Chair of the Alliance for Democracy had a comment on Bill Ellis' posting of Aug. 4 on NGGs (non-governmental governments). First, to put us in context a bit, here are the closing lines of Bill's post: ... The problem today is not to envision the future, but making it happen by DOING more ourselves. Is there a way to use cyberspace to move beyond the limited form of democracy we've had since 1776? In that "first phase of democracy" we were limited by communication that took days or weeks, and by the lack of experience in people power. Today we have nanosecond communication and a long history of "representative democracy." Can we develop a "second phase of democracy" by just DOING more of what people are already DOING? Can we develop programs of mutual aid among communities world wide? Can we self-organize and system of direct democracy? I think we can and we are. *********************** Bill Ellis TRANET PO BOX 137 Rangeley ME 04970-0137 USA (207)864-3784 URL: *********************** Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 15:31:58 -0500 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Ruth Caplan) Subject: Re: readers comment on P Isaacs & NGG's Hi Bill, Sorry to inject the voice of the cynic, but what local communities can do is under serious threat by capital liberalization, i.e., removing all restrictions on the movement of investment funds. Corporations are determined to reign supreme over capital by getting international treaties negotiated which will ban all such restrictions on investment flows. The MAI is the most pernicious example. It would give corporations the power to sue the federal government for damages even over state and local laws which they claim violate their rights under the MAI. Parallel efforts to limit any regulation of capital flows are now appearing at the IMF, in bills like the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and in other multilateral agreements. Nafta already has this language which has been used by Ethyl Corporation to sue the Canadian government and which recently resulted in the Canadian government agreeing to overturn its law banning Ethyl's gasoline additive MMT. Talk about trampling democracy! Readers may want to check out the booklet, "MAI: Democracy for Sale?" which is on my website, <> If we let these rules be put in place it will be very hard to change them and even harder to pursue our vision of localism. I personally put aside my work on economic alternatives (also on my website under GANE) to fight the MAI. This is a very critical time. In solidarity, Ruth ********************************************************************** Derek Tatersall, whose comments on the NGG (non-governmental government) idea (posted Aug. 2) struck some resonance on this list, sent us a lead on an "Organization for a Liberated Society". Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:00:40 -0300 (ADT) From: Derek Tattersall <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: request for comment on Bear River workshop, and Re: cj#804 RKM wrote:... Dear rn friends, Allow me to encourage you to send in your thoughts and responses to the list. As you may recall, as sent to the list on the 14th, we came up with following agenda for the stages a movement would have to go through: --- 1) Things we can do now to build a movement: a) encourage personal empowerment b) help disseminate useful and accurate information and analysis c) facilitate harmonization of citizen activism 2) What a widespread grassroots movement could hope to achieve: a) to establish vibrant democratic processes at local, national, and international levels b) to shift the balance of political power to democratic control 3) How established democratic processes can build a livable world: a) limit / control corporate power b) `implement' sustainability, rights for all, and peaceful resolution of conflicts at all levels c) further pursue (1a) and (1b), above --- Derek responds:... I like the agenda, and the issues expressed in terms of "Vision, discomfort level, means". One aspect of activism which adhere's to the "think globally, act locally" philosophy is that of Community Economic Development. One of the greatest problems for "personal empowerment" is the lack of community self- sufficiency -- the Bigness of our institutions, both political and economic, has a direct bearing on the feeling of powerlessness that is so prevalent in society. Considering Maslow's heirarchy of needs, I think having more control over basic economic and political issues is the first step in citizen empowerment. I believe this has to come from the community level. I would like to see more discussion of local, sustainable economic development issues such as local ownership of production (ie., worker co- ops); Community Loan Funds, which provide capital for such local production initiatives; and Community Land Trusts, which take land off the speculative market, and put it in the hands of the community -- promoting housing and other land uses that meet the needs of community members, rather than those of absentee landlords. On a political level, to me one of the most overlooked issues is that of municipal government, which is at the same time usually the level at which the seeds of citizen activism most firmly takes root, and which holds the greatest potential for citizen involvement. It seems to me that the community level is the easiest area at which to create co-operative, empowering institutions, and thereby present effective alternatives, both political and economic. One other note: Who on this list has heard of the Organisation for a Liberated Society (OLS)? To some it may seem flaky at first sight, but basicly a group of activists have hammered out 5 very broad principles, the attainment of which would arguably constitute a liberated society. The first step of the organization is to get people who agree with these five broad principles to sign up on their web site, with the goal of reaching 1 million members. At that point, the belief is that there will be enough of a foundation to start hammering out an effective movement for a liberated society. Sound nutty? well, maybe - but you'd be surprised at some of the people who have added their names to the fully-searchable list. There are over 1000 members after 3 months, a web forum hosted by Znet and mirrored by dozens of other sites, and local chapters starting to spring up from members contacting other list members identified in their area. Anyway, check out the website at: Here's a blurb from the web page: OLS is defined by five principles that indicate clearly the broad paths OLS is likely to follow when OLS has the means to have an impact. The principles are what we are about. When OLS has one million members who attest to its five principles, the principles will be enlarged and enriched, as will OLS structure and program. Until then, the only OLS goal is to grow and the only responsibility of its members is to recruit, recruit, recruit...and, if you like, develop local chapters with local programs. Is this enough agreement and task orientation to galvanize and sustain OLS? The immediate OLS agenda is to do the patient work of outreach and consciousness-raising to make possible ambitious national program and structure. Building a foundation is no less worthy then putting on a roof--and generally comes first. But will the foundation we create based on signing up members to OLS based on the five principles leave us with too little agreement among OLS's members for them to jump into programmatic campaigns once the time comes? OLS members think that the prospects of a million people working on program, and pulling in still more people as well, will give everyone involved motivation, incentive, and a sense of responsibility more than sufficient to sustain arriving at and working on shared program and structure when the time comes. The only way to test this belief is to try it. Defining Principles of the Organization for a Liberated Society. A society is more liberated to the extent that fewer people are denied human rights or opportunities or in any way oppressed due to race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual preference, property ownership, wealth, income, or statist authoritarianism and exclusion. Reducing and ultimately removing such hierarchies of reward, circumstance, status, or power would improve society. A society is more liberated to the degree that it fosters solidarity such that its citizens, by the actions they must take to survive and fulfill themselves, come to care about, promote, and benefit from one another's well being, rather than getting ahead only at one another's expense. A society is more liberated to the degree that its citizens enjoy comparably rewarding and demanding life experiences and equal incomes, assuming comparable effort and sacrifice on their parts to contribute to the social good. A society is more liberated to the extent that its citizens are able to democratically influence decisions proportionately as they are affected by those decisions and have the circumstances, knowledge, and information required for this level of participation. A society is more liberated to the extent that diversity is fostered and nourished in social relations, in relations with nature, and in all dimensions of life. In essence, society will benefit to the extent we can reduce oppression and increase solidarity, diversity, equity, and democratic participation and influence. If you agree with the principles already, and you would feel good about arguing on their behalf and telling other folks about OLS so they might join, then please use the join button to the top left or immediately below to add your name to our membership tally and to make our project yours too. On the other hand, you may agree with the five principles but feel strange about advocating them or about urging other folks to join OLS. If so, please consider the the rest of the content of this site. Or perhaps you find yourself disagreeing with one or more of our five principles. This may signify a real disagreement in aims between you and us, or it may be a problem with the words we have chosen to convey our meaning. Perhaps they seem to you to mean something other than what we intend. Therefore, before moving on, and to see if your doubts arise only from our poor communication, you might want to consider this. As we understand the principles, and as we intend their meaning, taking our logic in reverse, to disagree with the first principle suggests that: You would favor changes in our society that create more division of opportunity and circumstance based on race or religion, or You would welcome more difference in quality of life based on people's gender or sexual preference, or You would favor more economic division due to wider disparities in wealth and income, or You would advocate more difference in political power. Or, for the rest of the principles, you might disagree because you think that other things equal: For our society to pit its members against one another to an ever increasing degree would improve things, and so you would advocate it, or For our society to have less diversity would be a gain, and so you would advocate it, or For our society to have more people who cannot influence events that impact them would be positive, and so you would advocate it, or For our society to have disparities of wealth and circumstance even wider than now would be good, and so you would advocate it. Well, okay, if some of these are your view, then we should agree to disagree, for now, at least. OLS is not a place you would want to hang your hat. Perhaps down the road a way... But if these eight reverse views, so typical of mainstream U.S. media and business, don't strike you as worthy, please go back and take another look at our five principles and consider their practical import again. Maybe you do agree with us, but our language got in the way the first time through. **************************************************************************