Dear Renaissance-Network, The recent posting on the East Asian crisis, and Malaysia in particular, has sparked some debate (some of which I will share below). In the course of this debate, Gomo K.S. argues that "we have to get beyond [assuming that] the enemy of the enemy is our friend." This point is echoed in the piece below about Galina Starovoitova: Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 02:51:36 -0800 From: "Wendell W. Solomons" <•••@••.•••> Subject: William Mandel on Lapidus re Starovoitova From: •••@••.••• (William Mandel) Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 Letters to the Editor San Jose Mercury News May I, as one of the founding Hoover Institution fellows half a century ago, comment on Gail Lapidus' article on the murder of Russian Congresswoman Galina Starovoitova (Perspective, Nov.. 29). I should add that my own perspective is enriched by having spent weeks in central Siberia this summer, and a longer record of visits and stays in Russia - 68 years - than anyone else in the history of writing on that country in either tsarist or Communist times. Starovoitova's courage and devotion to her particular principles were absolute. Her willingness to pay with her life for obtaining documentary evidence of corruption in the St. Petersburg cemetery business are characteristic. But Lapidus' unqualified endorsement of her principles is another matter entirely. The version of reform which Starovoitova endorsed has thus far cost the peoples of the countries that used to be the Soviet Union 5,000,000 lives. That is the number world health authorities accept for their decline in population since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Had that occurred under Communist rule, the term "genocide" would be applied to it has a matter of course. When it occurs as a consequence of policies pressed by the United States and enforced as a condition of loans by the International Monetary Fund, to which Washington is the largest contributor, use of that word is apparently indecent. I agree entirely that Starovoitova was not a feminist. Were she, it would have been impossible for her to continue advocating policies that have cused Russia to surpass the Phillipines as the world's leading source of mail-order brides, and that have caused Ukrainian and Russian women to have become prostitutes and outright sex slaves in Western Europe, Israel, Thailand, and here, to mention only country for which I have made notes on reports in our general press. To estimate their number at 100,000 is very conservative in the light of emigration data on women under 30 and the low visibility of ex-Soviet women abroad. That Starovoitova proposed that Russia join NATO was simply over the top. NATO exists purely and simply as an anti-Russian alliance. That is what it was established for, as a matter of public record, challenged by no one. That is why countries that suffered Soviet dominance and have centuries-long histories of enmity with Russia joined it. That is why Moscow, whose army today is worthless and whose navy hardly exists, is seeking to maintain the nuclear arsenal which provides its only unanswerable argument against ours. Or would we rather not remember that the United States is the only country ever to use that weapon? Absolute courage is a rare quality. The question is always to what end it is put. *************************************************************************** Now, here are items from the "East Asian Crisis" debate (RN posting of 30/11/98): Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 12:41:53 +0800 From: Jomo <•••@••.•••> Organization: university of malaya To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• Subject: Infantile leftism I was shocked to read your confident judgements on the very complex situation in Malaysia. With friends like you, progressive forces in Malaysia do not need enemies. I do not know whether any of you are seriously interested in understanding the situation here (if so, there has been a voluminous discussion on all aspects which you so confidently, but ignorantly pass judgement on), but would urge you to take some pains to understand the situation before venturing forth with unhelpful grand pronouncements which only serve to further confuse your readers. This is the height of irresponsibility. Jomo K. S. ****************************************************************** Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 10:13:22 -0500 From: Eric Fawcett <•••@••.•••> To: Jomo <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Infantile leftism I got a similar response when I wrote an article about the situation in Argentina in the 1970's, when the country suffered under the notorious military-controlled fascist regime. Of course the situation everywhere is far more complex than an outsider can understand. Then as now I confess to having no first-hand experience of the situation in Malaysia or Argentine, BUT we ALL have first-hand experience of lying hypocritical politicians like Jean Chretien, who preaches respect for human rights to Asians when his government has just cancelled a Commission investigating the police brutality, in all probability following directives from the Prime Minister's office, at the Vancouver APEC meeting; and Al Gore--but need I itemise the brutalisation of the USA under successive administrations (see 1998 Amnesty International Report), and MANY genocidal wars from the colonial wars against the Phillipines and innumerable Latin American regimes to the present siege of Iraq that is killing 6000 children every month--FOR 9 YEARS I apologise to Jomo if (s)he sees my remarks as hurting the progressive forces in Malaysia. But you will do better with friends like me than with Jean Chretien and Al Gore--who have the power to do immeasurable damage to all of us in building the New World Order. By the way, what has this got to do with leftism? That's a tired concept, but at least you didn't call me a communist! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 12:33:38 +0800 From: Jomo <•••@••.•••> Organization: university of malaya Subject: Re: Infantile leftism Dear Eric: I do not have any problems with your basic sympathies, and agree with all that you say below [above]. But we have to get beyond 'knee-jerk dialectics', i.e. the enemy of the enemy is our friend. Neither Gore nor Chretien care for Mahathir, and Mahathir has stood for some good things, but that does not make Mahathir's enemies the bad guys; the same could be said for Iraq, or even to use your example, the Argentinian military. The fact that they opposed the US or the UK does not make them the good guys. While I care little for the likes of Gore or Chretien, I was disapproving of the knee-jerk reactions to their perhaps self-serving and hypocritical criticisms of Mahathir's human rights and democratic record. We have good people in Malaysia who are in jail or suffering otherwise because they oppose the Mahathir regime or support Anwar. That's why I said that with friends like you (second person plural), you don't need enemies. There is no obligation to pronounce on all and sundry, especially if we have not done the necessary investigation to be confident in taking public positions. I am not insisting on 'first-hand experience'; in fact, we were angrier with your correspondent with ostensible first-hand experience. I have spent more than six years in North America, but it does not qualify me to comment on matters North American which i know little about. Simplifications, whether by regimes or their opponents, rarely help. And let's not kid ourselves that we are building a new world order; at best, we are sniping -with varying degrees of success - against those who are! As someone who sees oneself on the left, I thought (now I realize, quite wrongly) that the shared moral-political position of those in the discussion was on the left. Mea culpa. **************************************************************** And, last but not least, another message from Malaysia. Please note: some of the points in here are made in irony! From: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 10:37:40 +0800 Subject: Re: You never insisted on facts before I believe I may have been partially responsible for this in so far as I forwarded the Fawcett/Copeland pieces to Jomo, having received them via Richard's list. I might comment in response to Jan Slakov's reply that in the editorial remarks on Fawcett the following was written: "see also REPLY below for a "reality check" by Daryl Copeland, who unlike the media commentators at APEC know something about Malaysia"; and Copeland himself wrote "Subtlety, nuance, and a knowledge of the subject matter were notable mainly for their absence." Precisely. And that was precisely what motivated me to post the pieces to Jomo. Frankly, I had pretty much come to ignore most commentaries on the Mahathir-Anwar politics or even 'left' commentaries on Mahathir and Malaysia for what effectively boiled down to "on the one hand, Mahathir the anti-globalization man, Anwar the neo-liberal free marketeer", and "on the other hand, of course the spat is politically motivated and we support Anwar's human rights if they've been violated". Ironically, ignoring the 'political' in 'political economy'. To be mischievous about it, Soros does better with his brand of political economy. And now that Soros says unbridled capitalism is worse than socialism, not to mentioned that he was a critic of the global financial system when Mahathir was boasting about how the volume of trade on the KL Stock Exchange exceeded that of Wall Street, are we going to approve of him as well? As Jomo noted in his post to Fawcett, the 'first hand experience' piece was perhaps the more objectionable for the posture of authoritativeness -- give me post-modernist doubt any day -- based on a history that dates from some short while pre-1995, the glibbest of comments about the 1995 elections, and a framing that attributes to Mahathir responsibility for the ethnic peace of the country, almost as if the people themselves had nothing to do with it, nor the opposition, nor those governments that pre-date Mahathir's. And even Anwar's silence on Arqam, against Mahathir's pursuit of them, would be turned to Mahathir's advantage against Anwar? While the relatively good health and education infrastructure which does pre-date Dr Mahathir, but undoubtedly further developed in his time are also to be turned to his advantage? Why not pay tribute to the man as well for wanting to privatise, and for having partially privatised, one of the best public health systems in the world? Would we then reduce it to Mahathir vs Anwar, two personalities? *That* would be progressive politics? Please, while not a plea for Malaysian exceptionalism, Malaysia has been in many ways the slightly awkward evidence for a series of pet theories and positions, from dependency down to anti-globalization. But do consider one thing: the discomfort of the East Asian crisis is precisely because up to now East Asia has been the showcase of capitalist advance on the basis of globalization. Simple fact: Malaysia's exports as a percentage of GDP pre-crisis was 95%, and exports and imports together amounted to about 185% of GDP! Finally, in response to Jan Slakov's "In order for us to have a useful discussion of the issue, we will need a posting which includes some REASONS for your misgivings. the reasons must be backed up by factual information" [in part of the exchange from which these messages are taken]: How does one begin when the originals are so full of half-truths and half-baked understandings, leaving "Malaysia is not Indonesia" as about the only unexceptionable statement? Need one say more than to observe that Mr Copeland's confident pronouncements of a 5% downturn this year followed by a 2% next is even more optimistic than the Malaysian government's 1% for 1999, now likely to be revised in the light of the recent third-quarter figures? Incidentally, Mr Copeland should know better than to call Anwar, Mr Ibrahim. The naming system is such that referring to Anwar as Mr Ibrahim is not to refer to Anwar but to his father. That's the kind of mistake one expects from know-nothing fly-in journalists of the mainstream press who don't even bother to beef up on things such as naming systems. Regards KJ Khoo