Citizens Public Trust Treaty – press release


Jan Slakov

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 18:16:30 +0000
From: Paul Swann <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Citizens' Public Trust Treaty - Press Release



On January 1st, 1999, the Citizens' Public Trust Treaty is circulating
worldwide for signing by individuals, community groups and non
governmental organizations. It is released initially in
English, French and Spanish, with translations into the other official
languages of the United Nations to follow. Eventually, it is intended that
the proposed Treaty with signatures will be submitted to state goverments
and to the United Nations.

The Citizens' Public Trust Treaty calls upon member states
of the United Nations to carry out and extend the international obligations,
commitments and expectations they have made to fulfill the global
public trust. This Treaty will provide an effective means of
counteracting the process of corporate globalization that threatens to
undermine over 50 years of international agreements related to the
following obligations, commitments, and expectations:

1. to Promote and fully guarantee respect for human rights, including
labour rights, the right to adequate food, shelter and health care, and
social justice;
2. to Enable socially equitable and environmentally sound development;
3. to Achieve a state of peace, justice and security;
4. to Create a global structure that respects the rule of law; and
5. to Ensure the preservation and protection of the environment,
respect the inherent worth of nature beyond human purpose, reduce the
ecological footprint and move away from the current model of
over-consumptive development;

We live in an increasingly centralised global economy in which the
interests of transnational corporations (TNCs) and financial
institutions often take precedence over the welfare of ordinary people.
Deregulation of the financial markets has created a volatile "global
casino" in which massive speculative capital flows threaten the
stability of national economies. International trade agreements such as
NAFTA, GATT, and now the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment
(MAI) have diminished the power of governments and elevated the rights of
corporations above those of nations and their citizens.

We have just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. When significant anniversaries of the
United Nations are celebrated there is usually a flurry of
congratulatory activity, and then the documents are put back on the
shelf. Rights, however, are meaningless unless they are actually enacted,
implemented and enforced.

1999 is the culmination of the International decade devoted to the
furtherance of international law. The purpose of this Treaty is to
strengthen that law by demanding that governments (a) stop devolving
their power to corporations and (b) discharge the obligations, act on
the commitments and fulfill the expectations they have undertaken
through United Nations documents and through international and regional
agreements. The intention is to provide a framework of international
law within which local democracy can flourish.

Successive drafts of the Treaty have circulated widely for over a year
and a half in English, French and Spanish. It has evolved with input from
many participants.  The Treaty was sent to each country's UN Mission in New
York in 1997 and again in 1998 on the anniversaries of the United Nations
(October 24) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 10).

The proposed Treaty is supported by a body of international documents
and principles drawn from the commitments, obligations and expectations
created through the UN system. A full list of the international instruments
and other documents that have been reviewed for the drafting of this
Treaty and is available upon request. The principles embodied in the
Treaty are further supported by a "Charter of Obligations" prepared by the
Global Compliance Research Project which lists, in an easy to find
format, the text of many of the agreements undertaken by Nation States
over the years.

It is now apparent that we are suffering the consequences of half a
century of unprincipled economic growth activity. We call upon the
nations of the world not to relive and reinvent the errors of the past but
rather, to ensure the rights of present and future generations by
implementing the principles of this Citizens Public Trust Treaty.

The Online Treaty can be found at:
Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

French and Spanish verson, and background documents

.rtf (English) downloadable document for hardcopy reproduction

For further information please contact:

Canada and the United States
Joan Russow (Ph.D)
1230 St. Patrick St. Victoria, B.C. V8S 4Y4
Tel/Fax 1+ 250 598-0071

UK and Ireland
Paul Swann
14 Beacon Hill,
London N7 9LY
Tel +44 (0)171 609 7764

Susanne Martain