RN: urgent appeal for funds for ICC


Jan Slakov

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:02:16 +0100
From: "U.P.secr." <•••@••.•••>

If we have 500-1000 people each donating 50-100 dollars (also 
bigger or smaller donations are of course very welcome !!!), we will 
have it ! "

See bottom of e-mail for name of Bank and account for deposit~

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- ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Tue, 16 Feb 1999 00:52:54 GMT
Reply-to:      •••@••.•••
From:          Inter Continental Caravan <•••@••.•••>
To:            Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••>
Subject:       The Inter Continental Caravan needs you !

To whom it may concern - an urgent appeal,

Dear recipients,

In May and June 600 Southern activists tour around Europe together with
European activists to demonstrate  against 93free trade94 and the 
institutions pressing for it (the World Trade Organisation, the 
International Chamber of Commerce, the European Commission etc.), 
against dodgy multinationals, especially those involved in 
biotechnology (Monsanto, Novartis...) and to meet and network with 
different groups across the Continent. We are going to meet
with the Geld oder Leben (Money or Life) Bicycle Caravan and the 
Caravan of Refugees and Migrants in Germany, the Euromarches, Farmers 
movements in Eastern Europe... The Inter Continental Caravan will 
join in the demonstrations against the NATO and Nuclear Weapons 
organised by For Mother Earth and join the actions against the 
EU-Summit and the G8-Summit in Cologne, and will coincide with the 
International Day of Action at Financial Centers on the June 18th, 
which will end the Caravan.

The Inter Continental Caravan for Solidarity and Resistance is an 
initiat ive of the People's Global Action against free94 trade 
and the WTO (PGA), a network of different people92s movements and 
organisations around the world. The Caravan will consist mainly of 
Indian peasants, since that's where idea originally came from. 
There will be  activists from all biggest farmers movements from 
India, and also anti-nuclear activists, indigenous people, landless, 
and people fighting against the Narmada Dam project. From other parts 
of the World, there will be people from Moviemento dos Sem Terra 
(Landless movement in Brazil), Madres de la Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of 
the disappeared from Argentina), womens peasant movement from 
Bangladesh, and there has been interest in Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, 
Columbia, Ecuador, Russia, Thailand, South Korea...

This project is not about bringing Southern activists for an 
exhibition t our to Europe. It is about joining ours and theirs 
struggles, about solidarity and common resistance. With this project 
we hope to be able to built up stronger links within different 
European movements, and between European and Southern Movements.

But this project needs everybodys involvement to become true !

Although there have already been extensive fundraising efforts, and 
much money has already come in, there is still an URGENT NEED FOR 50 
000 US DOLLARS IN ONE WEEK (BY THE 20th FEBRUARY), otherwise we will 
loose the contracts with the busses we are planning to use.

This seems to be a very big amount of money, but if we have 500-1000 
peop le each donating 50-100 dollars (also bigger or smaller 
donations are of course very welcome !!!), we will have it ! If we 
consider that all the Indian participants are each paying their own 
airfare to participate in the Inter Continental Caravan, then such 
donations of 50-100 dollars really are not so huge as they may seem, 
in relation to a project of such magnitude.

Please spread this appeal around, publicise it in different 
newsletters a nd magazines, call your relatives and people who 
symphatize radical political activism.... With the EU having the 
Agenda 2000, the WTOs Milennium round starting, this Caravan 
really has to take place now - with a little bit of effort from 
everyone we can make it !

Bank details:
Account number: 3701010441
Bank number: 50090100, Okobank Berlin
Please specify all the money as "Busses for the Caravan"  AND 
notify us when putting money into the account.

For more information:

Inter Continental Caravan
PO Box 2228, 2301 CE Leiden, Holland
tel/fax +31-71-517 3094
e-mail: •••@••.•••
web-site: http://stad.dsl.nl/~caravan, http://www.agp.org

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