Solidarity for Australian (Jabiluka) indigenous struggle against uranium mining


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,     March 12

I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this message to you.

However, in the meantime I had a chance to speak with Janet Eaton, another
Canadian who is working especially hard on this issue.

Why do we care? Because the struggle to prevent uranium mining in a world
heritage site, Jabiluka, is a just one and the way those who are protesting
the proposed uranium mine are being treated is very unfair. With our help,
with support from people outside of Australia, I think we may succeed in
making the Australiam government free the two women who have been jailed for
"tresspassing" on their own ancestral lands(!) and hopefully also in
preventing the Jabiluka uranium mine from proceeding.

all the best, Jan

Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 21:36:27 +1100
From: Lynette Dumble <•••@••.•••>
Subject: URGENT: Release of Jacqui Katona and Christine Christopherson from
 Darwin's Berrimah prison, and cease uranium mining in Jabiluka

Dear Jan and friends at the renaissance-network ,
Below is the Global Sisterhood Network protest letter to the Australian Deputy
Prime Minister Tim Fischer regarding the unjust and unjustifiable imprisonment
of our indigenous sisters, Jacqui Katona and Christine Christopherson.
We are asking your urgent assistance to forward the letter bearing your
signature to Mr. Fischer in support of our demand that the federal government
intervene to facilitate the immediate release of Jacqui Katona and Christine
Christopherson from Darwin's Berrimah prison, and the halt of uranium mining
operations in their homeland Jabiluka.
Please feel free to modify the letter as you see fit, , and to make
appropriate changes to indicate whether you are responding on behalf of
yourself [*I*] or a group or organization [*we*]. 
For maximum impact in Canberra, we ask that you email the letter [Subject: 
Release of Jacqui Katona and Christine Christopherson from Darwin's Berrimah
prison, and cease uranium mining in Jabiluka] to the Deputy Prime Minister,
Mr. Fischer, and direct carbon copies [Cc] to the federal ministers and senators
indicated below, with blind carbon copies [Bcc] directed to the Global
Sisterhood Network and the Mirrar Community at the email addresses which are
also provided below.
We ask too that you circulate the letter with these instructions to your own
networks seeking further support for this initiative undertaken on behalf of
our indigenous sisters and their families.
In sisterhood, and with appreciation, Lynette.

Dr. Lynette J. Dumble, 
Co-ordinator, Global Sisterhood Network 
email: •••@••.•••
email: •••@••.••• 


To: Deputy Prime Minister of Australia <•••@••.•••>

From: sender's email address

Subject: Release of Jacqui Katona and Christine Christopherson from Darwin's
Berrimah prison, and cease uranium mining in Jabiluka.

Cc: optional, but suggestions include:
The Chief Minister of the Northern Territory Mr. Denis Burke
Leader of the Australian Federal Opposition <•••@••.•••
Senator for Aboriginal Affairs John Herron <•••@••.•••> 
Senator Margaret Reynolds <•••@••.•••>, 
Senator Bob Brown <•••@••.•••>, 
Senator Meg Lees <•••@••.•••>, 
Senator Dee Margetts <•••@••.•••>, 
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja <•••@••.•••>, 
Senator John Woodley <•••@••.•••>

Bcc: Global Sisterhood Network <•••@••.•••>, Gundjehmi Corporation

Dear Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Tim Fischer,
Since the Prime Minister, Mr. John Howard, has distanced himself from the
public by making himself unavailable for email messages, we are writing to you
to protest, in the strongest possible terms, the imprisonment of Jacqui Katona
and Christine Christopherson in Darwin's Berrimah prison. 
We are outraged that two Mirrar women, including the senior traditional owner
of Jabiluka, Yvonne Margarula, and the spokeswoman for the Jabiluka mine
traditional owners were convicted of trespass on Mirrar land, the title being
held by the Mirrar under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act.
Furthermore, we are incensed that a 12 day jail sentence has been imposed upon
Jacqui and Christine for their refusal to pay what is a totally unjust and
unjustifiable $500 trespass fine.
By imposing a prison sentence on Jacqui and Christine, the Northern Territory
Government, and by implication the Australian Government, have wrongfully
relegated two Mirrar women to the rank of common criminal. The arrest,
conviction, and now imprisonment of Jacqui Katona and Christine Christopherson
is a national disgrace, exposing the anti-indigenous colours of both the
Northern Territory and Australian Governments to the entire world; an arrogant
snubbing of human and indigenous rights, and a 
preoccupation with mining profits which sees one of Australia's world
natural heritages exchanged for uranium dollars. 
We condemn the blatant intimidation of the courageous traditional owners,
predominately women, from Jabiluka, and demand the immediate release of Jacqui
Katona and Christine from Darwin's Berrimah prison. Equally, we demand that
uranium mining operations be ceased in Jabiluka, and that the future of this
world heritage region be returned to its rightful owners, the Mirrar.
Yours faithfully, .....................