From: "Janet M. Eaton" <•••@••.•••> Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:48:47 +0000 Subject: ECOLOGICAL Catastrophe - NATO Bombings - REF. List <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<> For your information and knowledge!! Please forward widely to all manner of citizens and NGO's concerned with the disastrous consequences for the environment, people and the future of humanity of the NATO bombings in the Balkans and forward also to journalists, business representatives, political representatives of all parties and government officials. . USE AS EVIDENCE OF THE NEED TO : 1) STOP THE NATO BOMBING 2) STOP THE HUMANITARIAN AND ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE 3) RETURN TO THE NEGOTIATING TABLE WITH THE UN INVOLVED AND FIND INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTABLE SOLUTIONS !! As is stated in the first annotated reference below by Dr. Rosalie Bertell: "This is certainly not to be interpreted as condoning so called ethnic cleansing or any [related] nationalistic actions of the Yugoslav government." All the best, Janet Eaton !! Dr. Janet M. Eaton, Educator, Researcher, Public Policy Consultant, Concerned Global Citizen !! Wolfville, N.S. CANADA •••@••.••• <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE & HEALTH HAZARDS OF THE NATO BOMBINGS: AN ANNOTATED LIST OF INTERNET ARTICLES, NEWS, PRESS RELEASES !! [Compiled by Dr. Janet M. Eaton, from e-mails received from list serves, and directly from anti-war, peace and environmental NGO's and News Services etc. during the period March 31- April 18th] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> INDEX [ Followed by Annotated list with Website URL's ] 1) MARCH 31st, 1999 Subject : WAR in Kosovo: Use of depleted uranium; Author: Dr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GSNH - A Statement From 2) APRIL 1, 1999. Subject: Radioactive weapons used by U.S./NATO in Kosovo Author: Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto, 212-633-6646 International Action Center 3) APRIL 1, 1999 Subject: Kosovo: A Youthful Green Voice Author: -Stephan Buzharovski, Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Young European Greens 4) APRIL 2, 1999 Subject: Serbian Ecological Society Plea vs War !! From: Radoje Lausevic and Dmitar Lakusic, Serbian Ecological Society, University of Belgrade 5) APRIL 4, 1999 Subject: NATO using depleted uranium weapons Author: Felicity Arbuthnot and Darran Gardner April 4 1999 Sunday Herald Glasgow, Scotland 6) APRIL 7, 1999 Subject: Environment of Europe at Risk from NATO Bombing >>>>>From the Environment News Service (ENS) 7) APRIL 9, 1999 Subject: Uranium weapon fears in Kosovo --A-10 - Can fire depleted uranium shells Author: Environment Correspondent Alex Kirby of the BBC 8) APRIL 11, 1999 Subject: Impacts of Nato's "Humanitarian" Bombings, The Balance Sheet of Destruction in Yugoslavia Author: Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, 9) APRIL 13, 1999. Subject: A New Chernobyl in the Balkans Author: Natasha Dokovska 10) APRIL 14, 1999 Subject: End Eco-destruction Yugoslav Scientists Plead Author/Origin: Environment News Service (ENS) 11) APRIL 16, 1999 Subject: NPPs Around Yugoslavia: Potential Source of Nuclear Catastrophe Author: Anti-war committee , NGO in Moscow [Press Release] 12) APRIL 18, 1999 Subject: Threat of Ecological Catastrophe <--> NATOBombings !! From: Serbian Ecological Society with Intro by Janet Eaton <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ANNOTATED LIST WITH WEBSITE REFERENCES & CONTACTS 1) MARCH 31st, 1999 Subject : WAR in Kosovo: Use of depleted uranium; Author: Dr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GSNH - A Statement From E-Mail Contact: Message via Catherine Euler, [CES] "<•••@••.••• URL: Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D., GNSH, Canadian Epidemiologist, whose specialty is in higher mathematics, with applications in the radiobiology and the biomedical sciences says: Depleted (DU) uranium is one of the largest categories of radioactive waste produced for the nuclear weapons and nuclear reactor industry. It is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiologically as an alpha particle emitter which is very dangerous when taken internally. When used in war, the DU bursts into flame from the impact when it hits a target. It can pierce tanks and armoured cars, releasing inside of them a deadly radioactive aerosol of uranium, unlike anything seen before. It can kill everyone in a tank. This ceramic aerosol is much lighter than uranium dust. It can travel in air tens of kilometres from the point of release, or be stirred up in dust and resuspended in air with wind or human movement. It is very small and can be breathed in by anyone: a baby, pregnant woman, the elderly, the sick. This radioactive ceramic can stay deep in the lungs for years, irradiating the tissue with powerful alpha particles within about a 30 micron sphere, causing emphysema and/or fibrosis. The ceramic can also be swallowed and do damage to the gastro-intestinal tract. In time, it penetrates the lung tissue and enters into the blood stream. It can be stored in liver, kidney, bone or other tissues, again for years, irradiating all of the delicate tissues located near its storage place. It can effect the blood, which is the basis of our immune system, and do damage to the renal system as it is eventually excreted in the urine. It can also initiate cancer or promote cancers which have been initiated by other cancinogens. Dr. Bertell refers to a 1998 WHO study of increasing cancer rates, especially leukemia in young children, in southern Iraq where most of the war took place and notes that thousands of veterans of the Iraq War are recognized as seriously ill with an unknown syndrome, and, she says, we have been able to document DU in their urine as late as 7 or 8 years after the war. There is no natural source of DU to explain this phenomena! It is imperative that we all denounce this radiation and toxicchemical warfare! It has now been used by the US and Britain against Iraq and in Bosnia. It is now being used in Kosovo (NATO announcement in Europe, 30 March 1999). It has been condemned by the United Nations Human Rights Tribunal (August 1996 Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities). The Human Rights Commission has requested that the Secretary General prepare a written report on DU and certain other weapons of mass destruction (Resolution 1997/36, which also established a UN Rapporteur to take over the study of DU and other weapons of mass destruction on behalf of the UN). The damage being done will not only cause incredible and unending suffering to today's victims, but the genetic damage it may cause can be passed on to their offspring. Such weapons and war itself need to be condemned as utter barbarianism! This is certainly not to be interpreted as condoning so called ethnic cleasing or any of the nationalistic actions of the Yugoslav government. She concludes: " This Kosovo action is resulting from deep seated conflicting ideas of "World Order" - that proposed by NATO's vision of itself as a world police force, and that of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) which sees security rising out of honest cooperation and legal resolution of conflicting opinions." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) APRIL 1, 1999. Subject: Radioactive weapons used by U.S./NATO in Kosovo Author: Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto, 212-633-6646 International Action Center email: •••@••.••• URL: The International Action Center, a group that opposes the use of depleted-uranium weapons, called the Pentagon's decision to use the A-10 "Warthog" jets against targets in Kosovo "a danger to the people and environment of the entire Balkans." There is solid scientific evidence that the depleted uranium residue left in Iraq is responsible for a large increase in stillbirths, children born with defects, and childhood leukemia and other cancers in the area of southern Iraq near Basra, where most of these shells were fired .[and] to the condition called "Gulf War Syndrome" that has affected close to 100,000 service people in the U.S. and Britain with chronic sickness. John Catalinotto, a spokesperson from the Depleted Uranium Education Project of the International Action Center and an editor of the 1997 book Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, said the use of DU weapons in Yugoslavia "adds a new dimension to the crime NATO is perpetrating against the Yugoslav people--including those in Kosovo." Sara Flounders, a contributing author of Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium and the Co-Director of the International Action Center, said.,. "The use of Warthogs with DU shells threatens to make a nuclear wasteland of Kosovo," Flounders said. " The pentagon is laying waste to the very people--along with their children--they claim to be saving; this is another reason for fighting to end NATO's attack on Yugoslavia. "Worldwide protests against these bombings are growing. The U.S. use of radioactive weapons must be linked to all the protests and opposition that is taking place internationally to the bombing. These protests must be joined by environmental activists, veterans groups, anti-nuclear groups, and all those who know the long-term destruction to the environment and to whole civilian populations that this type of warfare will cause." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) APRIL 1, 1999 Subject: Kosovo: A Youthful Green Voice Author: -Stephan Buzharovski, Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Young European Greens E-mail Contact: None URL Not available The author of this e-mail Stefan Buzharovski, Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Young European Greens, offers a passionate anti-war citizens/ youth/ ecological/ perspective on the War and recent events involving DEM-Youth [Ecologist Movement of Macedonia] and asks for support for an e-mail campaign by requesting any who read this to forward e-mail list serve addresses to which he can forward messages!! He notes that he is drafting a declaration against the strikes that he will propose to the Federation of the Young European Greens for adoption and asks for emails to support him personally-in this endeavor - if you agree - see addresses at end of message. " I cannot sleep for nights trying to tap all the media reports I can get .... but still it is hard to imagine the horrifying situation in which the citizens of Yugoslavia have been placed without their will. I stand firmly in their support, in the name of justice and peace." "We have come to a situation where world leaders speak straight-faced in front of their nations, with statements implying that bombs and missiles are delivered to innocent civilians as humanitarian aid." -Stephan Buzharovski, Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Young European Greens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) APRIL 2, 1999 Subject: Serbian Ecological Society Plea vs War !! From: Ass. Prog. Dr. Radoje Lausevic and M. Sci Dmitar Lakusic, Serbian Ecological Society, University of Belgrade E-Mail Contact: M. Sci. Dmitar Lakusic, President •••@••.••• Ass. Prof. Dr. Radoje Lausevic, Secretary •••@••.••• URL " I do not believe bombing is a way of developing democracy and civil society in Serbia, Montenegro and Yugoslavia. I do not believe cruising missiles are appropriate tools for solving humanitarian problems on Kosovo. But I believe this war is an excellent opportunity for war industry in America, Russia and many other countries, war industry which perspective and development [is] based on permanent instability and many local wars, like in Africa, South America, Asia, and since recent years in the hearth of Europe... And best way how to hide someone's sexual oddity, budget scandals, corruption affairs or unsuccessful internal politics...... Serbian Ecological Society does hope that you personally and your scientific societies, as a very respected part of your democratic society, can and will help us." --President & Secretary of the Serbian Ecological Society, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) APRIL 4, 1999 Subject: NATO using depleted uranium weapons Author: Felicity Arbuthnot and Darran Gardner April 4 1999 Sunday Herald Glasgow, Scotland URL "Deadly depleted uranium weapons, blamed for spiraling numbers of cancers and birth defects in Iraq, are being used by NATO forces in Yugoslavia. Both Tomahawk Cruise missiles and munition rounds used by American Warthog bombers contain the radioactive waste material. While British forces launched their first cruise missiles from the submarine HMS Splendid this weekend, American forces have already fired more than 100 at targets across Yugoslavia. The weapons, first used in the Gulf War in 1991, require depleted uranium (DU) for their armour piercing coating. The DU is imported under license from America and manufactured into tank-busting shells by Royal Ordnance in the English Midlands, before being shipped to storage in South Wales and at Chapelcross in Dumfriesshire. DU shells have been linked to Gulf War Syndrome, which is thought to be responsible for the deaths of more than 400 UK war veterans. DU munitions are currently listed by the UN as weapons of mass destruction." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) APRIL 7, 1999 Subject: Environment of Europe at Risk from NATO Bombing From: the Environment News Service (ENS) URL: BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, April 7, 1999 (ENS) - A leader of the Yugoslavian New Green Party says NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is endangering the entire environment of Europe. Branka Jovanovic, president of Council of the New Green Party, member of the Movement for Peace of the Muslims and Serbs, member of INES (Italian Network for peace, human rights, Ecological awareness and cooperation for Sustainable development) says that not only are military targets being hit but the water supply for much of Eastern Europe is being contaminated. "I warn you that Serbia is one of the greatest sources of underground waters in Europe and that the contamination will be felt in the whole surrounding area all the way to the Black Sea, she says in an email from Belgrade. On the first day of the NATO air strikes, March 24, the municipality of Grocka was hit where the Vinca nuclear reactor is situated, containing a great stockpile of nuclear waste, Jovanovic reports. The municipality of Pancevo has been hit, in which the petrochemical factory and a factory for the artificial fertilizers are situated. The municipality of Baric has also been hit with a large complex for the production of chloride, which is using Bopal technology. "It is not necessary for me to explain what the blowing up of one of such factories would represent," she writes. "Not only Belgrade, which is situated at a 10 kilometre (six mile) distance, would be endangered, but the rest of Europe too." On the second day in the Belgrade suburb of Sremcica, a factory for the chemical production and a rocket fuel storage area were hit causing releases into the surrounding area, Jovanovic reports. "I am pointing out that four national parks were hit - all members of the International association of the national reservations - you have to realise that FR Yugoslavia is among 13 of the world's richest bio-diversity countries," she writes. Especially worrying to Jovanovic is a recent news report heard in Belgrade that, "in the next phases of their bombing, NATO will use the airplanes B1 and A10 which are carrying missiles with depleted uranium previously used in Iraq and Bosnia Herzegovina. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) APRIL 9, 1999 Subject: Uranium weapon fears in Kosovo --A-10 - Can fire depleted uranium shells Author: Environment Correspondent Alex Kirby of the BBC URL: Russia's Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov says he believes Nato forces may be using weapons containing radioactivity against Yugoslavia. "In a number of areas of Kosovo, experts have detected enhanced radiation levels in the atmosphere and on the ground," Mr Ivanov said... The [UK] Labour MP Tam Dalyell, who opposes the use of force against Yugoslavia, told BBC News Online he thought it was "more than possible".. John Catalinottto of the International Action Center in New York, set up by former US Attorney-General Ramsey Clark and others to oppose US military involvement around the world, said: "As the shell hits its target, it burns and releases uranium oxide into the air. "The poisonous and radioactive uranium is most dangerous when inhaled into the body, where it will release radiation during the life of the person who inhaled it." The IAC said the Pentagon's decision to use the A-10s in the conflict was "a danger to the people and environment of the entire Balkans". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) APRIL 11, 1999 Subject: Impacts of Nato's "Humanitarian" Bombings, The Balance Sheet of Destruction in Yugoslavia Author: Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, E-mail: •••@••.••• URL: In making the case that the bombings of Yugoslavia are not strictly aimed at military and strategic targets as claimed by NATO but instead as being largely intent on destroying the country's civilian infrastructure as well as its institutions, Professor Chossudovsky highlights seven related impacts of the bombing including the dangers of environmental contamination. [je] "Refineries and warehouses storing liquid raw materials and chemicals have been hit causing environmental contamination. The latter have massively exposed the civilian population to the emission of poisonous gases. NATO air strikes on the chemical industry is intent on creating an environmental disaster........ A report by NBC TV confirms that NATO has bombed a the pharmaceutical complex of Galenika, the largest medicine factory in Yugoslavia located in the suburbs of Belgrade. The fumes from this explosion have serious environmental implications." -- Michel Chossudovsky, April 11, 1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9) APRIL 13, 1999. Subject: A New Chernobyl in the Balkans Author: Natasha Dokovska For Full Text and Graphics Visit: Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 1999 SKOPJE, Macedonia, April 13, 1999 (ENS) - Macedonian environmentalists are reacting with horror against the bombing in Yugoslavia, particularly after reports from Greek researcher, Professor Zeferos who said that bombing in Yugoslavia is a great environmental catastrophe for the entire Balkan region. Professor Zeferos, an environmental chemist from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, says that the first three days of bombing above Yugoslavia released a large amount of hazardous toxic, carcinogenic and radioactive substances. The biggest fear of possible bombing of power plants by NATO forces, because the public's risk of inhaling highly contaminated air would then be very high. - Natasha Dokovska Specific dangerous hazards to public health and the environment rererrd to in the article include: * furans and dioxins which are released at the time of the bomb explosions are being carried for long distances across the planet. * nitrous oxide, released from aircrft fuel when it burns, which damages the ozone layer with dangerous results for human health. Macedonian environmentalists ... [also] fear radioactivity on the scale of that released by the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Ukraine 13 years ago and still felt across Eastern and Central Europe. 10) APRIL 14, 1999 Subject: End Eco-destruction Yugoslav Scientists Plead Author/Origin: Environment News Service (ENS) URL : For Full Text and Graphics Visit: BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, April 14, 1999 (ENS) - Scientists are warning that the NATO bombs being dropped on Yugoslavia are destroying not just military targets but the entire ecology of the region. One of the healthiest areas in Europe is turning into an environment hazardous for human health as land and water are being irreversibly polluted, they report. Especially vulnerable are the underground waters, says[Dr.] Momir Komatina, author of 12 books and over 260 scientific essays on subterranean waters."The pollution of water resources in the wide area of NATO bombing is not damaging just for our country but for the Balkans and a part of the South Europe as well, especially for the countries in the Black Sea area....He says Yugoslavia is full of numerous aquifers containing major or minor subterranean water reserves including mineral , thermo-mineral and top-quality boiling water. The press release also quotes Dr. Radoje, agronomist and member of the Programme Council of The New Green Party in Belgrade: "By burning down enormous quantities of naptha and its derivatives more than a hundred highly toxic chemical compounds that pollute water, air and soil are released. When these three elementary conditions of life are endangered, the basis of life for all the people on the Balkan Peninsula as well as those in the neighbouring regions is also in danger". Dr. Radoja [also] points out that "the NATO bombing" ...[will prevent ] "the planting of 2.5 million hectares of land..". "The lack of fuel for agricultural machines will have catastrophic results, because it leads to hunger of the entire population. When you add to this the poisoning of the water, air, and soil catastrophe becomes a cataclysm". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11) APRIL 16, 1999 Subject: NPPs Around Yugoslavia: Potential Source of Nuclear Catastrophe Author: Anti-war committee , NGO in Moscow [Press Release] E-mail contact: "Vladimir Slivyak" <•••@••.••• Alisa Nikoulina (aln@glasnet. ru), Oleg Kireev (•••@••.•••) URL: "Undeclared war between NATO and Serbia is a threat to whole world, nuclear plants in Eastern Europe aren't protected adequately", said Moscow' Anti-war committee on Friday. Not only Zagreb' research nuclear reactor can be affected by this armed conflict, but also both Bulgarian Kozloduy (KNNP) and Hungarian Paks (PNNP) nuclear plants. KNPP located in just 200 km and Paks in less than 400 km away from conflict zone. "In order to prevent a global nuclear disaster the Balkan war should be stopped immediately, Russia should not be involved into the war but it must effectively stimulate peaceful negotiations," - says Vladimir Slivyak, coordinator of the Anti-war committee in Moscow. "Otherwise global nuclear disaster will happen to the world.." 12) APRIL 18, 1999 Subject: Threat of Ecological Catastrophe <--> NATOBombings !! From: Serbian Ecological Society with Intro by Janet Eaton E-mail Contact: •••@••.••• URL: The message speaks alarmingly of the bombing, in the early hours of the morning of April 18th at 1:00 a.m., .in Pancevo, northern suburb of Belgrade, of a petrochemical complex which completely destroyed an Ammonia plant ("Azotara") and Vinyle Chloride Monomere (VCM) plant ("Petrohemija"). It notes that a huge dark cloud of VCM appeared over the city of Pancevo - "a huge dark cloud [which] is spreading over the territory of SouthEastern Europe." The authors say "we are faced with serious ecological catastrophe." I spoke at length with Dr. Radoje Lausevic, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Belgrade and he confirmed that at 1:00 a.m. April 18th NATO jets bombed plants of the Petrochemical Complex in Pancevo. Professor Lausevic said " Only one sure thing is that the whole petrochemical factory has been destroyed. It was hit by at least three bombs. I was at home about 3 kilometers away and heard the sounds of explosion very well and saw the flames in the dark sky last night- a huge flame." --- -Janet Eaton According to all the terms and rules of warfare accepted and followed so far, the plants of chemical process industries of this type have never been military targets and objects of strikes. The range of products of "HIP Petrohemija" d.p. Pancevo is of extremely civilian nature and bombardment of these plants represents the worst war crime....Therefore, we call upon the petrochemical producers, licencors and engineering houses all over the world to raise their voice and warn those who give orders for bombing of the danger and catastrophic consequences which might be caused by bombing of this kind of plants." --Ass. Prof. Dr. Radoje Lausevic, Serbian Ecological Society, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>