RN: Millions for Mumia: April 24


Jan Slakov

Dear RN list,     April 21

This Saturday, April 24, in Philadelphia but also in many other cities
around the world, there will be protests to free Mumia Abu-Jamal and to
insist on racial and social justice.

As we know (and as the the following message points out), the issues (Mumia,
human rights, war, environmental destruction, etc.) are related... What is
fascinating is to see how international and widespread the support for Mumia is!

all the best, Jan

PS New subscribers to this list may not know who Mumia Abu-Jamal is. Just
let me know; I can forward you some more information.
From: •••@••.•••
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 00:57:45
Subject: !*MOBILIZE!-(4/20/99)-Updates/Info on MILLIONS FOR MUMIA

                *  * * * * * *   A P R I L  2 4   * * * * * * * * *   
                                P H I L A D E L P H I A               
                                     C I T Y  H A L L                
               *  * * * * * *  S A T.  1 2  P M  * * * * * * * * *
 MILLIONS FOR MUMIA MARCH                         
*Against police brutality...                         
*Against the death penalty...                         
*Against the jailing of youth...                         
*To end racism & repression...                         
*To free all political prisoners...                        
 *For social & economic justice...

World movement says 'Save Mumia' 
By Greg Butterfield 

The spirit of international solidarity lives among public school 
teachers in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These workers plan 
to strike in support of death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. 

"The education workers of Rio de Janeiro state schools shall stop 
work on April 23 for one hour to carry out a meeting to demand 
freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal," declared a March 13 resolution of the 
Union of Education Workers of the State of Rio de Janeiro. 

On April 23 students worldwide will put down pencils and books and 
walk out of schools to demand "Stop the execution" and "A new trial 
for Mumia"--one day before mass demonstrations called Millions for 
Mumia occur in Philadelphia and San Francisco. 

International pressure was key to the successful campaigns to save 
the Scottsboro Brothers, Angela Davis and other condemned political 
prisoners in the U.S. 

Millions for Mumia has become that kind of movement. His cry for 
justice has been heard, and embraced, on every continent. 

Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther and award-winning radio journalist, 
was sentenced to death for the 1981 killing of a white Philadelphia 
cop. Abu-Jamal has always maintained his innocence. Supporters say he 
was framed because of his lifelong fight against racism and police 

Brazil's National Confederation of Education Workers Congress had 
declared Feb. 13: "[We] call for the immediate freeing of Mumia Abu-
Jamal. The defense of this courageous fighter against oppression has 
become the international symbol of the struggle against the racist 
death penalty." 

Brazil has the second-largest Black population in the world, after 
Nigeria. To many people there, and around the world, Abu-Jamal's case 
exemplifies the racism and hypocrisy of the U.S. government. 

Those connections are sharply focused now. The vicious New York 
police slaying of African immigrant Amadou Diallo is one reason. 
Another is Washington's claim that it drops bombs on the people of 
Yugoslavia for "humanitarian reasons." 

UN commission hears testimony 

"The U.S. has made a business out of violating the human rights of 
the world community," charged Zack de la Rocha, lead singer of the 
popular band Rage Against the Machine. De la Rocha testified about 
Abu-Jamal's plight at an April 12 hearing of the United Nations 
Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland.

"A crime is a crime regardless of the tools used in the trade," he 
said, "whether it's a Stealth bomber over Belgrade or a sham trial 
and a syringe in Philadelphia. 

"Mumia Abu-Jamal was targeted in this case for political and racial 
reasons," de la Rocha explained to the UN commission. "Judge [Albert] 
Sabo showed bias throughout both the trial and the appeal. The 
prosecution falsified and suppressed evidence that could have 
exonerated Mumia. Blacks were illegally excluded from the jury, there 
was police intimidation of witnesses, and the prosecution coerced 
witnesses into providing perjured testimony." 

At the time of Abu-Jamal's sentencing, Sabo had already earned his 
reputation as a "hanging judge," having condemned 26 people to death--
24 of them Black, de la Rocha said. 

De la Rocha's testimony made headlines across Europe and the United 
States, and was featured on MTV. 

Since the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Abu-Jamal's appeal last 
October, the European Parliament and elected officials in Belgium, 
Denmark, and Norway have issued demands and signed petitions calling 
on President Clinton and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to stop the 
execution--which could take place within six months--and urging that 
Abu-Jamal be given a new trial. 

Aline Pailler, a member of the European Parliament, will speak at the 
Philadelphia Millions for Mumia protest. Danielle Mitterrand, head of 
the France Liberté Foundation and the former First Lady of France, 
also endorsed the April 24 mobilization. Mitterrand, a prominent 
death-penalty opponent, will visit the U.S. in late April to meet 
with Abu-Jamal and Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier. 

SOS-Racismo in Portugal has collected over 700 signatures from 
prominent individuals. Among the signers are 1998 Nobel Prize for 
Literature winner Jose Saramago, a renowned author and member of the 
Portuguese Communist Party. Eight representatives from each party in 
the national parliament signed, as did both major union federations, 
the CGTP and UGT. 

"We intend to deliver this text to the U.S. Embassy, with a press 
conference, shortly before the Philadelphia demonstration April 24," 
said Antonio Louca of SOS-Racismo. 

The Millions for Mumia Mobilization received an article that appeared 
in the Calcutta, India, newspaper Sangbad Pratidin, reporting on the 
Feb. 26 "Evening of Justice for Mumia" at New York's Town Hall. "The 
organizers with all their strength have launched an all-pervading 
movement on the issue and it is spreading rapidly, too," said the 

West Bengal leader speaks 

"... Mr. H.A. Halim, Speaker, West Bengal Legislative Assembly, got 
the invitation to attend today's meeting in New York. ... Mr. Halim 
says that he has had a detailed discussion with the former Attorney 
General of the USA [Ramsey Clark] on the matter.... 

"In Calcutta this Thursday noon Mr. Speaker said, `I had the 
intention to be present there but could not do so. However, my mind 
is there. The massive mobilization that has taken shape, striking at 
the root of the internal structure of the American world, is very 
significant. Here [in India], I am trying my level best at 
contemplating to promote an effective coordination with'" the April 
24 mobilization. 

Many international Millions for Mumia demonstrations and press 
conferences are planned. 

The Socialist Front of Puerto Rico , for example, is building for a 
large protest in San Juan on April 24. The Front helped lead last 
year's massive People's Strike against the privatization of the 
national telephone company. 

The Puerto Rican people know a lot about solidarity with political 
prisoners after 101 years of U.S. colonial domination. Sixteen Puerto 
Rican independence fighters languish in U.S. jails. 

Independence hero Rafael Cancel Miranda--himself a former political 
prisoner-- will make the journey to Philadelphia April 24 to lead the 
Latinos for Mumia contingent. 

Other cities hosting April 24 protests include: Carlton South and 
Melbourne, Australia; Vienna, Austria; Toronto and Vancouver, Canada; 
London, England; Paris, France; Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Rheine, 
Germany; Belfast, Cork and Dublin, Ireland; Rome, Italy; Amsterdam, 
the Netherlands; and Oslo, Norway.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions, President Nelson Mandela 
of South Africa and Bishop Desmond Tutu have spoken out on Abu-
Jamal's behalf. 

The Azanian People's Organization of South Africa sent a "message of 
solidarity to the family, friends and organization of Mumia Abu-

"We would be pleased if our name can be added to the organizations 
throughout the world who support this campaign to have Comrade Mumia 
Abu-Jamal retrialed or released unconditionally." 

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if 
source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 
St., NY,NY 10011; via e-mail: •••@••.•••. For subscription info 
send message to: •••@••.•••. Web: http://www.workers.org)


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