Nobel laureates’ Kosovo peace initiative!


Jan Slakov

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From:          "Janet M. Eaton" <•••@••.•••>
Date:          Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:41:13 +0000
Subject:       Nobel Laureates' Kosovo Peace Initiative !! Ap 22
Cc:            •••@••.•••, Andreas Rockstein

"At the end of the press conference, the participants said it was
 inadmissible to use force to solve problems of a strictly political
nature  and, therefore, are convinced these can only be resolved
through  diplomacy."

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Date:          Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:50:50 +0100 (BST)
From:          National Peace Council <•••@••.•••>
Subject:       FW: Nobel Laureates' Kosovo Peace Initiative

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Subject: FW: Nobel Laureates' Kosovo Peace Initiative
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AN IMPORTANT INITIATIVE. please circulate widely.
Colin Archer, IPB Geneva

 1999.04.22 Zenit
 Resolution of Conflict Must Come through United Nations
 ROME, APR 22 (ZENIT).- Following an audience with John Paul II, the
participants in the first summit of Nobel Peace Prize Winners, held in 
 Rome from April 21-22 and sponsored by the Gorbachov Foundation, 
 presented their proposal for the reestablishment of peace in Kosovo 
 on the Capitoline hill of the Eternal City.
 The document is the fruit of the collaboration of Betty Williams, 
Frederik de Klerk, Rigoberta Menchu, Simon Peres, David Trimble, 
Joseph  Rotblat and Mikhail Gorbachov.
 On behalf of the participants in the summit, Mikhail Gorbachov, the 
 former Soviet president, said that the peace proposal for Kosovo is 
 based on the immediate suspension of military activities and the 
beginning  of direct negotiations among the contending parties. 
Specifically, the  Nobel winners called for the urgent return of the 
refugees to Kosovo,  based on the guarantee of a broad autonomy for 
the separatist province  and on the decisive intervention of the 
international community in  humanitarian support for these people. 
These measures must be  implemented as the "highest priorities."
 The summit participants also support the presence of a multinational 
 force under the direction of the United Nations, with the express 
 approval of the Security Council.
 Finally, the Nobel Prize winners believe the conflict will not end 
 unless an international conference is called which, in the words of 
 Mikhail Gorbachov, would allow for the "Europeanization of the 
Balkans  instead of the Balkanization of Europe."
 The participants expressed their willingness to mediate in the 
crisis.  In fact, they want to collaborate with the U.N. and Kofi 
Annan, its  secretary, to put an end to this war and prevent new 
threats and  possible dangers to peace. They even stated that they 
are ready to  travel to Belgrade to attempt direct mediation.
 At the end of the press conference, the participants said it was
 inadmissible to use force to solve problems of a strictly political 
nature  and, therefore, are convinced these can only be resolved 
through  diplomacy.
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