Wanna Know the Truth about Embassy Bombings?


Jan Slakov

From: •••@••.•••
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 22:58:17 EDT
Subject: Chinese embassy bombing

A thought in support of the idea that the US purposely bombed the Chinese 
I begin with the studied premise that the US wishes to develop political, 
economic and military hegemony over the entire world.  (If you find that idea 
absurd, you should stop reading at this point.)  Asia is part of "the entire 
world".  China is clearly the principal barrier to US hegemony over Asia.  
The bombing of the embassy was Washington's cute way of telling Beijing that 
this is only a small sample of what can happen to you if you have any ideas 
of resisting the American juggernaut.  Being able to have a "plausible 
denial" for carrying out such a bombing may have been irresistible to 
American leaders.  The chance would never come again.
Bill Blum
Author: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
(note the capital "A" and the underline _ )

From: •••@••.•••
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 22:12:13 EDT
Subject: chinese embassy footnote

Since my last mailing on the Chinese embassy bombing, I've read that the US 
also bombed the Chinese embassy in Dec. 1966 while bombing Hanoi, and in 
April 1986, when the US was readying to bomb Libya, it asked France for 
permission to fly over its airspace.  France refused.  So the US had to reach 
Libya a roundabout way.  And guess what the US planes bombed in Libya, 
besides killing Gadaffi's daughter? That's right, the French embassy.
Will coincidences never cease?
Bill Blum
Author: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:09:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: jan m <•••@••.•••>

Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 01:04:18 -0400
From: Jerry Markatos <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Peter Dale Scott: "unintentional" bombing of Chinese Embassy (cf:
 VietNam War)

For those examining the motives and the details of the bombing of
Yugoslavia, the following 720 word commentary by a respected writer brings
back some history for comparison.

The friend who sent it to me takes a dark view of war, and commented: "i'm
of opinion that china embassy bombing was probably the most accurate and
deliberate thing they've destroyed so far.  they were under imminent threat
of peace accord curtailing their best corporate war market expansion."

See also "Help for the Map-Challenged"  (next mesage)

Jerry Markatos
<In war, all bets are off, except for jingoism and the economic imperative>


Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 5:34 PM
Actual heading: Bombing of Chinese Embassy

NATO forces and President Clinton have expressed regret over
the fact that the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was destroyed just as there
was word of a possible peace initiative, calling the incident unfortunate
and unintentional. But the timing and nature of the bombing brings to mind
a number of similar actions during the Vietnam War era. PNS contributor
Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat, has authored numerous books
and articles on U.S. foreign affairs.

The recent bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade looks like a replay.

During the Vietnam War era, U.S. forces hit political targets,
specifically embassies, just when international peace initiatives looked

Congress should insist on a thorough accounting from those responsible for
the bombing.

The attack on the Chinese Embassy came one day after Russia and leading
NATO nations agreed to a set of general principles for ending the conflict
over Kosovo. NATO has called the incident unintentional, but the Chinese
claim that three separate precision missiles hit the Embassy. Eyewitness
reports appear to corroborate the Chinese version.

The threat to the peace process is obvious. The draft plan calls for
approval by the U.N. Security Council, where China, a bitter opponent of
the bombing, exercises a veto.

This recalls December 1966, when the Rumanian Premier visited Hanoi in
support of a secret Polish peace initiative dubbed "Marigold." Mid-December
saw U.S. bombing of downtown Hanoi at unprecedented levels, after months
when the city's center had been off-limits to American planes.

During the raids one U.S. rocket damaged three adjacent Embassies -- the
Rumanian, the Polish, and the Chinese which effectively terminated
"Marigold." The U.S. called the Embassy bombings unintentional.

But such correlations occurred repeatedly. In April 1966, just as a Polish
diplomat was arriving in Hanoi to initiate "Marigold," bombs dropped near a
Polish vessel in a Vietnamese harbor. In June 1967, just after the White
House-Kremlin hot line was first used in a search for a diplomatic
solution, the Soviet freighter Turkestan was bombed by two U.S. fighter

Three times, in almost identical circumstances, other Polish and Soviet
vessels were later attacked. When in 1967 two French emissaries bearing a
U.S. peace message arrived in Hanoi, the city experienced yet another surge
in the bombing. My 1972 book, "Conspiracy" analyzed more than a dozen such

The habit of timing bombs to peace initiatives apparently began as a
deliberate policy of Lyndon Johnson, who habitually balanced
concessions to hawks and doves. Thus Johnson authorized the December 1966
raids at the LBJ ranch in November, one day after he learned of "Marigold"
from his roving ambassador Averell Harriman. In this way Johnson ensured
that, if the North Vietnamese did negotiate, it would be in a context of
humiliating air strength.

But by June 1967 a different pattern emerged -- one involving military
attacks which the President had forbidden. When activating the
Washington-Moscow hot line in late May, Johnson ordered U.S. pilots to stay
away from Hanoi and Haiphong, where there were Soviet ships. The two pilots
who had attacked the Turkestan knew they were violating presidential
orders. They and their commander tried to conceal the incident, the latter
by destroying the planes' flight film.

In his memoir former Defense Secretary McNamara recalled the "scathing
denial" he erroneously issued after this incident, blaming "an outright lie
by a military officer." He added that the colonel responsible for the
bombing "was later court-martialed and fined."

McNamara did not mention that the colonel's conviction and $600 fine were
soon set aside. The two pilots were acquitted and remained on active duty,
even though their unauthorized action had killed a Soviet seaman. This
suggests that the bombing had high-level military

A similar Air Force action in 1971 temporarily ended the series of secret
meetings which Kissinger had been holding with North Vietnam's Le Duc Tho.

To help the meetings President Nixon had limited air strikes against North
Vietnam to "protective reaction" after enemy attacks.

But the USAF general in charge of the air war, John Lavelle, continued to
target North Vietnam, instructing the pilots to suppress the fact that
there had been no enemy provocation. Thus Kissinger was caught off guard
when Le Duc Tho broke off the talks in November, insisting (over
Kissinger's misinformed denials) that the bombing went beyond
"protective reaction."

In short, it is clear that in the past, U.S. military commanders have
bombed without authorization at times of significant peace initiatives, of
which they apparently did not approve.

The recent attack on the Chinese embassy should be investigated. It is of
course too early to analyze with confidence how it occurred. But history
demonstrates unequivocally that such incidents frustrate diplomacy and
prolong war.

(05101999) **** END **** © COPYRIGHT PNS

Sandy Close <•••@••.•••> Pacific News Service (415) 438-4755
end forwarded commentary
A footnote:  When Noam Chomsky spoke in NC a few years back, he suggested
that when the US Navy's highest tech battleship blew an Iranian civilian
passenger plane out of the sky, it was a message to Iran that they should
settle the Iran-Iraq War under terms favored by our then-ally Iraq, or
else.  Although the official line was that it was an accident, when the
Vincinnes returned to port in Norfolk, the captain and the deck officer
responsible for the incident were awarded medals for meritorious service.
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:17:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: jan m <•••@••.•••>
Subject:  "Help for the Map-Challenged CIA"

Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 01:22:27 -0400
From: Jerry Markatos <•••@••.•••>

Hi, friends,

The following letter from Cliff Pearson of Dallas TX, to the director of
Central Intelligence, shows exactly how hard it is to get addresses right,
when all the world's our target.

One response from Congress has been that if the CIA failed to make the
right decision on bombing the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, it was because
they don't have enough money(?!).  If you're inclined to communicate with
your representative(s) in Congress, check "Contacting the Congress" at
 Just let them know that an increase of $1.99 plus a couple of postage
stamps should take care of it.



Help for the Map-Challenged CIA

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit

source: Green Left Weekly #361 5/19/99


To Director of Central Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505

It has come to my attention that there was a bit of a boo-boo in Belgrade
this past week. Apparently the Central Intelligence Agency had some
difficulty locating the Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement and
accidentally bombed the Chinese Embassy.

It seems the problem had to do with having an outdated map. Maps must be
getting awfully expensive, because even with the CIA's $40 billion a year
budget, you guys apparently couldn't afford a current one. Therefore,
enclosed please find one map of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

I bought it at a local bookstore. (Don't worry about the cost, $1.99, it's
on me.) It has a copyright date of 1999, so it should be current.

While I was at the bookstore I also took the liberty of picking up a
Frommer's Travel Guide for Yugoslavia for you, should you choose to travel
there. What with all the death and destruction the United States and NATO
are causing there right now, hotel rates are probably pretty cheap.

Also, might I suggest that in the future you guys double check your maps
with the Internet? I managed to find the following addresses in about five
minutes of searching:

Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement
Tresnjin Cvet ST. 5 11000
Belgrade, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Embassy of the People's Republic of China
Tresnjin Cvet ST. 3 11000
Belgrade, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Cliff Pearson
Dallas, Texas


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