rn: Moving post on eco effects in Serbia, more on UN team


Jan Slakov

From: "Janet M Eaton" <•••@••.•••>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 12:25:47 +0000
Subject: [GSN] Polluted for years - NATO Strikes ...

From: "Janet M Eaton" <•••@••.•••>

I am still busy tracking the Environmental and human health 
consequenecs of the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia - 
This piece notes the terrible  impact of living in the midst 
of such horrendous levels of contamination as expereinced in Pancevo 
suberb north of Belgarde where the worst releases of toxic chemicals 
occured - into the air, soil and water  inluding the Danube source 
of drinking water for 10 million people !!

the following quote from the article below may be of 

  "I am afraid to even think what we breathed in, what
 chemicals got into our bodies," said Tamara                  
Radjenovic, a 32-year-old teacher, as she watched                  
her five-year old daughter Ana play in a park. Every                  
few minutes, the girl came to her mother to rest,                  
gasping for air. 

"She gets tired so easily, she has dark circles                  
around her eyes. It wasn't like that before the                  
bombs. She is not the child she used to be,"                  
Radjenovic said of her daughter with a deep,                  
sorrowful sigh. " 

There are presently  people in networks around the world who are 
working to ensure the NATO's crimes against humanity and human rights 
and their defiance and violation of international law, the Geneva 
Convention, all manner of environmental conventions  and treaties 
etc etc  both in Iraq and Yugoslavia are not forgotten - just as 
there are many on this list who work to ensure that a myriad  of 
mankinds inhumanities to women and children are exposed and 
articulated for the many minds mesmerized by the monstrous mainstream 
media propoganda of the globalizers.  

all the best 


The Canadian Press 

Serbian town will be polluted for years following NATO strikes 

by             MISHA SAVIC

                  PANCEVO, Yugoslavia (AP) - The grass is bleached to
                  a scary pale grey and little Ana has trouble
                  breathing when she plays in the park, weeks after
                  NATO caused environmental havoc by bombing key
                  industrial sites. 

                  Pancevo, an industrial town eight kilometres
                  northeast of Belgrade, was the town worst hit during
                  the air raids, and doctors and environmental experts
                  say the after-effects of the bombing will be felt
                  for years - and maybe generations - to come. 

                  Huge amounts of chemicals and poisonous fumes have
                  polluted the air, the ground and the water in and
                  around Pancevo. 

                  The damage dates back to April when NATO missiles
                  struck Pancevo's three major industrial sites - an
                  oil refinery, a nitrogen fertilizer factory and a
                  chemical plant, releasing hundreds of tonnes of
                  toxic materials that spread over the entire region. 

                  Weeks after the bombing ended, a visit to the
                  fertilizer factory still produced a stinging
                  sensation in the nose and throat. A sticky,
                  yellowish fluid, apparently a leaked chemical, stank
                  and slowly solidified under the blazing summer sun
                  near the front gate. 

                  "I am afraid to even think what we breathed in, what
                  chemicals got into our bodies," said Tamara
                  Radjenovic, a 32-year-old teacher, as she watched
                  her five-year old daughter Ana play in a park. Every
                  few minutes, the girl came to her mother to rest,
                  gasping for air. 

                  "She gets tired so easily, she has dark circles
                  around her eyes. It wasn't like that before the
                  bombs. She is not the child she used to be,"
                  Radjenovic said of her daughter with a deep,
                  sorrowful sigh. 

                  Local doctors who examined the girl said the
                  symptoms were caused by the chemicals and that there
                  was nothing they could do now. 

                  Pancevo's municipal authorities have compiled a
                  day-by-day list of dangerous leaks, fires and
                  explosions since March 24 when the air raids began.
                  The town of 70,000 was hit from the beginning. 

                  At least 25,000 tonnes of fuel, mostly from the
                  bombed refinery, burned into the atmosphere,
                  blanketing a wide area with a layer of tar. 

                  More than 1,400 tonnes of poisonous vinyl chloride
                  burned and spread noxious fumes when NATO bombs hit
                  a storage tank at Pancevo's Petrohemija factory. The
                  substance, normally used to produce plastics, is
                  carcinogenic, and two per cent of it turns into even
                  more dangerous phosgene when burned. 

                  A hundred tonnes of mercury, almost as much sodium
                  hydroxide and tonnes of other chemicals, including
                  nitric acid, burned up or leaked into the Danube

                  Those substances almost invariably cause respiratory
                  problems, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, skin rashes
                  and blisters when inhaled in even the smallest

                  In one of the worst nights of bombing, instruments
                  measuring pollution in Pancevo showed a vinyl
                  chloride concentration of 0.43 milligrams per cubic
                  metre, or 8,600 times more than recommended maximum

                  Doctors in Pancevo said there were about a hundred
                  cases of acute intoxication, mostly among nightshift
                  workers, security and firemen who were at the sites
                  during the nighttime raids. Three of them have died.

                  Health authorities are preparing a comprehensive
                  report expected to be released later this year.
                  While doctors have been instructed to withhold
                  details, they do acknowledge a sharp increase in
                  patients suffering from pollution-related symptoms.

                  "I had a patient who was treated for infertility
                  last year," said a local gynecologist, insisting on

                  "She wanted a baby so much, she was two months
                  pregnant when the bombing began. She got so
                  terrified of possible birth defects that she had an
                  abortion last month." 

                  The woman made her decision after a surge of
                  miscarriages in the town in late April, he said. 

                  Milan Borna, head of the environmental protection
                  department in Pancevo, said, "The full extent of the
                  damage will show in coming years. We fear that the
                  worst effects may be degenerative changes in future

                  Meanwhile, a 17-member expert team, assembled by the
                  UN Environment Program, arrived in Yugoslavia this
                  week and immediately headed to Pancevo to take
                  samples of water and soil for analysis in two mobile

                  A preliminary report is due later this month and a
                  broader one in September. UN Secretary General Kofi
                  Annan will then decide on possible follow-up

                  A mission member, speaking on condition of
                  anonymity, said a chief motive for the UN visit was
                  the health of the Danube River which flows through
                  Yugoslavia and into neighbouring Romania and
                  Bulgaria, carrying a share of the toxic chemicals

                                     c The Canadian Press, 1999


Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 01:32:57 +0400 (MSD)
From: •••@••.••• (Sviatoslav Zabelin)

     On July 8 the SEU Councul Chairman Sviatoslav Zabelin met in the
SEU Moscow hedquarters Pekka Haavisto, former Finnish Minister of
Environment, now the Head of UNEP and Habitat Balkan environment task
force on Environment and Human Settlement.
     According to Mr Haavisto it was important to know how the SEU
members active in expressing their position regarding Kosovo consider
the activities of this UN group. Balkan task force of UNEP and Habitat
is aimed to investigate how the military conflict affected the
environment and health conditions in the region. Balkan working group
publishes its weekly activity reports available on Internet:

     By this October the Group is planning to complete its final
report and to work out the recommendations for the elimination of the
war consequences for those countries which will be involved in the
Serbia national economy restoration activities.
This issue was written and complied by
Sviatoslav Zabelin, the SEU Council Co-Chair, •••@••.•••
Olga Berlova and Viktoria Kolesnikova, SEU CCI Press-secretaries,

     Previous SEU Times issues could be found at the International
Society for Environmental Ethics server: www.igc.org/gadfly