rn- Houston Principles of the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment


Richard Moore

Dear rn,

Interesting document, wouldn't you agree?


From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••>
To: <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Fw: Houston Principles of the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and
the Environment
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 00:02:39 -0800



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               On May 19, 1999, environmental and labor leaders confronted
               CEO Charles Hurwitz in Houston to demand that his Maxxam
               Corporation, which owns Kaiser Aluminum and Pacific Lumber
               Company, be held accountable for its impact on working
               people, communities and the environment.

               By clear-cutting ancient redwoods in Northern California, and
               by locking-out striking steelworkers in five cities, the
               Maxxam corporation has become an icon of corporate

               Recognizing that we have a common interest in making
               corporations more accountable for their behavior world-wide,
               environmental and labor leaders have formed the Alliance for
               Sustainable Jobs and the Environment and circulated the
               following statement, dubbed the "Houston Principles".


                  * The spectacular accumulation of wealth by corporations
                    and America's most affluent during the past two decades
                    has come with a huge price tag.
                  * Corporations have become more powerful than the
                    government entities designed to regulate them.
                  * The goal of a giant, global corporation is to maximize
                    wealth and to wield political power on its own behalf.
                    Too often, corporate leaders regard working people,
                    communities, and the natural world as resources to be
                    used and thrown away.
                  * Recognizing the tremendous stakes, labor unions and
                    environmental advocates are beginning to recognize our
                    common ground. Together we can challenge illegitimate
                    corporate authority over our country's and communities'
                    governing decisions.
                  * While we may not agree on everything, we are determined
                    to accelerate our efforts to make alliances as often as

               We believe that:

                  * A healthy future for the economy and the environment
                    requires a dynamic alliance between labor, management,
                    and environmental advocates.
                  * The same forces that threaten economic and biological
                    sustainability undermine the democratic process.
                  * The drive for short-term profits without regard for
                    long-term sustainability hurts working people,
                    communities, and the earth.
                  * Labor, environmental and community groups need to take
                    action to organize as a counter-balance to abusive
                    corporate power.

               The environmental and labor advocates who have signed these
               principles resolve to work together to:

                  * Remind the public that the original purpose behind the
                    creation of corporations was to serve the public
                    interest - namely working people, communities, and the
                  * Seek stricter enforcement of labor laws and advocate for
                    new laws to guarantee working people their right to form
                    unions and their right to bargain collectively.
                  * Make workplaces, communities and the planet safer by
                    reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions.
                  * Demand that global trade agreements include enforceable
                    labor and environmental standards.
                  * Promote forward-thinking business models that allow for
                    sustainability over the long term while protecting
                    working people, communities, and the environment.

               This ground-breaking alliance of labor and environmentalists
               invites all people to join with us in a spirit of creative
               cooperation. Together, we can forge a partnership that
               protects people and the planet.

                                       Sign This Now!


                ENVIRONMENT:                 LABOR
                ---------------------------- ------------------------------
                Bruce Hamilton               Elizabethe A. Brown
                Conservation Director        Assistant Administrative
                Sierra Club                  Officer
                                             The Newspaper Guild
                Paul Hawken                  Communications Workers of
                Author                       America

                David Brower                 Emil Ramirez
                Brower Fund                  Staff Representative
                                             United Steelworkers of
                John A. Knox                 America
                Executive Director
                Earth Island Institute       Carole Reed
                                             Rapid Response Coordinator
                John Cavanagh                USWA Local 9444
                Institute for Policy         Joseph T. Lesh, Jr.
                Studies                      President, Local 1181
                                             Washington Federation of
                Michael Renner               State Employees AFSCME,
                Senior Researcher            AFL-CIO
                Worldwatch Institute
                                             Jeff Mansfield
                Richard Drury                President
                Acting Executive Director    Greater Seattle Area Local
                Commentates for a Better     American Postal Workers Union
                                             Randy Berriochoa
                Juliette Majot               Treasurer
                Executive Director           Idaho Federation of Teachers,
                International Rivers         local #4582
                                             Richard Warner
                Brent Blackwelder            Staff Representative
                President                    USWA Local 300A
                Friends of the Earth
                                             Jack Gilchrist
                Carl Anthony                 Executive Secretary
                Executive Director           Seattle/King County Building
                Urban Habitat Program        and Construction Trades
                Jonathan Parfrey, MDA
                Executive Director           George Holmes
                Physicians for Social        President
                Responsibility               SEIU Local 202

                Suzanne Murphy               Sandy Sawyer
                Managing Director            President L-3197
                Redefining Progress          American Federation of
                                             Government Employees
                Paul Schwartz
                National Campaign Director   Brian White
                Clean Water Action           Chair SAOP Steward
                                             Local 120 AFL-CIO
                Mark Ritchie
                President                    Jason Oringer
                Institute for Agriculture    Communications Team
                and Trade Policy             USWA

                Carol L. Wright              Marlene Myers
                Executive Director           Secretary
                Klamath Forest Alliance      Local 1066

                Kelly Quirke                 Gene Achziger
                Executive Director           President
                Rainforest Action Network    TNG/CWA Local 37082

                Jim Jontz                    Paul F Glavin
                Executive Director           Administration Officer
                American Lands Alliance      TNG/CWA Local 37082

                John Passacantando           Wayne B. Pretts
                Executive Director           President
                Ozone Action                 Wenatchee Aluminum Trades
                Lois Gibbs
                Executive Director           Dan Buell
                Center for Health and        President
                Environmental Justice        Cowlitz & Wahklakum Central
                                             Labor Council
                Tom Turner
                Director of Publications     Kenneth White
                Earthjustice Legal Defense   President
                Fund                         Idaho Association of Letter
                Peter Rosset
                Executive Director           Gary Sites
                Food First/ Institute for    President
                Food and Development Policy  USWA Local 341

                Paul Mason                   W C Beck
                Executive Director           President, Local #338
                Environment Protection       United Steel Workers of
                Information Center (EPIC)    America

                Hal Kane                     Doug Godinho
                Executive Director           President
                Pacific Environment and      USWA Local 703
                Resource Center
                                             Larry L Kenck
                Marguerite Young             Business Representative
                California Director          Teamsters Union Local 582
                Clean Water Action
                                             Rudy Hashberger
                Huey D. Johnson              Secretary,
                President                    Linn-Benton-Lincoln Labor
                Resource Renewal Institute   Council
                                             Oregon AFL/CIO
                Diane Takvorian
                Executive Director           Douglas Baier
                Environmental Health         Secretary
                Coalition                    Bremerton Fire Fighters, 1
                                             AFF #437
                Paul Spitler
                Executive Director           Terry L Bonds
                California Wilderness        District Director
                Coalition                    United Steelworkers of
                                             America District 12
                Patricia M. Clary
                Executive Director           Gil Hayes
                Californians for             Secretary-Treasurer
                Alternatives to Toxics       Mid Columbia Labor Council

                Samuel La Buddy              James D Phillips
                Executive Director           Chairman, L & E Committee
                Endangered Species Project   USWA 917

                Christine Stevens            Robert N Woodson
                President                    Business Manager and
                Animal Welfare Institute     Secretary-Treasurer
                                             Laborers' International Union
                Paul Hughes                  of North America, Local 901
                Executive Director
                Forests Forever              William Bokovoy
                Dr. Henry Clark              United Food and Commercial
                Executive Director           Workers Union, Local 381
                West County Toxics
                Coalition                    Donald Goldberg
                                             Senior Attorney
                Gary Cohen                   CIEL
                Environmental Health Fund    Tony Micciche
                Greg Small                   USWA Local 8599
                Executive Director
                Pesticide Watch              James Karr
                David Korten                 University of Washington
                People Centered Development  John Morgan
                Forum                        Financial Secretary/Treasurer
                                             UBC Local 1532
                Ted Smith
                Director                     Shirley Kenck
                Silicon Valley Toxics        State Committee Woman
                Coalition                    Kootenai County Democrat
                                             Central Committee
                Franses F. Korten
                Executive Director           Jean Patterson
                The Positive Futures         Clerk, San Jose Friends
                Network                      Meeting
                                             Friends Committee on Unity
                Dave Henson                  with Nature
                Executive Director
                Occidental Arts and Ecology  Ronald Forest
                Center                       Financial Secretary
                                             Carpenters Local No. 131
                Jay Letto
                President                    Laura Huth
                Central Cascades Alliance    Urbana City Council Member
                                             Ward 5
                David Cobb
                Secretary                    Normand Coen
                Green Party of Texas         Rec. Secretary
                                             USWA Local 7263
                Jill Ratner
                President                    Harold Withrow, President
                Rose Foundation              AFSCME Local 120,
                                             Tacoma, WA
                Craig Thomas
                Director                     Jan Conley
                The Center for Sierra        Lake Superior Greens
                Nevada Conservation          Superior, WI 54880

                Gina Giazzoni                Shirley Haglund
                State College Coordinator    USWA Local # 9444
                Allegheny Defense Project    Roseville,Mn

                Adam Roberts                 Michael Wodaszewski
                Research Associate           USWA Local # 7263
                Society for Animal           Vadnais Ht, Mn 55109
                Protective Legislation
                                             Jean Frogner
                Sanford Lewis                USWA
                Attorney                     Duluth, Mn 55805
                Strategic Counsel on
                Corporate Accountability     Robert Hollenbach
                                             USWA Local # 9444
                Karen Pickett                Minnapolis, Mn 55411
                Bay Area Coalition for       Dennis A Gille
                Headwaters                   USWA Local # 7263
                                             Lakeland, Mn 55043
                Luke Cole
                Director                     Wilbur L Wilson
                Center on Race, Poverty &    USWA Local # 310
                the Environment              DesMoines, Ia 50313

                David E Ortman               Charles R Cassatt
                President                    USWA Local 105a
                Wise Use Movement            Bettendorf, Ia 52722

                Thomas R. Lent               Robert Marsden
                President                    USWA Local 7945
                Association of Flight        Tacoma, Wa 98421
                Attendants--Alaska Airlines
                                             Thomas Card
                Wenonah Hauter               USWA Local # 460 g
                Director                     Kassota, Mn 56050
                Public Citizen's Critical
                Mass Energy Project          Bradford Lynch
                                             Mid Columbia Labor Council
                Paula Palmer                 The Dalles, Or 97058
                Executive Director
                Global Response              Gilbert L Hayes
                                             Mid Columbia Labor Council
                Cal Broomhead                The Dalles,Or 97058
                Bureau of Energy
                Conservation                 T Jay Kelso
                San Francisco, CA            USWA Local 13214
                                             Green River, Wy 82935
                Prof. Lee Altenberg
                Information and Computer     Albert Battisti
                Sciences,                    USWA Local 13214
                University of Hawaii at      Rock Springs, Wy 82901
                                             Daniel Haanpaa
                Jim Puckett                  USWA Local # 13214
                Director                     Green River Wy, 82935
                Asia Pacific Environmental
                Exchange (APEX)              Arthur Sumstine
                                             USWA Local # 8907
                David Wood                   Kansas City, Mo 64120
                Senior Associate
                Center on Wisconsin          Robert Sprague
                Strategy                     USWA Local 8907
                                             Holden, Mo 69040-9460
                Lisa Mastny
                Staff Researcher             Terry Bush
                Worldwatch Institute         USWA Local 105
                                             Bettendorf, Ia 52722
                William A Shutkin
                President                    Carole J Reed
                New Ecology Inc.             USWA Local # 9444
                                             Chisago City, Mn 55013
                Chris Ford
                Steering Committee Member    Will Herold
                Southern Arizona Alliance    USWA Local # 2175
                for Economic Justice.        Farmington, Mn 55024-9425

                Charles M Miller, esq.       Gary Partlow
                Attorney                     USWA Local 2175
                Law Office of Charles M.     Lakeville, Mn 55044
                                             Keith Porter jr
                Celia F. Alario              USWA Local # 6803
                Communications Team          Albert Lea, Mn 56007
                USWA and Amazon Watch
                                             Michael King
                Thomas Ryan                  USWA Local # 216
                Community Services Director  Kansas City, Mo
                San Francisco Labor Council
                                             Janice Vochoska
                Scott Tundermann             USWA Local # 9444
                Sustainable Energy Choice    St Paul, Mn 55117
                Institute for Science and    A. E Stattelman
                Interdisciplinary Studies    USWA Local # 307
                                             Topeka, Ks 66608
                EMT O'Nan
                Director                     Sally Edwards
                Protect All Children's       USWA Local # 286
                Environment                  Lincoln, Ne

                Bill Welsch                  Earl Ransom
                President                    USWA Local # 307L
                Safe Alternative for our     Topeka, Ks 66608
                Forest Environment (SAFE)
                                             Wil Leiker
                Beth Burrows                 USWA Local # 307
                President/Director           Topeka, Ks 66615
                The Edmonds Institute
                                             Randy L Hague
                Harlin Savage                USWA Local # 307L
                Director                     Topeka, Ks 66608
                Colorado Forest Program
                                             Don Grow
                Fredy Champagne              USWA Local # 286
                President                    Lincoln, Ne
                Veterans for Peace, Inc.
                                             Victor Hernandez
                Julia Butterfly Hill         USWA Local # 2561
                                             Kansas City, Ks 61106
                Alan Rose
                Professor Emeritus           Richard Warner
                University of Idaho          Staff Rep USWA
                                             Vancouver, Wa 98683
                Nancy Kubasek
                Author                       Steve Powers
                "Environmental Law"          Staff Rep USWA
                                             Minneapolis, Mn 55414
                Hugh M. Carola               (612) 623-8840 Fax
                Hackensack Meadowlands       Jacks Calvaresi
                Preservation Alliance        USWA
                                             Bloomington, Mn 55420
                Mary Bull
                SF Coordinator               Emil Ramirez
                Boycott the Gap Campaign     Staff Rep USWA
                                             Independence, Mo 64555
                John Grech
                Public Officer               Tereasa Gunderson
                Earth Worker Inc., Canada    SMDC Ashland
                                             Grandview, Wi 54839
                Steve Brooks
                Coordinator                  Lynn Wedlund
                Virginia Forest Watch        SMDC Ashland
                                             Ashland, Wi 54806
                Larry Weiss
                Coordinator                  Kim Welty
                Labor, Globalization and     SMDC Ashland
                Human Rights Project         Ashland, Wi 54806
                Resource Center of the

                Stephen Bezruchka, MD, MPH
                Affiliate Assistant
                Department of Health
                University of Washington

                David Muhly
                Virginia Forest Watch

                Bill Devall
                Deep Ecology Resource

                Shirley J Shelburn
                Humbolt Watershed Council
                Rt 1 Trinidad ,Ca 95570

                Ken Miller
                Salmon Forever
                Mckinleyville, Ca 95519

                Marianne DE Sobrino
                Redwoods Chapter Sierra
                Eureka, Ca 95503

                Kyle Haines
                Forest Protection
                Klamath Forest Alliance

                John Sellers
                Rukus Society

                Karen Litfin, Associate
                Department of Political
                University of Washington -

                Bob Martel
                Executive Director
                Humboldt Watershed Council

                Chad Hanson
                Executive Director
                John Muir Project

                Christine Cooper, Ph.D
                Faculty of Business
                University of New Brunswick
                Saint John

                Jacek Purat
                School of Information
                Management and Systems
                University of California at

                Steve Thompson
                Natural Resource Consultant
                Whitefish, MI

                Cam Walker
                Friends of the Earth

                Darryl Cherney, Executive
                Environmentally Sound
                Redway, CA

                Stephen Graves
                Land Use Consultant
                Soquel, CA

                Bryony Schwan, Exec.
                Women's Voices for the
                Missoula, MT

                Nancy Fesco
                Boreal Forest Campaign
                Northern Alaska
                Environmental Center

                Julian Powers
                Co-Chair for Legislative
                Spokane Transportation
                Choice Coalition

                Kimberly Burkland
                Central Cascades Alliance

                Robert Cramer
                Taxpayers for Headwaters

                Martha Bergotten
                Campaign Coordinator
                Southern Appalachian
                Biodiversity Project

                Lois Barber
                International Coordinator

                Tim Bristol
                Southeast Alaska
                Conservation Council

                Larry Campbell
                Executive Director
                Friends of the Bitterroot

                Bill Metzger
                Great Lakes Brewing News

                Kurt Newick
                Global Warming activist

                Juliette Beck
                Campaign Director, Global

               Sign On!

               I/we support the houston principles




        The Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment (ASJE)
      PO Box 3536, Eureka, CA 95502  tel-707-443-1783, fax-707-443-3331
Please make any donation checks payable to ASJE and mail to the address above.

               Site Design by Sam Corl - Copyright ASJE, 1999


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            A community will evolve only when
            the people control their means of communication.
                -- Frantz Fanon

            Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
            committed citizens can change the world,
            indeed it's the only thing that ever has.
                - Margaret Mead