Dear RN, Perhaps you remember Vicki Robin saying that, "Some of the people who impressed me most for their inter-NGO bridge building were representatives of Alliance for Democracy, United for a Fair Economy and Sustainable America. They said… We need to watch out for the turf and leadership and funding wars that break us apart in petty ways." [cf. RN posting of Dec. 29, 99] Below is a speech from David Lewit, who has been working with the Alliance for Democracy (and our Renaissance Network effort) for quite some time. A beautiful speech, which makes clear where the best and brightest of American values are leading us now. all the best, Jan ********************************************************************** Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 00:31:00 -0500 (EST) From: David Lewit <•••@••.•••> Martin Luther King and the World Trade Organization* David Lewit, Alliance for Democracy and Veterans for Peace Martin Luther King was still in high school when Eleanor Roosevelt became chair of the UN's Commission on Human Rights in 1946. By the time she died in 1963, five years before Dr. King was killed, they had succeeded together in making human rights the watchword of the postwar decades. Eleanor Roosevelt worked to ensure that the world-wide structure of the United Nations, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, would be there to protect all of us. Martin Luther King worked to inspire and mobilize us to value human rights and human dignity above material concerns and prejudice-ridden institutions. Roosevelt brought the moral energy of knowing the poor of the world. King's energy stemmed in large part from the persistent bitter taste of oppression among black people in the US despite two decades of steadily rising living standards among most of its working people. But humans don't live by dignity alone—-we need bread and medicine, and we strive for the things that enable us to live well and, in the West, to make the most of ourselves. To provide the commercial basis for this and to ensure its world power, the US government and some of its allies during World War II set up—-alongside the UN—-the World Bank, the IMF, and plans for a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which would evolve into the World Trade Organization—-the WTO. Martin Luther King, Jr., was only 15 at the time these institutions were set up, but after twenty years of struggle in civil rights and several years of witness to the war in Vietnam, he came to realize fully the connections at the heart of the cold warrior's System. In his last presidential address to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference he said "Question the WHOLE society. [This] means ultimately coming to see that the problems of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together." It would be another generation before most Americans began to connect the dots, but that time seems to have come—-in popular resistance to Fast Track and NAFTA, the citizen derailing of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), and the recent confrontation with the WTO in Seattle. If he were alive today, what would Martin Luther King think of the World Trade Organization? I don't hesitate to answer: He would call it an abomination. Had he lived another five years, he would have heard the self-appointed Trilateral Commission, whose leaders included President Jimmy Carter, and more recently Governor Bill Clinton, say that we suffer from "an excess of democracy." At that critical time, about 1974, the tone of US foreign policy changed. The Vietnam war had ended in shame to the US, and President Nixon had resigned in shame. The draft had ended and young people settled back to mind their own business. President Ford pardoned Nixon and most people cynically accepted it and the legalized corruption in lobby-ridden Government. Washington apologists felt that the way to vindicate themselves was to assert power rather than to seek conciliation with the public. "Let the power-seekers have their way." If MILITARY power had failed, the army could be professionally reorganized without draftees--President Carter expanded the military budget. POLITICAL power could be projected in other ways as the CIA did in promoting dictators in Chile and Indonesia. But the third force--ECONOMIC power— would lead the way to a New World Order. The corporate elites of the industrialized countries would flood the world with new products whose benefits would trickle down somehow to low-paid workers. In fact, worker's incomes in the United States stopped rising and their hours lengthened as the incomes of the top fifth of the country soared. In the Third World millions of farmers and fishers would lose their livelihoods and be reduced to absolute poverty. The Trilateral Commission, a conservative and well-connected group of idealists and planners from North America, Europe, and Japan, unfurled the banner of "free trade" and accelerated the momentum of multinational corporations. Free trade was anything but free, but instead promoted the monopolistic interests of the biggest companies. Their basic instrument was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade--GATT, which gave birth in 1995 to the World Trade Organization. The GATT, signed by the trade ministers of most industrialized countries, started modestly but over the years established principles eating away at the authority of nations trying to protect their traditional agriculture, their fledgling industries, their public institutions, and the hard-earned rights of workers and other ordinary citizens who were not corporate stockholders. In a brief 25 years multi-national corporations have become TRANSnational corporations, seizing a level of privilege—-meaning "above the law"--previously unknown. Today, more than half of the largest 100 economies of the world are not countries, but corporations. Their money can buy influence and command armies and covert operations. These exclusive, authoritarian bodies can control nations rather than nations controlling them. They can force nations to change their laws regarding, health, labor, affirmative action, clean environment, resources, community development, relations with local and state governments and democracy itself. What features of this audacious new system, represented by the WTO, would have troubled Martin Luther King? First, WTO places profits above people. Any law or practice that gets in the way of transnational corporate profit may be challenged under WTO rules. Thus a WTO tribunal judged parts of the Lomé Convention illegal, which had allowed Britain and other former imperial powers to favor products from their former Caribbean colonies. The tariff difference against Central American bananas acted like a subsidy to the primary industry of the little island nations of Saint Lucia, Dominica, and Saint Vincent, which produce less than three percent of the bananas in international trade. At the behest of American-owned Chiquita Corporation, the US filed suit with the WTO, even though no bananas are grown anywhere in the US. And the WTO tribunal, as always so far, came down on the side of the corporation. So Lomé had to be renegotiated, even though nothing was judged about Chiquita's subsidy to the Democratic and Republican parties of almost a million dollars, not to speak of other corporate welfare arranged in Washington. A large part of the populations of those Caribbean islands will now be out of work, unable to compete price-wise with bananas grown by Chiquita on their giant plantations in Central America under poverty wage conditions. What would Martin Luther King have said about this? Actually he said it a year before he was murdered: "I am convinced," he said, "that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin to shift from a thing-oriented society to a person- oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered..." A second feature of WTO is its denial of any social or environmental relevance or responsibility. Despite Bill Clinton's urging the inclusion of labor and environmental standards in his speech to the WTO in Seattle, spokespersons for WTO say its mandate is merely commercial, and that matters of labor should be taken up in the International Labor Organization, and that matters of environment should be taken up in multilateral environmental agreements. Never mind that only the WTO has enforcement powers. Never mind that major tax-supported projects in most Northern countries—-military aside—-require environmental and social impact studies before approval. I don't know exactly what Dr. King would have said. He might have pointed to the WTO's contempt for native and dark-skinned peoples as illustrated in the banana case and the transnational corporations' exploitation, under WTO protection, of half a billion farm folk in India. But as illustrated by his Vietnam War speech at Riverside Church in New York in 1967, King believed in comprehensive and candid assessments of difficult problems--linking social, political, and economic considerations. This speech may have cost him his life. Another feature of WTO is its unequal justice. Commercial complaints, even those involving foreign trade and investment, can and often are taken to regular domestic courts. Judgments in domestic courts take into consideration decades or centuries of labor, environmental, and democratic procedural law and custom. In order to avoid such concerns, the WTO took from GATT what they call "dispute settlement" and "arbitration" processes in their own tribunals, now usually in Switzerland. Affected parties such as taxpayers, customers, companies, and unions are excluded from the proceedings which are argued by government lawyers. The judges are not broadly experienced jurists, but narrowly experienced trade lawyers drawn from a WTO pool. Lawyers in the pool are often nominated by organizations like the International Chamber of Commerce, while government lawyers arguing the cases answer to unelected political appointees often beholden to large corporations which help to draft WTO rules and to whose ranks government lawyers often retire. Having been ratified by Congress and the parliaments of other WTO member countries, GATT and other multilateral agreements which constitute the WTO rulebook are law--the "supreme law of the land." WTO rulings cannot be reviewed by our Supreme Court or any domestic court in any country. Martin Luther King said "Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." The leadership of the WTO favor privatization of just about every public service except the military and the courts, so that foreign companies can bid to provide such services for profit. Up for approval in the failed Seattle meetings of the WTO ministers was an extension of the General Agreement on Trade in Services—- GATS, which would cover not only banking, brokerage, insurance, transportation and telecommunications, but be extended to education, health services, and even municipal water systems and the water itself. Martin Luther King said, in questioning a capitalist system which creates so many poor people: "Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two-thirds water?" Dr. King would be concerned about many other features of the WTO and the corporate, elitist system it represents. He would be concerned about the secrecy in which the WTO and similar agreements are drafted, and the discrimination against Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans who have been excluded from the drafting process and even from the critical preparatory meetings of the WTO ministers, who finally rebelled in Seattle. Dr. King would be concerned about the dependency which WTO creates by disabling native and regional systems, breaking apart their social and economic aspects, and forcing poor countries and regions to export their products for cash and buy their necessities with that cash, often at the mercy of plunging world commodity prices. Whereas WTO seeks to reduce and eliminate product bans and tariff barriers, it has no such concern with immigration barriers. It seeks equal treatment for foreign and domestic corporations, but does not seek equal treatment for immigrants and migrant workers. It seeks to prevent taxation of speculative millions of dollars flying around the world each minute electronically, but its proponents would not discourage taxation of unions at the same rates as corporations. Its policies encourage maximum profit-taking with minimum social and environmental responsibility, thus fostering a "race to the bottom" in working conditions and living conditions and all services that must be paid for in the absence of public services. Martin Luther King would surely decry this false philosophy of merit. Reporters with major newspapers implied or misreported that protesters in Seattle were against world trade. With all our criticism and condemnation of the WTO, would King have wanted an end to world trade? I think Martin Luther King was a practical as well as a moral man. Where Gandhi may have fostered simple village life, the African village is too far removed from the memory of African-Americans. King certainly did not want a return to the cotton plantation. He was less concerned with the organization of production than with the spirit of hatred or love that moves people to oppress or to support their fellow humans. Where WTO-advocates concur at some level that "greed is good," Dr. King would certainly take issue. Were he alive today, I think he would put it to people of all means—-rich, poor, and middling: * What system of production and trade do you want in the place-or-places where you live? * How would you reconcile the differences in wealth and sharing in your own town-and- region, and between regions of the world? * And how would you speak for the Earth itself? I think Dr. King would rejoice in a decade of full and fair dialog. ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * talk sponsored by Veterans for Peace at Ipswich MA, 17 Jan 2000